摘要:第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母.在答题纸上按题号写出各单词正确的完全形式. 66. Yesterday, Tom received the sad news that one of his best friends had been killed in a car a . 66. 67. Bob failed to r his sister at first sight, not having seen her for 15 years or so. 67. 68. I’m sure I have seen the movie before. It all seems so f to me. 68. 69. Computers and Internet are regarded as a major part of m life. 69. 70. It’s too d for the kids to play football in the street. They might be knocked down by the cars. 70. 71. I’m sorry to i your meeting, but may I speak with Michael for a moment? 71. 72.When he came into the room, he found himself s by a group of newspaper reporters. 72. 73. John says he never r any email from us. 73. 74. Supermarkets use a variety of ways to attract c . 74. 75. So when did you start c stamps? 75.


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