摘要: A everywhere B. inside C. anywhere D. outside


Love Is Just a Thread

     Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.Every day they are very busy trying to earn money to pay the high tuition for us.They don’t act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV.“ I love you” is too luxurious for them to say .Sending flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of the question.My father is easy to lose his temper, especially when he’s very tired from the hard work.

     One day, my mother was sewing a quilt.I silently sat beside her and asked her if there was love between them.“ What?” she replied, still doing her work.My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise.She didn’t answer immediately.Then she bowed her head and continued sewing the quilt.I was in a great embarrassment and I didn’t know what to do.But at last I heard my mother say the following words: “ Look at this thread.Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt.The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable.If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there.Love is inside.” I listened carefully but I couldn’t understand her until the next spring.

      My father suddenly got sick seriously.My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.When they returned from the hospital, they both seemed as if they had a serious illness.Every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road.It seemed they were the most harmonious couple.There were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees, and the sun gently glistened(闪亮) through the leaves.All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world.When we were worrying about him, he said gently: “ I really like walking with your mom.I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.

       Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses.But from this experience, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside, making life strong and warm.

60.Why does the author sometimes doubt that there is real love between her parents?

       A.Because they are very busy earning money for the high tuition.

       B.Because they don’t act in the romantic ways.

       C.Because her father is easy to lose his temper to her mother

       D.Because “ I love you” is too luxurious for them to say

61.Which of the following explanations is similar to the underlined phrase “ out of the question” in Paragraph One?

       A.possible                                          B.impossible     

      C.out of question                                 D.unnecessary

62.What can we learn from her mother’s answer about love?

      A.Love should be seen anywhere.

      B.Love should be seen anytime.

      C.Love should be a thread.

      D.Love is really existing everywhere and anytime even though we can’t feel it.

63.What made her father change so greatly?

      A.The real love.

      B.The thread of the quilt.

      C.The beautiful scenery of the country road.

      D.All the other members of the family.

64.What’s the main idea of the text?

      A.We should understand our parents.

      B.Love is inside, making life strong and warm.

      C.Love is really very important to anyone.

      D.Love should be outside, and can be seen everywhere.


It is love that makes the world go round. And it is also love that has such power to overcome all difficulties. So we say: “Love will find a way.” As smile is a facial expression showing pleasure, affection, and friendliness, it is the commonest way to show our good will perfectly without saying anything. A Chinese saying runs: “never hit a person who is smiling at you.” It is a time-proven fact that the smile is a language all its own— a universal language—understood by the people of every nation in the world. We may not speak the same tongue as our foreign neighbors, but we smile in the same tongue. We need no interpreter for thus expressing love, happiness, or good will.
One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality contradicted mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. My anger toward that grew with each step. Outside, standing at the corner, was a dark-complexion young man in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, dazzling smile covered his face. I gave in immediately. The magnetic power of that shining smile drove away all bitterness within me, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I remarked, in passing. The, suddenly something inside me sent me turning back. “I really owe you a debt of gratitude,” I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman stepped forward and eyed me inquiringly. “Carlos, he no speak English,” she volunteered. “You want I should tell him something?” In that moment I felt transformed. Carlos’ smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good will to ward all mankind stood ten feet tall. “Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said ‘Thank you!’” “Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled. I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “He’ll understand. I am sure!” Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.
From that day on, I became smile – conscious, and I practice the diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. When I got excited in traffic, taking the right – of – way (公路用地) from the other car with my stupid mistake, I’d smile and shrug my shoulders apologetically. This action on my part would always draw a good – natured smile in return. If the other fellow was at fault – and if I could remember my resolution in time! – he’d get a broad smile of understanding. This took a bit of doing at first. I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy, but it was fun. The results were sometimes amazing. Many times, a broad, friendly smile would completely turn aside ill – feeling and tension. I’m wondering now how many tragic add dents could be avoided on our overcrowded highways, if every driver remembered to smile!
59.The author got angry while shopping one day because         .
A.of the clerk’s unfriendliness and lack of concern
B.of her misfortune
C.she failed to purchase what she intended
D.a dark – complexion young man laughed at her
60.From the conversation between the author and the Mexican woman, we can infer that the woman         .
A.was well – educated but unwilling to help others
B.was able to speak English
C.knew some English and was ready to help others
D.was familiar with the young man
61.In the author’s opinion, if all people remembered to smile when driving,         .
A.many traffic accidents could be avoided
B.they would receive a good natural smile in return
C.they could get a broad smile of understanding
D.they wouldn’t feel any tension
62.The best title for this passage could be          .
A.The Art of Smiling  B.The Universal Language
C.The Power of Love  D.The Magic Power of Friendship


