摘要: Which of the following is NOT true? A. In the U.S about one person per day dies from lightning. B. The Empire State Building frequently gets hit by lightning. C. Swimming during a thunder storm is a good idea. D. A closed car is the best place to be during an electrical storm.


     I work in a major U.S. factory. We make refrigerators. Four thousand five hundred new refrigerators
every day. It is a union workshop and it's gradually shrinking as many blue collar factories seem to be but
that is not what this story is about. This story is about one man who works in this huge factory.
     I've seen him around for years but never paid much attention. He always seemed just a little strange.
A little short. A little... scruffy (肮脏的). Always the same old red ball cap. And always a garbage bag
in one hand. He walks around this big old factory on his breaks and his lunch time collecting aluminum
(铝) cans. Day after day, month after month on hot days and cold days. Over the years I've followed
him as he walked to his old pickup truck on the coldest day with snow blowing and everyone with their
collars turned up and their hands in their pockets. He would be there with a 40 gallon garbage bag full of
aluminum cans. He'd toss it into the back of his truck and jump in and I'd reach my car and jump in and
we'd all race to the exit of this big half empty parking lot.
     Today I was working on a broken machine in this factory and the can man came by with his bag
picking up cans. Our manager was standing there because the machine I was working on had been
"down" for a couple of hours and he was getting worried that we might run out of the parts for one of
the assembly lines(装配线). I was finishing and I stood up just as the manager asked the can man what
he did with all those cans. I'd never thought to ask him that question because I always just assumed he
cashed them at the recycle center. The can man said: "I give them to my neighbor. He's disabled and
can't hold a job." I blurted out: "You mean you've been collecting all those cans for all these years to
give to your neighbor?" "It isn't much," he said, "but I give them to him. He can't hold a job." Right then
and there in that factory I found myself staring at him. He was wearing a T-shirt and an old red ball cap
and he had a garbage bag full of aluminum cans in his hand! I don't even know his name, but I thank him
for the lesson he's taught me.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. the author didn't like the can man before knowing about his story
B. making friends at work was not encouraged
C. the author drove a very old pickup truck
D. aluminum cans couldn't be recycled
2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. The manager was angry seeing the man picking up cans in the factory.
B. The author thought the can man sold the cans for extra money.
C. The manager was worried because he might be short of cans.
D. People in the factory all looked down upon the can man.
3. What's the possible meaning of the underlined phrase "blurted out" in the last paragraph?
A. said suddenly without thinking much
B. screamed at somebody in anger
C. spoke in a low voice thoughtfully
D. shouted to somebody cheerfully
4. What lesson does the author learn from the story?
A. Never judge a person by his appearance.
B. Don't work in a factory as a blue collar worker.
C. Always treat neighbors as family members.
D. Kindness is from the bottom of one's heart.


  John Bull

  In speaking of John Bull, an image immediately appears in our mind.He is short and fat, with a tall hat on his head and a pair of boots on his feet.It is the nickname for Britain, but where does it come from?

  Originally, John Bull denoted generally Britain or any Englishman in the seventeenth century, just as Uncle Sam refers to the U.S.A.in the nineteenth century and became the symbol of America in 1961.In the eighteenth century, a Scottish writer named John Arbuthnot(1667-1735), who wrote a book called“The History of John Bull”, in which he bitterly and vividly depicted the frankness, uneasiness(不安)and funniness of a gentleman called John Bull.He described him so vividly and with such remarkable truth to life that the nickname spread far and wide, and has become a synonym for Britain which everybody knows.In the nineteenth century, cartoonists displayed him in caricatures(漫画)so everyone now has a visual(形象的)image of him.

  “Ladies First

  “Ladies First”is also a British custom, though it is less observed today than it used to be.The reason seems to be the fact that women are the equals of men in having the vote, taking paid employment and receiving higher education, but there is still the feeling that they need protection.It is still considered polite to let a woman go first, to protect her from traffic, to help her get on and get off the bus and to do many other things for her.

