摘要: 1 have kept the picture I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my happy days in Paris. A. that B. when C. where D. on which


Who are these people rushing by you in the street? More than 215 million people now call America “home’’, but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. If you look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States, have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become “American’’is really not true. In fact, what exists in America is more often a kind of “side-by-side”, living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their customs and habits. They join the general American society only in certain areas of their lives—such as in schools, business, and sports-but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. This living “side-by-side” has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. However, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas and dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her familiar world in the United States, in Churches, music, food, national groups, or newspapers.

1.More than 215 million people call America “home” because          .

A. they buy their houses there   B. they settle there now

C. they get married there       D. they were born there

2.“Side-by-side” living style means        .

A. making friends with native people

B. the groups of people who live nearby

C. keeping their own customs while sharing American ones in certain areas

D. that they get closer to American society

3.According to the passage, people in the USA       .

A. share American customs and culture

B. 1ive in a kind of “side-by-side'' society

C. keep their own customs and habits firmly

D. make no choice to accept American customs

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A. They always stick to their own customs and habits.

B. “Side—by—side’’living style is not suitable.

C. They face the society they are not familiar with.

D. The advantages coming from the variety of cultures make life in America colorful.

5.Which title of the following can best take the place of “Different Cultures in America”?

A. Advantages and Disadvantages.    

B. Different Customs and Habits.

C. Home for the People            

D. “Side—by—side”Living Style in America.



Who are these people rushing by you in the street? More than 215 million people now call America “home’’, but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. If you look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States, have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become “American’’is really not true. In fact, what exists in America is more often a kind of “side-by-side”, living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their customs and habits. They join the general American society only in certain areas of their lives—such as in schools, business, and sports-but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. This living “side-by-side” has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. However, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas and dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her familiar world in the United States, in Churches, music, food, national groups, or newspapers.

1.More than 215 million people call America “home” because          .

A. they buy their houses there   B. they settle there now

C. they get married there       D. they were born there

2.“Side-by-side” living style means        .

A. making friends with native people

B. the groups of people who live nearby

C. keeping their own customs while sharing American ones in certain areas

D. that they get closer to American society

3.According to the passage, people in the USA       .

A. share American customs and culture

B. 1ive in a kind of “side-by-side'' society

C. keep their own customs and habits firmly

D. make no choice to accept American customs

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A. They always stick to their own customs and habits.

B. “Side—by—side’’living style is not suitable.

C. They face the society they are not familiar with.

D. The advantages coming from the variety of cultures make life in America colorful.

5.Which title of the following can best take the place of “Different Cultures in America”?

A. Advantages and Disadvantages.    

B. Different Customs and Habits.

C. Home for the People            

D. “Side—by—side”Living Style in America.



Who are these people rushing by you on the street? More than 250 million people now call Amer­ica" home" , but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. If you, look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States,have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become "Americans"is really not true. In fact, what exists in Ameri­ca is - more often a kind of “ side - by - side" living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their own customs and habits. They join the general American society only in certain areas of their lives such as in schools,business,and sports一but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. This “ side - by - side" living has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. However, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas ’ dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her own familiar world in the United States, in churches, music, food, national groups, or newspaper.

More than 250 million people call America ”home" because       .

they have their houses there

they settle there now

they want to make their home there

they like that land very much

1.Side - by - side living style means     .

A.to make friends with native people

B.to keep their own customs while sharing American ones in certain areas

C.that the groups of people live nearby

D.that they get closer to American society

2.According to the passage, people in the USA    .

A share American customs and cultures

B live in a kind of side - by - side society

C keep their own customs and habits firmly

D make no choice to accept American customs

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A They always stick to their own customs and habits.

B Side - by - side living style is not suitable.

C They face the society they are not familiar with.

D The advantages coming from the variety of cultures make life in America colorful.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A  Advantages and Disadvantages

B  Different Customs and Habits

C  Home for the People

D  Side - by - Side Living Style in America



When I was in primary school, sometimes I would meet a girl of the same age as me. Lisa was never active, but she was always very sweet and nice. In the 5th grade she came to my class.

She was absent(缺席) a lot , and one day I had the courage to ask why. She told me she was sick, and she explained she wore a wig(假发) because her medicine made her lose her hair. We left it at that. Anytime Lisa came to class—seldom—I would hang around with her on the playground.

I received much ridicule (嘲笑) from my friends for this because they thought I was ignoring them for Lisa. My family education taught me to be nice, and I felt Lisa’s needs were much more important than others I knew.

It had been months since Lisa was in our class, and one day our teacher was crying. She explained Lisa died the day before and would no longer be our classmate. She told us Lisa had fought a battle (斗争)with cancer for years.

I was shocked. Lisa never spoke of her illness as if it could kill her. Well, all these years I have kept Lisa in my mind and heart. When I go through the important events in my life, I think of Lisa.

I’ve had a strong wish recently to find her mother and father. I’d like to tell them that though they never met me, their daughter had a sweet effect on my life. I have no idea what her parents’ first names are. I write to your column (栏目)and hope you can point me in the right direction.

Lisa was such a lovely girl. Maybe her parents would be comforted by the fact that after all these years they are not the only ones who remember her.

1.The underlined sentence in Para 2 probably means ________________.

A.we discussed the topic and then left together

B.we just stopped talking about her illness

C.we went away after talking about her illness

D.we kept on talking about her illness later

2.Why was the author being laughed at?

A.Because she lost her friends because of Lisa.

B.Because she wore a wig to school.

C.Because she cried in the classroom.

D.Because she always played with Lisa.

3.What did the author learn from Lisa?

A.To put others’ needs above yours.         B.To keep your illness a secret.

C.To be nice to everyone everywhere.         D.To face challenges in life bravely.

4.The author wrote this passage mainly to __________.

A.ask for help to find a friend’s parents       B.remember a true friend

C.tell her experience of fighting cancer        D.show her concern for a friend



Who are these people rushing by you on the street? More than 250 million people now call Amer­ica" home" , but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. If you, look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States,have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become "Americans"is really not true. In fact, what exists in Ameri­ca is - more often a kind of “ side - by - side" living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their own customs and habits. They join the general American society only in certain areas of their lives such as in schools,business,and sports一but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. This “ side - by - side" living has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. However, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas ’ dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her own familiar world in the United States, in churches, music, food, national groups, or newspaper.
【小题1】More than 250 million people call America ”home" because    .

A.they have their houses there
B.they settle there now
C.they want to make their home there
D.they like that land very much
【小题2】Side - by - side living style means
A.to make friends with native people
B.to keep their own customs while sharing American ones in certain areas
C.that the groups of people live nearby
D.that they get closer to American society
【小题3】According to the passage, people in the USA
A.share American customs and cultures
B.live in a kind of side - by - side society
C.keep their own customs and habits firmly
D.make no choice to accept American customs
【小题4】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.They always stick to their own customs and habits.
B.Side - by - side living style is not suitable.
C.They face the society they are not familiar with.
D.The advantages coming from the variety of cultures make life in America colorful.
【小题5】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Advantages and Disadvantages
B.Different Customs and Habits
C.Home for the People
D.Side - by - Side Living Style in America


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