摘要: We don’t understand the meaning of the sentences. So my teacher has e them to us again and again.


Around the age of 40, honest people may already admit to noticing changes in their mental abilities. This is the beginning of a gradual decline that in all too many of us will end with full-blown dementia(痴呆).
However, a few drugs that might do the job, known as “cognitive enhancement(认知增强)”, are already on the market, and a few dozen others are on the way. Perhaps the best-known is modafinil. Licensed to treat narcolepsy, the condition that causes people to suddenly fall asleep, it has notable effects in healthy people too. Modafinil can keep a person awake and his or her attention fixed for 90 hours straight, with none of anxiety, nervousness and bad concentration. In fact, with the help of modafinil, people who can hardly go to sleep can perform even better than their well-rested, un-medicated(未服药的) selves.
It’s an open secret that many, perhaps most, prescriptions for modafinil are written not for people who suffer from narcolepsy, but for those who simply want to stay awake. Similarly, many people are using Ritalin not because they suffer from attention problem or any other disorder, but because they want superior concentration during exams or heavy-duty activities.
Some drugs have also been specially designed to improve memory. Many of these seem to work, and without any major side effects. So why aren’t we all on cognitive enhancers already?
“We need to be careful what we wish for,” says Daniele Piomelli at the University of California at Irvine. Repairing and improving memory may have unwanted effects, he warns. “Eventually we may end up remembering things we don’t want to.”
56. According to the message, we can learn that originally modafinil is a drug designed for _____.
A. for both healthy and unhealthy people
B. the treatment of dementia
C. people who can hardly go to sleep
D. those suffering from falling asleep suddenly
57. The passage mainly talks about _____.
A. dementia—a threat to the old people                     B. modafinil—a nice drug for dementia
C. relevant drugs to a better brain                      D. cognitive enhancement
58. The underlined sentences in paragraph two wants to tell us that _____.
A. without modafinil people suffering from sleep problems cannot rest well
B. people lacking sleep can work better than they are in a healthy state if taking modafinil
C. modafinil has greater effects on healthy people if they take it
D. with modafinil people suffering from narcolepsy can fall asleep easily
59. What’s the writer’s attitude to the drugs mentioned in the passage?
A. Positive.    B. Negative.    C. Objective(客观的).   D. Doubtful.


第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
The man known as the French “ Spiderman” climbed The New York Times building on Thursday to draw attention to global warming, and six hours later another climber made the same climb.
Alain Robert, 45, the first person to climb the 52-story skyscraper, told reporters ahead of the climb on the UN World Environment Day his aim was to raise awareness of global warming since this is one of the main problems for our time.
His manager Julie Cohen said she knew nothing about the second climber. She added that Robert’s climbs were without risk and he was a professional climber.
Robert climbed without equipment except for climbing shoes. He was greeted at the top by the police who arrested him. 
The second climber was also immediately arrested at the top by police. His climb at the height of the evening rush hour drew crowds and was shown live on at least one TV station.
Several people in the crowd shouted“jump” when he stopped part of the way to rest, but there was a loud cheer as he reached the top. Wearing red pants , black climbing shoes and a white T-shirt that read “ Malaria(疟疾) No More”, the man laughed as he was led away by the police from the building.
“ We don’t look at him as a modern spiderman,” said James Coil, a member of the police emergency services unit. “ We look at him as somebody who not only puts his life at risk but is one of members of the public as well.”
Martin Edlund, director of “ Malaria No More”, which aims to prevent the one million yearly deaths from malaria, said the climber had nothing to do with them, but they appreciated his enthusiasm.
56.When was Alain Robert arrested at the top of the building by police?
A. In the early morning.     B. In the late afternoon.
C. In the evening.          D. About at noon.
57. We learn from the text that Robert’s climb was________.
A. cheered by the police    B. supported by his manager
C. prevented by the owner of the skyscraper
D. laughed at by the people watching him
58. The second climber did the same thing as Robert with the purpose of_____.
A. showing that he is as good as Robert 
B. drawing people’s attention to global warming
C. doing something for people’s health improvement
D. making himself well known in the world
59.The underlined sentence shows that________.
A. risk is popular in the USA
B. the Americans go in for risks
C. the actions like the two men’s are forbidden in the USA
D. the USA government supports the actions of risk


第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


The man known as the French “ Spiderman” climbed The New York Times building on Thursday to draw attention to global warming, and six hours later another climber made the same climb.

Alain Robert, 45, the first person to climb the 52-story skyscraper, told reporters ahead of the climb on the UN World Environment Day his aim was to raise awareness of global warming since this is one of the main problems for our time.

His manager Julie Cohen said she knew nothing about the second climber. She added that Robert’s climbs were without risk and he was a professional climber.

Robert climbed without equipment except for climbing shoes. He was greeted at the top by the police who arrested him. 

The second climber was also immediately arrested at the top by police. His climb at the height of the evening rush hour drew crowds and was shown live on at least one TV station.

Several people in the crowd shouted“jump” when he stopped part of the way to rest, but there was a loud cheer as he reached the top. Wearing red pants , black climbing shoes and a white T-shirt that read “ Malaria(疟疾) No More”, the man laughed as he was led away by the police from the building.

