摘要: shoulder A. know B. should C. southern D. how


On Wednesday afternoon Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or so she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and   1  a sharp lookout for the bargains that were something to be haD.And then, with all the   2  she needs bought she would leave the market for the   3  of the town to spend another hour   4  she liked best, looking in furniture-shop windows.

One Wednesday she found a  5  shop full of the most delightful things, with a   6  inviting anyone to walk in and look round without   7  they had to buy something. Annie hesitated a moment   8  stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped   9  before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which  10  ,“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week …Why, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never   11  it!

A voice at her shoulder made her   12  .“Can I help you, Madam?” She looked   13  at the assistant who had come softly to her  14 

“Oh, well, no,” she said, “I was just   15  .”

“We have chairs of all kinds in the   16  . If you'll just come up, you will find something to  17  you.”

Annie, worried at the thought of being   18  to buy something she didn't   19  , left the shop   20  .

1.A.taking             B.making              C.fixing                   D.keeping

2.A.chairs          B.furniture          C.things                   D.bargains

3.A.shops          B.streets            C.delightful things    D.bus station

4.A.in the way    B.by the way    C.in a way               D.in one way

5.A.new          B.noisy                 C.large                     D.strange

6.A.message       B.notice                C.note                     D.flag

7.A.arguing        B.declaring            C.frightening            D.feeling

8.A.when        B.before                C.after                     D.while

9.A.doubted     B.surprised         C.puzzled                 D.delighted

10.A.wrote      B.told                   C.informed               D.said

11.A.lose              B.miss                  C.pass                     D.make

12.A.jump       B.run                    C.laugh                    D.surprise

13.A.round      B.straight              C.behind                  D.up

14.A.place            B.back                  C.side                      D.front

15.A.thinking   B.looking              C.walking                D.passing

16.A.doorway    B.storehouse       C.showroom       D.market

17.A.suit              B.fit                      C.serve                    D.match

18.A.advised    B.made                 C.persuaded        D.cheated

19.A.like               B.afford                C.pay                      D.need

20.A.slowly     B.thoughtfully     C.hurriedly               D.carefully


The best way to improve your reading ability is, of course, to read. The student must make a real effort to improve his speed, and if necessary his comprehension, with each exercise. Too many students read passages passively(被动的) and without judgment: they simply start at the first word and read through to the end. You should read a passage actively, selectively(选择地) and purposely. You must believe that you indeed have the ability to read faster and understand, and that you will.

Reading, like everything else in life, is best done when you’re relaxed. The key to improve it is concentration. You must be willing to break some old habits and form new ones. Extra body movement, such as turning the head from side to side, pointing at the line with a finger or pencil, or moving the lips, should be stopped immediately. Reading is mostly a mental process(大脑活动过程) and body movement helps neither speed nor comprehension. Then you should see words as part of a whole sentence or paragraph, not just in isolation(孤立), This is why a slow, word-by-word student often understands far less, or misses much of the joy and excitement of reading.

The student must learn to improve reading skills on their own, and not just when a teacher is looking over his shoulder. Reading improvement takes discipline(纪律) and effort. Don’t give up.

1. According to the author, how should we not read a passage?

A. actively        B passively.   C. purposely        D. selectively

2. You may conclude that whether you can improve your reading depends on________.

A. your attitude                      B. your good habits of reading

C. discipline                         D. all of the above

3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?        

A. When reading, you’d better point at the line with a pencil.   

B. When reading, you should turn your head from side to side.

C. When reading, you should pay attention to basic unit of meaning, that is a phrase or sentence that contains an idea.    

D. Body movement will help you to improve reading.

4. The best title for this passage is___________.

A. Reading Faster                         B. Understanding Better

C. How to Improve Your Reading             D. Don’t Give Up



On Wednesday afternoon Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or so she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and  1  a sharp lookout for the bargains that were something to be haD. And then, with all the   2  she needs bought she would leave the market for the   3  of the town to spend another hour   4  she liked best, looking in furniture-shop windows.

One Wednesday she found a  5  shop full of the most delightful things, with a   6  inviting anyone to walk in and look round without   7  they had to buy something. Annie hesitated a moment   8  stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped   9  before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which  10  ,“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week …Why, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never   11  it!  

A voice at her shoulder made her   12  .“Can I help you, Madam?” She looked   13  at the assistant who had come softly to her  14 

“Oh, well, no,” she said, “I was just   15  .”

“We have chairs of all kinds in the   16  . If you'll just come up, you will find something to  17  you.”

Annie, worried at the thought of being   18  to buy something she didn't   19  , left the shop   20  .

