摘要: The figure in the crowd looked familiar me. A. stood out; to B. stood up; with C. standing out; to D. standing up; with


America is a country on the move. In unheard?of numbers, people of all ages are exercising  their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 4 percent of American adults exercise regularly-up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active.

It is hard not to get the message. The virtues of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads of everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 195s when research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity (宣传) for races held in American cities helped fuel a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally rewarding-and sometimes safer-forms of exercise, such as walking and swimming, running remains the most popular form of exercise.

As the popularity of exercise continues to mount, so does scientific evidence of its health benefits. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle groups vigorously (强有力地) enough to approximately double the heart rate and keep it doubled for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will produce considerable improvements in physical health in about three months.

5.It can be learnt from the passage that the health benefits of exercise .

A.are to be further studied                     B.are self?evident

C.are yet to be proved                         D.are supported by scientific evidence

6.A growing interest in sports developed after___________ .

A.an increasing number of races were held in American cities

B.research showed their health benefits

C.scientific evidence of health benefits was shown on TV ads

D.people got the message from magazine covers and postage stamps

7.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Exercise-The Road to Health                 B.Scientific Evidence of Health Benefits

C.Different Forms of Exercise                  D.Running-A Popular Form of Sport

8.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “leveled off” in the paragraph 2?

A.“reached its lowest level in popularity”         B.“stopped being popular”

C.“stopped increasing in popularity”             D.“become very popular”


China’s Ministry of Culture has recommended 10 cyber games(网络游戏) that are suitable for minors to play as part of its drive to purify the on-line environment for the young.

      The 10 cyber games were selected by the ministry’s on-line games censorship committee from scores of games recommended by the Chinese public.l

      The games are all domestic products. They include five role playing games (RPG), four recreation and chess games, and one educational game, such as “Warring States Ⅱ Online,” “Rainbow Island Online,” and “Wonderlands of learning and games.”

       These games have made their way into the final recommendation list because they are considered “healthy” and can “enhance intelligence,” according to the ministry.

       The ministry hoped the list could serve a a guidance for parents to better direct their children in the winter vacation, which usually lasts nearly two months from January to February each year.

       This was the third time for the ministry to publish recommended cyber games list. The previous two were made public respectively in January 2006 and August 2005 with a total of 25 games inlisted.

       In the past few years, on- line games have become the favorite pastime of young people. However, it is argued that such social problems as game addiction, juvenile delinquency (青少年犯罪) and perversion among minors by on-line violence and pornography (色情) have come from an inadequately regulated Internet.

       About 9.72 percent of Chinese netizens between the ages of 13 and 30 suffer Internet addiction, said a report issued last month by the China Youth Association for Network Development (CYAND).

       According to the China Internet Network Information Center (CINIC), the main Internet watchdog, China had 210million Internet users at the end of 2007 and its online population is on course to become the world’s largest at the beginning of this year.

       Net users between 18 and 30 accounted for 49.9percent of the total users. Although the CINIC did not give the figure of those below 18, teenagers and youths have obviously taken up more than half of the total number of net users. And the number of users under age 18 increased rapidly last year, the CINIC noted.

What do you know about the 10cyber games ?

       A. They are expected to help parents to better direct their children in the summer vacation.

       B. They include five RPG, forty chess games and one educational game.

       C. They are suitable for teenagers.

       D. They are all foreign products.

According to the passage, how many teenagers and youths become net users at the end of 2007?

     A. Mor than 105 million.

     B. Less than 105 million.

     C. About 210 million.

     D. 104.79 million.

What can be inferred from the passage?

     A. A lot of Chinese netizens suffer Internet addition.

     B. On-line games can cause a lot of social problems such as game addition, juvenile delinquency.

     C. Parents sometimes have trouble in directing their children about on-line games.

     D. The ministry has recommended 25 games till now.

What’s the best title of the passage?