“ We don’t look at him as a modern spiderman,” said James Coil, a member of the police emergency services unit. “ We look at him as somebody who not only puts his life at risk but is one of members of the public as well.”

Martin Edlund, director of “ Malaria No More”, which aims to prevent the one million yearly deaths from malaria, said the climber had nothing to do with them, but they appreciated his enthusiasm.

56.When was Alain Robert arrested at the top of the building by police?

A. In the early morning.     B. In the late afternoon.

C. In the evening.          D. About at noon.

57. We learn from the text that Robert’s climb was________.

A. cheered by the police    B. supported by his manager

C. prevented by the owner of the skyscraper

D. laughed at by the people watching him

58. The second climber did the same thing as Robert with the purpose of_____.

A. showing that he is as good as Robert 

B. drawing people’s attention to global warming

C. doing something for people’s health improvement

D. making himself well known in the world

59.The underlined sentence shows that________.

A. risk is popular in the USA

B. the Americans go in for risks

C. the actions like the two men’s are forbidden in the USA

D. the USA government supports the actions of risk



    Over the past ten years, we have made some big steps forward in our common struggle for development, security and human rights. Aid and debt relief have increased, making the world economy somewhat fairer. At last, the world is taking action against HIV/AIDS. There are fewer wars between countries than there used to be; and many civil wars have ended. More Governments are elected by, and responsible for, the people whom they govern. And all States protect people from war crimes, racial cleansing and crimes against humanity.

     But there is so much that still needs doing. The gap between rich and poor continues to grow. Many people still face serious crime, discrimination, and racial conflict. Nuclear weapons require urgent attention. Terrorism, and the reaction to it, is spreading fear and suspicion. It seems that we don't even agree which threats are most important. Those who live on small islands may see global warming as the biggest danger. Those who live in a city that has suffered terrorist attacks, like New York, or Mumbai, or Istanbul, may feel that fighting against terrorism is more urgent. Others again may cite poverty, disease, or genocide. The truth is, these are all global threats. All of us should be concerned about all of them. Otherwise, we may" not succeed in dealing with any of them.

     At this time of all times, we cannot afford to be divided. I know that you, the peoples of the world, understand this. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given me throughout these ten difficult but exciting years.

     Please urge your leaders to work with my successor, and make the United Nations ever stronger and more effective.

     Long live our planet and its peoples. Long live the United Nations!

72. The first paragraph mainly describes______________.

     A. the fact that the United Nations has become stronger

     B. the achievements that the United Nations has made

     C. the threats that the United Nations has come across

     D. the steps that have been taken to help developing countries

73. From the second paragraph we learn___________________.

     A. which problems are the most important

     B. the task to improve our world is not so difficult

     C. we still have a long way to go to achieve world peace

     D. the future of the world is not certain

74. According to the text, which of the following is not true?

    A. Islanders care more about terrorism than global warming.

B. More leaders are voted for by the people for. whom they are responsible, whom they govern.

     C, The speaker has spent almost all his professional life working for the United Nations

     D. People around the world don't agree which threats are most important,

75. The speech must have been made by the_________________.

    A. Secretary-General of the UN           B. president of the US

    C. prime minister of the UK              D. president of the PRC


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


   The man known as the French “ Spiderman” climbed The New York Times building on Thursday to draw attention to global warming, and six hours later another climber made the same climb.

   Alain Robert, 45, the first person to climb the 52-story skyscraper, told reporters ahead of the climb on the UN World Environment Day his aim was to raise awareness of global warming since this is one of the main problems for our time.

   His manager Julie Cohen said she knew nothing about the second climber. She added that Robert’s climbs were without risk and he was a professional climber.

   Robert climbed without equipment except for climbing shoes. He was greeted at the top by the police who arrested him. 

   The second climber was also immediately arrested at the top by police. His climb at the height of the evening rush hour drew crowds and was shown live on at least one TV station.

   Several people in the crowd shouted“jump” when he stopped part of the way to rest, but there was a loud cheer as he reached the top. Wearing red pants , black climbing shoes and a white T-shirt that read “ Malaria(疟疾) No More”, the man laughed as he was led away by the police from the building.

   “ We don’t look at him as a modern spiderman,” said James Coil, a member of the police emergency services unit. “ We look at him as somebody who not only puts his life at risk but is one of members of the public as well.”

   Martin Edlund, director of “ Malaria No More”, which aims to prevent the one million yearly deaths from malaria, said the climber had nothing to do with them, but they appreciated his enthusiasm.

56.When was Alain Robert arrested at the top of the building by police?

A. In the early morning.     B. In the late afternoon.

C. In the evening.          D. About at noon.

57. We learn from the text that Robert’s climb was________.

A. cheered by the police    B. supported by his manager

C. prevented by the owner of the skyscraper

D. laughed at by the people watching him

58. The second climber did the same thing as Robert with the purpose of_____.

A. showing that he is as good as Robert 

B. drawing people’s attention to global warming

C. doing something for people’s health improvement

D. making himself well known in the world

59.The underlined sentence shows that________.

A. risk is popular in the USA

B. the Americans go in for risks

C. the actions like the two men’s are forbidden in the USA

D. the USA government supports the actions of risk


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