  Talking about the weather

  When you meet a person in Britain and do not know how to start your conversation, you may say, “It's a nice day, isn't it?”or“It looks like rain”, or you might say, “I hope the rain lets up soon”, or something like that.Why do the Englishmen usually talk about the weather?There are probably two reasons.One is the uncertainty of the weather.Some people even say, “One can experience four seasons in the course of a single day!”So you may laugh when you see in London that the Englishmen are wearing raincoats or carrying umbrellas on a bright sunny day.Another reason is that talking about the weather, unlike discussing politics, seems a way of being friendly, without getting heated.The weather is a subject which is quite safe to talk about.


What does the underlined word“denoted”mean?

[  ]






stand for


prefer to


Which of the following statement is TRUE?

[  ]


John Bull is Uncle Sam.


John Bull is a Scottish writer.


John Bull is director of Cartoon films.


John Bull is the nickname for Britain.


“Ladies First”is regarded as a ________ symbol in Britain.


From the third paragraph we can infer that the weather of Britain is ________.

     There are some differences in replying to compliment between Chinese and Americans. Americans
tend to accept the compliment while Chinese generally murmur(低语)some reply about not being worthy
of the praise. Here are two examples.
     A young Chinese woman in the U.S. was complimented for the lovely dress that she was wearing.
"It's graceful. The colors are so beautiful!" She was pleased but somewhat embarrassed. In typical
Chinese fashion, she replied, "Oh, it's just an ordinary dress that I bought in China."
     At a reception in an American college, a newly-arrived Chinese scholar was chatting with the hostess, who was an old friend. As an acquaintance(熟人)of hers came up, she said, "Ron, let me introduce
Mr. Chen, an outstanding physicist and one of the nicest people I know." Mr. Chen offered his hand to
the newcomer but looked at his hostess and said with a smile, "Should I feel ashamed, or should I tell him
you don't really mean it?"
     In both cases, the words of the Chinese conveyed a message quite different from what was intended.
In the case of the Chinese woman, the reply could have meant that the one paying the compliment did
not know what a really good dress is; otherwise, how could she get so excited about an ordinary dress?
The implication(暗示)was that the American woman's taste in clothing was questionable. In the second
case, if Chen had not been smiling, he could have meant "You're just saying that to be polite; you don't
really mean that." So in one case, the person had poor judgment. In the other case, the hostess was not
sincere. Quite a gap between intention and message!

1. Which word can best replace the underlined word compliment in Paragraph 1?
A. praise
B. complaint
C. explanation
D. blame

2. Two examples are given in the passage to           .
A. amuse the readers
B. draw readers' attention
C. support the author's opinion
D. arouse readers' interest

3. The following statements are true except           .
A. both stories happened in the USA
B. Mr. Chen achieved achievements in physics
C. the dress was a beautiful one
D. Mr. Chen worked in the USA for long

4. The passage mainly tells us           .
A. Americans like to praise people
B. Chinese people are very modest
C. culture varies in different countries
D. people should respect each other

   George Zimmerman's first court appearance before a Florida judge came on Tuesday in connection with the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The case has caused a national debate in the United States about race, self-defense laws and gun control.

  It was the first time the public had gotten to see and hear from George Zimmerman. The judge said he had found probable cause to move ahead with the case and told Zimmerman he would be formally charged on May 29th.

  Zimmerman turned himself into authorities on Wednesday night, just before special prosecutor(检举人)Angela Corey announced the charge against him.

  Corey told reporters she would fight for Trayvon Martin.

  "It’s the victims and justice that we work tirelessly for " Corey said.

  Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defense after spotting the teenager in a gated community where Martin's father lives. He told police Martin attacked him during a conflict. The shooting caused a national cry led by Martin's parents who insisted their son was murdered. They also accused Zimmerman of targeting their son because he was black.

  "We just wanted an arrest and we got it. " Trayvon Martin’s mother Fulton said.

  Many in Sanford, Florida ---the city where the shooting took place---welcomed the charge.

  "AII of us were wanting this to move on and get to this process where it is now into the Justice system." one man said.

  "It was long overdue(迟到的) and I am glad they decided to do something." another said.

  Police did not initially charge Zimmerman with a crime because of a Florida law that says a person has a right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force. Prosecutor Corey say:“I'm prepared to argue the issue if Zimmerman uses the self-defense law in count".

