摘要: A. looks out B. takes up C. believes in D. makes sure Susan是不幸的.由于误诊.年纪轻轻成了盲人,Susan是幸运的.深爱她的丈夫一直在背后静静注视着她.爱人之间其实不需要太多的花言巧语.于无声处默默的关怀更让人感受到爱情的伟大.


Stand Beside You Forever永远站在你身后

The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She   1    the driver and, using her hands to feel the   2    of the seats, walked down and found the   3    which the driver had told her was empty. Then she settled in.

It had been a year since Susan, 34,   4    a medical misdiagnosis (误诊), was suddenly thrown into a world of   5   . Mark, her husband, was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. He   6    her how to rely on her other   7   , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and   8    to adapt herself to the new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could   9    for her, and save her a seat.

  10   , Susan decided that she was ready to try the   11    on her own. Monday morning, she said good-bye and for the first time, they went their   12    ways.

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was   13    the bus, the driver said, “Boy, I   14    envy you.” Susan had no   15   what the driver was talking about, and asked, “What do you   16   ?”

The driver answered, “You know, every morning for the   17    week, a fine-looking gentleman   18    a military uniform has been standing across the corner   19    you as you get off the bus. He   20    you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building. You are one lucky lady.”           

Tears of gratitude poured down Susan’s cheeks.     

1. A. thanked      B. asked           C. discovered         D. paid

2. A. location      B. shape           C. size         D. cost

3. A. ticket         B. bus              C. seat         D. bag

4. A. according to   B. instead of        C. thanks to    D. due to

5. A. anger         B. darkness          C. happiness    D. light

6. A. asked         B. encouraged      C. taught        D. praised

7. A. feelings      B. sights           C. senses         D. abilities

8. A. how               B. when           C. where         D. who

9. A. make out           B. watch out        C. find out      D. work out

10. A. Finally     B. Luckily           C. However    D. Besides

11. A. visit          B. trip              C. bus         D. work

12. A. opposite           B. separate           C. difficult      D. usual

13. A. getting on    B. getting in        C. getting off         D. getting up

14. A. must         B. may             C. will         D. do

15. A. idea          B. opinion           C. way        D. thought

16. A. want         B. mean           C. say          D. suggest

17. A. next         B. old              C. past         D. following

18. A. by         B. on               C. with        D. in

19. A. searching     B. watching         C. calling        D. noticing

20. A. looks out     B. takes up          C. believes in         D. makes sure



The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane(棍子) made her way carefully up the steps. She   36   the driver and, using her hands to feel the   37   of the seats, walked down and found the   38   which the driver had told her was empty. Then she settled in.

It had been a year since Susan, 34,   39   a medical misdiagnosis (误诊), was suddenly thrown into a world of   40   . Mark, her husband, was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. He   41   her how to rely on her other  42   specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and   43   to adapt herself to the new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could   44   for her, and save her a seat.

   45  , Susan decided that she was ready to try the   46   on her own. Monday morning, she said good-bye and for the first time, they went their   47   ways.

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was   48   the bus, the driver said, “Lady, I   49   envy you.” Susan had no   50   what the driver was talking about, and asked, “What do you   51   ?”

The driver answered, “You know, every morning for the   52   week, a fine-looking gentleman   53   a military uniform has been standing across the corner   54    you as you get off the bus. He   55   you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building. You are one lucky lady.”           

Tears of gratitude poured down Susan’s cheeks.     

1.A. thanked                B. asked                      C. discovered         D. paid

2.A. location                B. shape                      C. size                  D. cost

3.A. ticket                   B. bus                         C. seat                   D. bag

4.A. according to          B. instead of               C. thanks to           D. due to

5.A. anger                   B. darkness                 C. happiness          D. light

6.A. asked                   B. encouraged              C. taught               D. praised

7.A. feelings                B. sights                      C. senses                      D. abilities

8.A. how                     B. when                   C. where                      D. who

9.A. make out               B. watch out            C. find out                    D. work out

10.A. Finally                B. Luckily                C. However           D. Besides

11.A. visit                  B. trip                              C. bus                   D. work

12.A. opposite             B. separate                   C. difficult                   D. usual

13.A. getting on           B. getting in             C. getting off         D. getting up

14.A. must                   B. may                       C. will                         D. do

15.A. idea                           B. opinion                C. way                         D. thought

16.A. want                 B. mean                       C. say                          D. suggest

17.A. next                          B. old                   C. past                  D. following

18.A. by                            B. on                    C. with                 D. in

19.A. searching             B. watching              C. calling              D. noticing

20.A. looks out             B. takes up               C. believes in        D. makes sure



Most people give little thought to the pens they write withespecially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very ____things are handwritten.All too oftenpeople buy a pen based only on ____and wonder why they are not satisfied ___ they begin to use it.Howeverbuying a pen that you’ll enjoy is not ____ if you keep the following in mind.