It is love that makes the world go round. And it is also love that has such power to overcome all difficulties. So we say: “Love will find a way.” As smile is a facial expression showing pleasure, affection, and friendliness, it is the commonest way to show our good will perfectly without saying anything. A Chinese saying runs: “never hit a person who is smiling at you.” It is a time-proven fact that the smile is a language all its own— a universal language—understood by the people of every nation in the world. We may not speak the same tongue as our foreign neighbors, but we smile in the same tongue. We need no interpreter for thus expressing love, happiness, or good will.

One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality contradicted mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. My anger toward that grew with each step. Outside, standing at the corner, was a dark-complexion young man in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, dazzling smile covered his face. I gave in immediately. The magnetic power of that shining smile drove away all bitterness within me, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I remarked, in passing. The, suddenly something inside me sent me turning back. “I really owe you a debt of gratitude,” I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman stepped forward and eyed me inquiringly. “Carlos, he no speak English,” she volunteered. “You want I should tell him something?” In that moment I felt transformed. Carlos’ smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good will to ward all mankind stood ten feet tall. “Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said ‘Thank you!’” “Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled. I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “He’ll understand. I am sure!” Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.

    From that day on, I became smile – conscious, and I practice the diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. When I got excited in traffic, taking the right – of – way (公路用地) from the other car with my stupid mistake, I’d smile and shrug my shoulders apologetically. This action on my part would always draw a good – natured smile in return. If the other fellow was at fault – and if I could remember my resolution in time! – he’d get a broad smile of understanding. This took a bit of doing at first. I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy, but it was fun. The results were sometimes amazing. Many times, a broad, friendly smile would completely turn aside ill – feeling and tension. I’m wondering now how many tragic add dents could be avoided on our overcrowded highways, if every driver remembered to smile!

1.The author got angry while shopping one day because         .

A. of the clerk’s unfriendliness and lack of concern

B. of her misfortune

C. she failed to purchase what she intended

D. a dark – complexion young man laughed at her

2.From the conversation between the author and the Mexican woman, we can infer that the woman         .

A. was well – educated but unwilling to help others

B. was able to speak English

C. knew some English and was ready to help others

D. was familiar with the young man

3. In the author’s opinion, if all people remembered to smile when driving,         .

A. many traffic accidents could be avoided

B. they would receive a good natural smile in return

C. they could get a broad smile of understanding

D. they wouldn’t feel any tension

4. The best title for this passage could be          .

A. The Art of Smiling          B. The Universal Language

C. The Power of Love        D. The Magic Power of Friendship




It is love that makes the world go round. And it is also love that has such power to overcome all difficulties. So we say: “Love will find a way.” As smile is a facial expression showing pleasure, affection, and friendliness, it is the commonest way to show our good will perfectly without saying anything. A Chinese saying runs: “never hit a person who is smiling at you.” It is a time-proven fact that the smile is a language all its own— a universal language—understood by the people of every nation in the world. We may not speak the same tongue as our foreign neighbors, but we smile in the same tongue. We need no interpreter for thus expressing love, happiness, or good will.

One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality contradicted mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. My anger toward that grew with each step. Outside, standing at the corner, was a dark-complexion young man in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, dazzling smile covered his face. I gave in immediately. The magnetic power of that shining smile drove away all bitterness within me, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I remarked, in passing. The, suddenly something inside me sent me turning back. “I really owe you a debt of gratitude,” I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman stepped forward and eyed me inquiringly. “Carlos, he no speak English,” she volunteered. “You want I should tell him something?” In that moment I felt transformed. Carlos’ smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good will to ward all mankind stood ten feet tall. “Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said ‘Thank you!’” “Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled. I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “He’ll understand. I am sure!” Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.

