摘要:What p the villagers most was that the footmarks in the snow were much larger than a human being’s.



The "Thumbs-Up"

  While Western culture has become used to the thumbs-up as a good signal(probably coming from World War II pilots using the signal to show that they were "good to go" with ground crews), there are cultures where a thumbs-up may land you in trouble.In West Africa, as well as Greece, Italy and Middle East, the thumbs-up is pretty much the biggest insult(侮辱).

  Rather more interesting is a thumbs-up in Germany and in parts of Japan-they just see it as the hand signal for the number one.

The "A-OK"

  This sign is mainly used by divers(潜水员)to mean "OK"(to prevent being confused with the thumbs-up sign, which means "rise").Basically the meaning comes out as "great", or "completely fine".However, in a few countries in Europe, people may think you抮e telling them that you think they抮e a 'zero挘?/P>

The "V Sign"

  The sign comes in two formats:one with the palm(手掌)faced outwards, and one with the palm inwards.In America they mean the same thing -"victory".However, if the outside of your hand is facing your target(目标), you抮e giving somebody a long-built insult in Great Britain and many English-speaking countries such as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand.Winston Churchill famously used the "incorrect" version of the V sign during the early years of the war, turning the outside inside later.The V sign is also considered rude in Italy.

The "Corna"

  The corna hand gesture has most recently been adopted by fans of rock and heavy metal music.Nowadays many Americans use the gesture simply to mean "rock on", or in support of the University of Texas in Austin(known as the "Hook抏m Horns").Today it is still popular in Spain, Brazil and Slovakia.Historically, however, the symbol possibly dates back to Ancient Greece.


Which of the following signs doesn抰 have an insulting meaning?

[  ]


The "Thumbs-Up".


The "A-OK".


The "V Sign".


The "Corna".


What information can we get from the passage?

[  ]


The "V Sign" was first used by Winston Churchill.


Italians often use the "Thumbs-Up" to praise others.


You are most likely to see the "Corna" in a heavy metal music concert.


The "A-OK" and the "Thumbs-Up" have the same meaning to divers.


If you travel abroad, you 抎 better not use the "V Sign" in ________.

[  ]


Greece or Italy


Germany or Japan


Ireland or Italy


Spain or Brazil


CAIRO, Egypt (Reuters) April 24, 2006—Three explosions shook the Egyptian Sinai resort of Dahab on Monday, killing 23 people and wounding dozens of others, rescue and security officials said.

Witnesses said smoke billowed up from the town’s tourist bazaar, and residents said they saw body parts and debris on the street after an explosion at a restaurant.

People in the small beach and diving resort, which is popular with backpackers, described scenes of carnage and chaos.

A cafe worker who was about 200 meters (yards) from the scene said: “We saw many dead people. People were screaming. People were being taken to hospital. Egyptians went to give blood. There were body parts. There’s police everywhere.”

“There are ambulances and cars taking people to hospital,” said another resident, who also did not want to be named.

The explosions took place at the Nelson Restaurant, the Aladdin Cafeteria and the Ghazala Supermarket, the Interior Ministry said.

The explosions took place in quick succession at about 7.15 p.m. (1715 GMT). “There is smoke coming from the area and there are people running everywhere,” said one witness, who heard the blasts.

An official with the local ambulance service said many of the dead appeared to be foreigners.

Israeli divers often stay in the resort but with the Passover holiday over it is unlikely many were there. The Israeli ambassador in Cairo and Israeli authorities said they did not know of any Israeli casualties.

One visitor said police were stopping cars and buses leaving the resort and had imposed restrictions on movements in and out of backpacker camps in the area.

It was the third set of three explosions on the eastern coast of the Sinai peninsula since October 2004, when a group attacked the Hilton hotel in the border resort of Taba and two other resorts on the northeast coast, killing 34 people.


① billow  v.  翻腾

② debris  n.  残骸

③ carnage  n.  残杀,流血

④ chaos  n.  混乱

⑤ casualty  n. (人员)伤亡

What’s the result of the explosions in Dahab?

        A. 34 people were killed.

        B. There were many Israeli casualties.

        C. 23 people were killed and dozens of others were injured.

        D. Many houses were burned to the ground.

How many places did the explosions take place in?

        A. Two      B. Three      C. Six      D. Eight

What does the underlined word “resort” mean?

        A. popular holiday centre      B. hotel or guest-house for holidaymakers

        C. visiting some place         D. Making use of something for help

Which of the following statements is right?

        A. Many of the dead appeared to be residents.

        B. The first set of three explosions took place in October 2004.

        C. Police couldn’t know what to do.

        D. Israeli divers stayed in the resort with the Passover holiday over.





(M-----Mike, T-----Tony)

M: Hi, Tony. How was your (76) v _____to the Western Forest last weekend?               76._______

T: It was wonderful(77) i_______ .                                                                                     77._______

The air is fresh, the water is clean and the trees are so green.

M: Did you see any wild animals on the hills?

T: (78) N______ except some unknown birds flying and singing in the woods.                78._______

M: (79) S______ exciting. Why isn’t there wildlife?                                                                79._______

T: My dad told me that there used to be plenty of wildlife in the mountain,

including goats, deer and so on, but they are all in danger of (80) d_______           80._______

out today.            

M: What do you think seems to be the (81 )c________ of that?                                   81._______

Perhaps the local people didn’t realize the (82)i_________ of the forest                82._______

and wildlife, so that they kept cutting down trees for firewood and hunting wildlife for food or money.

M: What a shame! But what is done today?

T: Today many (83)m _______ have been taken                                                                       83._______

to (84) p_______ the forest from being damaged or destroyed.                             84._______

M: So you can(85) e ______ fresh air, clean and water and green trees today!              85_______

T: Exactly!



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