  Mark O'Mara, Zimmerman’s lawyer, would not make his plan public, but he said his client(委托人) was worried about the trial.

  “If found guilty of the second-degree murder charge, Zimmerman could face up to life in prison.", O'Mara said.

66. Why did the case draw so much attention around U.S.A?

  A. Because George Zimmerman was very cruel when he killed Trayvon Martin.

B. Because Trayvon Martin's father was a famous lawyer.

  C. Because the case was related with race, self-defense laws and gun control.

D. Because George Zimmerman would be sentenced to life in prison.

67. What's Angela Corey's attitude towards this case?

  A. She showed sympathy for the black people.

  B. She wanted to defend justice for the victims.

  C. She hated George Zimmerman very much.

  D. She was against self-defense.

68. Which of the relationships is NOT true?

A. Zimmerman shot Martin during a conflict.

   B. Mark O 'Mara was Zimmerman's lawyer.

   C. Sybrina Fulton was Martin's mother.

   D. Angela Corey was the judge of the case.

69. Which of the following statements is the Fact?

A. Zimmerman turned himself into authorities before he was charged.

B. Zimmerman would be put into prison.

C. Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense in a gated community.

D. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin because he was black.

70. From the passage we can know________.

A. all people welcomed the charge in the city where the shooting took place

B. Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin's mother couldn't agree on how the thing happened

C. Mark O'Mara was willing to make his plan public

D. police did not charge Zimmerman with a crime at last

     George Zimmerman's first court appearance before a Florida judge came on Tuesday in connection
with the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The case has caused a national debate in the United
States about race, self-defense laws and gun control.
    It was the first time the public had gotten to see and hear from George Zimmerman. The judge said he
had found probable cause to move ahead with the case and told Zimmerman he would be formally
charged on May 29th.  
    Zimmerman turned himself into authorities on Wednesday night, just before special prosecutor (检举
人)Angela Corey announced the charge against him.
    Corey told reporters she would fight for Trayvon Martin.
    "It's the victims and justice that we work tirelessly for " Corey said.
    Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defense after spotting the teenager in a gated community
where   Martin's father lives. He told police Martin attacked him during a conflict.The shooting caused a
national cry led by Martin's parents who insisted their son was murdered. They also accused Zimmerman
of targeting their son because he was black.
     "We just wanted an arrest and we got it," Trayvon Martin's mother Fulton said.
     Many in Sanford, Florida -the city where the shooting took place-welcomed the charge.
     "All of us were wanting this to move on and get to this process where it is now into the justice
system," one man said.
     "It was long overdue (迟到的) and I am glad they decided to do something," another said.
     Police did not initially charge Zimmerman with a crime because of a Florida law that says a person
has a right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force. Prosecutor Corey say:
     '' I'm prepared to argue the issue if Zimmerman uses the self-defense law in court''.
     Mark O'Mara, Zimmerman's lawyer, would not make his plan public, but he said his client (委托人)
was worried about the trial.
     "If found guilty of the second-degree murder charge, Zimmerman could face up to life in prison.",
O'Mara said.
1. Why did the case draw so much attention around U.S.A?
A. Because George Zimmerman was very cruel when he killed Trayvon Martin.
B. Because Trayvon Martin's father was a famous lawyer.
C. Because the case was related with race, self-defense laws and gun control.
D. Because George Zimmerman would be sentenced to life in prison.
2. What's Angela Corey's attitude towards this case?
A. She showed sympathy for the black people.
B. She wanted to defend justice for the victims.
C. She hated George Zimmerman very much.
D. She was against self-defense.
3. Which of the relationships is NOT true?
A. Zimmerman shot Martin during a conflict.
B. Mark O'Mara was Zimmerman's lawyer.
C. Sybrina Fulton was Martin's mother.
D. Angela Corey was the judge of the case.
4. Which of the following statements is the Fact?
A. Zimmerman turned himself into authorities before he was charged.
B. Zimmerman would be put into prison.
C. Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense in a gated community.
D. Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin because he was black.
5. From the passage we can know         .
A. all people welcomed the charge in the city where the shooting took place
B. Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin's mother couldn't agree on how the thing happened
C. Mark O'Mara was willing to make his plan public
D. police did not charge Zimmerman with a crime at last

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