    From that day on, I became smile – conscious, and I practice the diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. When I got excited in traffic, taking the right – of – way (公路用地) from the other car with my stupid mistake, I’d smile and shrug my shoulders apologetically. This action on my part would always draw a good – natured smile in return. If the other fellow was at fault – and if I could remember my resolution in time! – he’d get a broad smile of understanding. This took a bit of doing at first. I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy, but it was fun. The results were sometimes amazing. Many times, a broad, friendly smile would completely turn aside ill – feeling and tension. I’m wondering now how many tragic add dents could be avoided on our overcrowded highways, if every driver remembered to smile!

The author got angry while shopping one day because         .

A. of the clerk’s unfriendliness and lack of concern

B. of her misfortune

C. she failed to purchase what she intended

D. a dark – complexion young man laughed at her

From the conversation between the author and the Mexican woman, we can infer that the woman         .

A. was well – educated but unwilling to help others

B. was able to speak English

C. knew some English and was ready to help others

D. was familiar with the young man

In the author’s opinion, if all people remembered to smile when driving,         .

A. many traffic accidents could be avoided

B. they would receive a good natural smile in return

C. they could get a broad smile of understanding

D. they wouldn’t feel any tension

The best title for this passage could be          .

A. The Art of Smiling   B. The Universal Language

C. The Power of Love D. The Magic Power of Friendship



It is love that makes the world go round. And it is also love that has such power to overcome all difficulties. So we say: “Love will find a way.” As smile is a facial expression showing pleasure, affection, and friendliness, it is the commonest way to show our good will perfectly without saying anything. A Chinese saying runs: “never hit a person who is smiling at you.” It is a time-proven fact that the smile is a language all its own— a universal language—understood by the people of every nation in the world. We may not speak the same tongue as our foreign neighbors, but we smile in the same tongue. We need no interpreter for thus expressing love, happiness, or good will.

One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality contradicted mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. My anger toward that grew with each step. Outside, standing at the corner, was a dark-complexion young man in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, dazzling smile covered his face. I gave in immediately. The magnetic power of that shining smile drove away all bitterness within me, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I remarked, in passing. The, suddenly something inside me sent me turning back. “I really owe you a debt of gratitude,” I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman stepped forward and eyed me inquiringly. “Carlos, he no speak English,” she volunteered. “You want I should tell him something?” In that moment I felt transformed. Carlos’ smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good will to ward all mankind stood ten feet tall. “Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said ‘Thank you!’” “Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled. I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “He’ll understand. I am sure!” Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.

    From that day on, I became smile – conscious, and I practice the diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. When I got excited in traffic, taking the right – of – way (公路用地) from the other car with my stupid mistake, I’d smile and shrug my shoulders apologetically. This action on my part would always draw a good – natured smile in return. If the other fellow was at fault – and if I could remember my resolution in time! – he’d get a broad smile of understanding. This took a bit of doing at first. I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy, but it was fun. The results were sometimes amazing. Many times, a broad, friendly smile would completely turn aside ill – feeling and tension. I’m wondering now how many tragic add dents could be avoided on our overcrowded highways, if every driver remembered to smile!

1.The author got angry while shopping one day because         .

A. of the clerk’s unfriendliness and lack of concern

B. of her misfortune

C. she failed to purchase what she intended

D. a dark – complexion young man laughed at her

2.From the conversation between the author and the Mexican woman, we can infer that the woman         .

A. was well – educated but unwilling to help others

B. was able to speak English

C. knew some English and was ready to help others

D. was familiar with the young man

3.In the author’s opinion, if all people remembered to smile when driving,         .

A. many traffic accidents could be avoided

B. they would receive a good natural smile in return

C. they could get a broad smile of understanding

D. they wouldn’t feel any tension

4.The best title for this passage could be          .

A. The Art of Smiling            B. The Universal Language

C. The Power of Love          D. The Magic Power of Friendship



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