1. A. taking    B. making      C. fixing D. keeping

2. A. chairs  B. furniture  C. things D. bargains

3. A. shops   B. streets    C. delightful things       D. bus station

4. A. in the way   B. by the way   C. in a way     D. in one way

5. A. new         B. noisy  C. large   D. strange

6. A. message      B. notice C. note    D. flag

7. A. arguing       B. declaring    C. frightening D. feeling

8. A. when        B. before C. after   D. while

9. A. doubted    B. surprised  C. puzzled      D. delighted

10. A. wrote     B. told    C. informed    D. said

11. A. lose      B. miss    C. pass    D. make

12. A. jump      B. run     C. laugh  D. surprise

13. A. round     B. straight      C. behind       D. up

14. A. place    B. back   C. side    D. front

15. A. thinking         B. looking      C. walking      D. passing

16. A. doorway    B. storehouse       C. showroom    D. market

17. A. suit      B. fit       C. serve   D. match

18. A. advised   B. made  C. persuaded     D. cheated

19. A. like      B. afford C. pay     D. need

20. A. slowly    B. thoughtfully    C. hurriedly    D. carefully


Andy was born with a developmental(发展的disorder. The two sides of his brain were not        normally together. The right side of his        could not communicate with the left.  At the age of three, it was      for him to walk, speak, and play. He could only echo (重复) back a few words, and walked        while someone held each of his hands.

Then came the     . He attended an all-day center where he       every unimaginable treatment. He struggled, sometimes in        , to get stronger. Andy hated it when his parents would       him there in the

mornings. However, they       —against all odds(逆境)—that he would grow up to live a       healthy life. They believed it for themselves, and for Andy.

It      .Today Andy is a successful 13-year-old high school student and has won the gold medal for his math competition. His _____ has been nothing short of a wonder. He receives special help with a few things, but _____ his friends in all the activities he loves. Andy overcame a lot of      to move from adversity (逆境) to victory.  

Ask yourself: “What are the seeds of       hidden in my struggles today? If I get up when I      , what will that make possible tomorrow? ”

“Overnight success” is the     of years of tenacity (坚韧)and continued       . 

Victory is possible for those who never give in to whatever bad       to them. They’ll find the path to their dream.      , they will accept adversities as universities that will foster (促进) strength, growth, and skills to attract the victory they seek.  

1.A.touched      B.used     C. mixed       D. joined

2.A.ear      B. body   C. foot      D. shoulder

3.A. difficult   B.easy    C. interesting D. funny

4.A. fast      B.strangely C. strongly  D. slowly

5.A.power    B.attention C. struggles  D. failures

6.A.watched  B.followed  C. received  D. enjoyed

7.A. tears      B. smiles     C.excitement     D.disappointment

8.A.make     B.leave    C.forget     D.put

9.A.doubted  B.believed   C.guessed    D. imagined

10.A.lovely   B.rich     C.normal   D.colorful

11.A.paid off  B.set out    C.ran out   D.went off

12.A.story    B.problem   C. experience D. progress

13.A. sees     B. visits    C. invites    D. joins

14.A.objects    B.Enemies    C.habits    D.difficulties

15.A.flower   B.spirit   C.strength  D.pride

16.A.lose     B. fail    C.fall      D.stop

17.A. mark     B.result   C. symbol  D. sign

18.A.learning   B. taking    C.offering   D. refusing

19.A.related    B. happened  C.appealed  D. referred

20.A.However   B. Otherwise  C. Besides  D. Rather



The best way to improve your reading ability is, of course, to read. The student must make a real effort to improve his speed, and if necessary his comprehension, with each exercise. Too many students read passages passively(被动的) and without judgment: they simply start at the first word and read through to the end. You should read a passage actively, selectively(选择地) and purposely. You must believe that you indeed have the ability to read faster and understand, and that you will.
Reading, like everything else in life, is best done when you’re relaxed. The key to improve it is concentration. You must be willing to break some old habits and form new ones. Extra body movement, such as turning the head from side to side, pointing at the line with a finger or pencil, or moving the lips, should be stopped immediately. Reading is mostly a mental process(大脑活动过程) and body movement helps neither speed nor comprehension. Then you should see words as part of a whole sentence or paragraph, not just in isolation(孤立), This is why a slow, word-by-word student often understands far less, or misses much of the joy and excitement of reading.
The student must learn to improve reading skills on their own, and not just when a teacher is looking over his shoulder. Reading improvement takes discipline(纪律) and effort. Don’t give up.
1. According to the author, how should we not read a passage?
A. actively        B passively.   C. purposely        D. selectively
2. You may conclude that whether you can improve your reading depends on________.
A. your attitude                      B. your good habits of reading
C. discipline                         D. all of the above
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?        
A. When reading, you’d better point at the line with a pencil.   
B. When reading, you should turn your head from side to side.
C. When reading, you should pay attention to basic unit of meaning, that is a phrase or sentence that contains an idea.    
D. Body movement will help you to improve reading.
4. The best title for this passage is___________.
A. Reading Faster                         B. Understanding Better
C. How to Improve Your Reading             D. Don’t Give Up


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