摘要: His expression suggested that he . A. puzzling.puzzled B. puzzling, was puzzled C. puzzled, was puzzling D. puzzled, was puzzled


When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farmstead, in the winter especially, we wear quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that city life has its problems too.

One big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and at times the air is so dirty that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.

Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever your tastes in culture or entertainment. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprising - and, what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.

Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.

1.What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?

    A. Staying on the farm.                 B. Moving to the countryside.

    C. Leaving home for the city.            D. Running away from the school.

2.Which of the following is true about the writer?

    A. He is very old now.                  B. He is in good health.

    C. He prefers driving a car.              D. He lives in the city now.

3.In the passage, the writer tries to _________.

    A. express his opinions about way of life

    B. describe his life in the countryside

    C. show an interest in the outside world

    D. persuade the reader to live in the city

4.How is the passage mainly developed?

    A. By inferring.                       B. By comparing.

    C. By listing examples.                 D. By giving explanations.



       Ten Romantic New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Relationship.

RomanceStuck.com, an online resource for romance and relationships, offers 10 New Year’s resolutions for improving your relationship in 2008. Resolutions are usually about improving yourself as an individual. They're not often geared towards improving your relationship. This year, why not set a few romantic resolutions?

10 Romantic New Year's Resolutions to Improve your Relationship:

1. Set a monthly 'date night' and stick to it. Even if it's just dinner and a movie or a candle-lit dinner together at home, resolve to make time for each other this year.

2. Say "I Love You" every single day. These three small words carry so much meaning, yet they're never said often enough. Make sure that your partner knows you love and appreciate them every single day.

3. Put your love in writing. Nothing makes you feel warm like receiving a simple love note or a passionate love letter. Vow this year to put pen to paper and write your sweetie love notes, love poems, and love letters.

4. Bring back the spontaneity(惊喜)in your relationship! Try sending her flowers "just because". Buy him 2 tickets to a game of his favorite sport -- and go with him! Vow to surprise your partner at least once a month.

5. Get away from it all with a weekend get-away. Head to a cabin in the mountains or a relaxing SPA. It doesn't really matter where you go, as long as you go together and leave the interruptions behind.

6. Show your love each and every day. Give your partner compliments, hold hands, open doors, and engage in public displays of affection. It's the little things you do to show your love that always mean the most.

7. Shake up your romantic life with a little creativity. Create your own love coupon book with one coupon for your partner to redeem each week of the year. These little coupons can be as romantic, sexy, or practical as you want.

8. Have fun together! Take up a new hobby together this year. Join a softball team together, take cooking lessons, golf lessons, or dancing lessons. You'll not only learn something new, but you'll have fun with your partner at the same time!

9. Don't forget the little things. Make him lunch. Paint her toenails. Wash and wax his car. Do her weekly chores. It's the most practical way to show your love!

10. Get to know your partner better. Whether you're dating, just married, or celebrating your 25th anniversary, there is always more to learn about your partner -- and you can have fun doing it!

10.If you want to express your love in words, you’d better ________.

       A. say “I love you”.                                                 B. have a candle-dinner.

       C. give him/her a coupon.                                 D. put pen to paper.

11.How many the most practical ways are there to show your love?

       A. 4.                                   B. 6.       全品高考网                      C. 8.                                   D. 10.

12.Why had the lovers better have a weekend get-away?

       A. They lover nature.                                        B. Fresh air is good for their health.

       C. They have to get away.                                 D. They need relax and romance.

13.What do you think the purpose is that the Romance stuck..com gave the advice?

       A. To have fun.                                                B. To be creative.

       C. To improve relationships.         全品高考网               D. To encourage people date.


School uniforms(制服)are becoming more and more popular across the U.S.A. That’s no surprise,because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记)that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way,they will not pay too much attention to their clothing,and some of them will not be laughed at for wearing the “wrong” clothes.

Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms,but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule — wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers(障碍); school uniforms tear those barriers down.

As in other places,uniforms remind the wearers of their purposes and duties. For example,when a man or woman puts on a police uniform,he or she becomes,for a time,the symbol(象征)of law and order. The uniform means to the wearer his or her special duties and sends the same message to everyone the wearer meets. People with different jobs wear uniforms of one kind or another. For students,the school uniform reminds them that their task for the six or seven hours they are in school is to get an education.

Some parents are unhappy about uniforms,saying that school uniforms will affect their children’s “creativity”. First,as noted above,the clothes students choose to wear do not necessarily express their individuality (个性). They just copy their classmates. Second,students have the rest of the day to be as creative as they like. While they’re in school,their job is to master reading,writing,and maths; this should take up all the creativity they have. Mastery of those skills will be good for the students to build up their creativity in every way.

61. In Paragraph 1,the word “benefits” probably means       .

A. tasks        B. messages       C. differences      D. advantages

62. From the passage we learn that uniforms in general       .

A. prevent the wearers from being laughed at 

B. help the wearers keep their duties in mind

C. are seen as a symbol of power      D. help to create social barriers

63. Some people are against school uniforms because       .

A. they fail to realize that students have accepted the uniforms

B. they believe that uniforms will make students less creative

C. they don’t agree that uniforms can remove social barriers

D. they think that school uniforms are too popular

64. The author would probably agree that       .

A. it makes no difference whether to wear school uniforms or not

B. students’ individuality may not come from school education

C. students’ creativity is related to the clothes they choose

D. school uniforms help to create equality among students

65. School uniforms are becoming more and more popular and important because _____

A. they can stop the powerful social sorting and labeling.

B. if all students are dressed in the same way,they will not pay too much attention to their clothing.

C. uniforms can remind the wearers of their purposes and duties

D. school uniforms will affect their children’s creativity.



How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their association—the thing they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and the sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increase.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey (表达,传递)his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they make our speech silly and vulgar.(粗俗的)

48. Which of the following about a real poet is NOT true?

A. He is less than a master of words.     

B. His style is always charming.

C. His poem can move men to tears.

D. He can express his ideas in words that sing like music.

49. Where does the real power of the words come from?

A. From the words themselves.        

B. From their characteristics.

C. From their curiosity.     

D. From their association.

50. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of choosing words.

B. Where the real power of words come from.

C. What great writers are like.

D. We should learn to choose words carefully.



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