      A. How to purify the on-line environment for the young.

      B. 10 “suitable” cyber games for teenagers.

      C. The disadvantages of cyber games.

      D. Chinese authority lists 10 “suitable” E-games for teenagers.


American is the country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly—up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active. It’s hard not to get the message. The advantages of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the good points of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity(宣传) for races held in American cities helped develop a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally helpful and sometimes safer-forms of exercise.                                                  
As the popularity of exercise continues to increase, so does scientific evidence (根据) of its health benefit. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle group strongly enough to almost double the heart rate and keep it doubles for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will greatly improve physical health in about three months.
【小题1】 According to the essay, what was the percentage of American adults doing regular physical exercises two years ago?                                                                                

A.About 70%.B.Nearly 60C.Almost 50%.D.More than 12%.
【小题2】 A growing interest in sports didn’t developed until______________.                             
A.25 years agoB.two years agoC.the late 1960sD.now
【小题3】Which of the following if the closest in meaning to underlines phrase “leveled –off”?       
A.became very popularB.stopped being popular
C.reached its lowest level in popularityD.stopped increasing in number
【小题4】 It can be learnt from the passage that the good points of exercise___________.               
A.are to be provedB.are to be further studied
C.are supported by scientific evidenceD.are self- evident
【小题5】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?                              
A.Different Forms of exerciseB.Exercise——The Road to Health
C.Scientific Evidence of Health BenefitD.Running——A Popular Form of Sport


  Spending beyond one’s means is becoming a national problem for Americans.Borrowing has become so easy that it takes great willpower for people to refuse it.“I received a number of gold MasterCard and gold Visa card offers in the mail during the past two months,”said one computer engineer at AT &T Bell Laboratories in Chicago.“I got three of them in one day last week.”

 Lenders are providing easy credit(信贷)for borrowers.Many banks now offer every borrower a great variety of credit,a service once offered almost only to big companies.Norwest Bank Minneapolis offers lending programs for cars and boats that can cut monthly payments nearly m half .Carmakers,too,are lengthening easier terms.Ford Motor Credit states that 45 % of its recent lendings has been for sixty months,rather than the sixty-six-month period that was usual before.

 The total consumer debt(债务)in the United States rose 73 percent between 1974 and 1984,as the debt for each man,woman,and child increased from $10,264 to $26,566.Huge debt now is present in our economy(经济)at all levels.As a nation,we are more than $7 trillion in debt,and the total keeps increasing astonishingly.

 As we have over borrowed,so have we overspent.In late 986,the share of after-tax income that Americans saved sank below 2 percent for a short time,less than half the figure at which we saved only 10 years ago.Americans now are buying from foreigners between about $50 and $100 billion more Mercedes and Toyotas, Paris fashions,and tours to Europe than the Boeing 747s, agriculture machinery , or Kansas wheat that the foreigners bought from America. The country could not produce and pay for all the things it wanted.

 To make a long story short, we Americans have serious problems in keeping down spending and keeping up personal savings.It is high time for us American people to learn the basics of long-term money management.

48.According to the author,  what is a main reason for Americans to overspend?

A.        Americans buy a lot of  foreign products.

B.        It is easy for Americans to manage their debts.

C.        Borrowing money has become a simple matter.

D.       Americans have more extra money than before.

49.Ford Motor Credit lengthens 45%of its lending to 60 months in order to_______.

A.        help more Americans to settle their debts

B.        encourage people to buy foreign cars

C.        make better use of its money

D.       attract more customers

   50.What does the author suggest as a way to deal with over borrowing?

A.        Teaching people how to manage money.

B.        Advising people on what to buy.

C.        Limiting the use of credit cards.

D.       Reducing average incomes.

   51.Which of the following points does the author wish to make?

A.        America should sell more of its products abroad.

B.        A healthy society has to learn to 1ive within its means.

C.        People’s income determines their money management.

D.       Government should prevent people from over borrowing.




American is the country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly—up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active. It’s hard not to get the message. The advantages of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the good points of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity(宣传) for races held in American cities helped develop a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally helpful and sometimes safer-forms of exercise.                                                   

As the popularity of exercise continues to increase, so does scientific evidence (根据) of its health benefit. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle group strongly enough to almost double the heart rate and keep it doubles for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will greatly improve physical health in about three months.

According to the essay, what was the percentage of American adults doing regular physical exercises two years ago?                                                                                

A. About 70%.  B. Nearly 60      C. Almost 50%.       D. More than 12%. 

A growing interest in sports didn’t developed until______________.                             

A. 25 years ago   B. two years ago    C. the late 1960s    D. now                              

Which of the following if the closest in meaning to underlines phrase “leveled –off”?       

A. became very popular                     B. stopped being popular                           

C. reached its lowest level in popularity        D. stopped increasing in number                     

It can be learnt from the passage that the good points of exercise___________.               

A. are to be proved     B. are to be further studied                       

C. are supported by scientific evidence  D. are self- evident                            

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?                               

A. Different Forms of exercise  B. Exercise——The Road to Health                    

C. Scientific Evidence of Health Benefit   D. Running——A Popular Form of Sport


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