First of alla pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be __5__ to use.The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征)____ comfort.Having a small hand and thick fingersyou may be comfortable with a thin pen.If you have a ____ hand and thicker fingers you may ____a fatter pen.The length of a pen can ____ influence comfort.A pen that is too ____ can easily feel top?heavy and unstable.

Thenthe writing point of the pen should ____ the ink to flow evenly(均匀地) while the pen remains in touch with the paper.____ will make it possible for you to create a ____ line of writing.The point should also be sensitive enough to ____ink from running when the pen is lifted.A point that does not block the ____ may leave drops of ink____ you pick the pen up and put it down again.

___the pen should make a thickdark line.Fine?line pens may ____ bad handwritingbut finedelicate lines do not command ____ next to printed textas____a signature on a printed letter.A broader lineon the other handgives an impression of confidence and authority(权威)

1.A.many? Bfew

Cpleasant? Dimportant

2.A.looks? Breason

Cvalue? Dadvantages

3.A.once? Bif

Cbecause? Dthough

4.A.convenient? Bpractical

Cstrange? Ddifficult

5.A.heavy? Beasy

Chard? Dsafe

6.A.taking? Bfinding

Cdetermining? Dseeking

7.A.stronger? Bweaker

Csmaller? Dlarger

8.A.prefer? Brecommend

Cprepare? Ddemand

9.A.hardly? Balso

Cnever? Dstill

10.A.thick? Blight

Clong? Dsoft

11.A.change? Ballow

Creduce? Dpress

12.A.They? BOne

CThis? DSome

13.A.thin? Brough

Cblack? Dsmooth

14.A.prevent? Bfree

Cprotect? Dremove

15.A.way? Bsight

Cflow? Dstream

16.A.so? Bas

Cand Dyet

17.A.Meanwhile? BGenerally

CAfterwards? DFinally

18.A.show up? Bdiffer from

Cbreak down Dcompensate for

19.A.attention? Bsupport

Crespect? Dadmission

20.A.at most? Bfor example

Cin brief? Don purpose



[1] Look at the center circles of Diagram A and Diagram B. Which of the centre circles looks larger?

[2] Take a first look and you probably think that the centre circle in Diagram A is smaller than that in Diagram B. In fact, they are exactly the same size.
[3]Then look at the picture on the right. What do you see? A vase? Or two faces? Does the picture change quickly from one to the other again and again? Maybe or maybe not, but you can see them at the same time.

[4]“What’s happening? Is something wrong with my eyes?” You may wonder at what you see. Don’t worry. Here is how it goes:
[5]When we look at things, our eyes send messages to our brains and then our brains interpret the information. However, sometimes our brains interpret the received information in a wrong way. It seems that our eyes are playing a joke on us. This often happens and we call it “Visual illusion(幻觉)”.

[6] Movie makers often make use of illusions. They make the objects around actors much smaller or bigger than usual. This makes us believe that the actors are much larger or smaller than they usually are. The movies Jurassic Park and Honey J shrunk the kids just make use of illusions.
【小题1】In which column of a magazine can you read the above text?

【小题2】The centre circle in Diagram A looks smaller than that in Diagram B, That’s because____.
A.something is wrong with our eyes
B.the two circles are not of the same size
C.our brains interpret the information wrongly
D.pictures change quickly from one to the other
【小题3】In the picture on the right, it seems that Line AB is shorter than line CD, but in fact line AB is as long as Line CD. Which paragraph can explain what has happened to our eyes?
A. The second one.         B. The third one.   C. The sixth one..          D. The fifth one
【小题4】What’s the right order according to the text?
a. We look at things with our eyes.        b. Our brains interpret the messages.
c. Our brains tell us what we have seen.  d. Our eyes send messages to our brains.
A. a-d-b-c      B c-a-b-d    C a-c-d-b   D. b-e-a-d


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