摘要:Hold a moment while I fix your tie. A.up B.on C.still D.back


  Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help to prevent drought and floods.

  Unfortunately, in many parts of the world man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.

  Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

  Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this. The villager wants wood to cook his food with, and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after trees. So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.

  This does not only mean that the villagers? sons and grandsons have fewer trees. The results are even more serious. For where there are trees their roots break the soil up—allowing the rain to sink in and also hold the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily, but where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert.

63. The purpose that the writer wrote this article for is ____ .

 A. to tell people that trees are very useful to man

 B. to warn people not to cut down trees any more

 C. to warn that man mustn't destroy forests any more

 D. to explain how trees help to prevent drought and floods

64. In the writer's opinion, ____ , or the forests slowly disappear.

 A. measure must be taken                      B. people shouldn't draw benefit from the tree

 C. government must realize the serious results      D. unless trees never be cut down

65. According to the article we know it is ____ to prevent the forests from slowly disappearing.

 A. necessary but impossible                    B. necessary but difficult

 C. impossible and unimportant                  D. difficult and impossible

66. In the last two paragraphs the writer wanted to make it clear that ____ .

 A. where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor

 B. where there are many trees, there are fewer floods

 C. where there are no trees, the land might become desert slowly

 D. floods will make the land become desert




Do you know what kind of things the young people are reading? More and more  36  and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, which came from the printed papers  37  on streets. These printed things  38  newspapers but have hardly anything to do with  39  , you can only find reading materials badly made up there—— some are too strange for anyone to 40 ; others are frightening stories of something  41 .However, many of the young readers are getting interested in such 42  reading, which 43   them what they should pay for their breakfast and brings them nightmares(恶梦)and immoral(邪恶的)ideas in 44  . Homework was left  45  ; daily games lost.

  These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers,  46  they are, we never know, are  47 their silent money.

  The sheep - skinned wolf’s story seems to have been forgotten once again. Why not  48  this kind of thing? Yes, both teachers and parents have asked each other for more strict control of the young readers.  49  , the more you want to forbid it, the more they want to have a look at it.  50   you may even find out several children, driven by the curious nature,  51   one patched paper, which has traveled from hand to hand.

  It really does 52   to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral pollution. The 53  teachers and parents need more powerful support in their protection of the young generation. At the same time the young  54  need more interesting books to help them  55  those ugly papers.

  36.A. writers     B. readers    C. students      D. teachers

  37.A. sold        B. printed     C. put          D. found

  38.A. work out   B. look like    C. act as        D. depend on

  39.A. them       B. children     C. young people  D. it

  40.A. think      B. believe      C. know        D. understand

  41.A. still worse  B. even better   C. very good   D. more important

  42.A. wonderful  B. interesting   C. useful        D. poisonous

  43.A. spends     B. costs        C. pays         D. takes

  44.A. sight       B. common     C. return       D. use

  45.A. unknown  B. much       C. less        D. undone

  46.A. what       B. whoever    C. whatever     D. who

  47.A. making     B. spending     C. wasting      D. using

  48.A. forbid     B. separate      C. leave        D.forget

  49.A. Luckily    B. Unfortunately C. Badly        D. Happily

  50.A. Always    B. Hardly      C. Sometimes   D. Seldom

  51.A. share      B. get          C. hold        D. take

  52.A. good       B. favor        C. wrong      D. harm

  53.A. puzzled     B. surprised     C. disappointed  D. worried

  54.A. teachers     B. parents     C. readers       D. writers

  55.A. come into   B. break down   C. get rid of     D. get of



Most, if not all, Chinese have become richer thanks to 28 years of reform and opening up. But are we any happier?

  Various surveys attempt to answer this question. Though experts have presented varying percentages based on different standards, their answers tend to find we are generally happier, and the number of optimists rises each year. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ 2006 Blue Book on social progress says 70 per cent of rural and urban citizens surveyed in 2005 reported a feeling of happiness and were optimistic about their futures.

  But each survey shows a worrisome fact that 10 per cent, at the lowest, of citizens were not content with their lives or not hopeful about the future. We cannot be content with the fact that at least 130 million of our countrymen are not happy.

  Although a sense of happiness remains a luxury(奢望)for many of our countrymen because of poverty, we agree wealth is not the only factor of happiness. For most of us, except the extremely rich and naturally born optimists, there simply are too many variables (可变物) that may kill the feeling of happiness. These include, but are not limited to, rising housing prices, tight and instable job market, back-breaking schooling expenses and medical bills.

The most common one, however, is a low sense of security (安全). Some experts pointed that in the low-and-middle income group there was too much uncertainty regarding employment, income, housing, medical situations, and education. How can you feel happy when you always have to prepare yourself for the unexpected?

It may be beyond the government’s reach, not to mention duty, to guarantee (保证) higher income for every citizen. But it does have a burden to create an environment where all citizens can feel a reasonable level of security.

From the second paragraph we learn _____________________.

A. 70 % of Chinese people feel happy and optimistic about their future

B. the data and the conclusions of the surveys are the same

C. the surveys about the sense of happiness were carried out in 2006

D. the purpose of the surveys is to find out the percentage of rich people

The following factors of happiness are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _________.

A. security           B. environment             C. wealth            D. employment 

The underlined word “countrymen” in Paragraph 3 refers to ___________.

       A. people from the countryside                   B. people from cities

       C. people from all countries                       D. Chinese citizens

According to the passage, the author tends to hold the view that _________.

A. the wealthier we get, the happier we become

B. though we get wealthier, we do not feel happier

C. it is the government’s duty to raise every citizen’s income

D. the government should make sure all citizens feel a good level of security



  Exchange a glance with someone, and then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person’s stare without being friendly, rude, or aggressive. If you are on a lift, what stare-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no harm. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contacts. That is what sociologist Erving Goffiman calls “a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on a lift, you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.

  If you hold eye contacts for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They stare at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”, “I am interested in you” or “You look peculiar and I am curious about you.” This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.

  60. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.

  A. every glance has its significance

  B. a glance carries more meaning than words

  C. a stare longer than 3 seconds is unacceptable

  D. staring at a person is an expression of interest

  61. If you want to be left alone on a lift the best thing to do is ______.

  A. to look into another passenger’s eyes

  B. to keep a distance from other passengers

  C. to avoid eye contacts with other passengers

  D. to signal you don’t mean to do harm to anyone

  62. By “a dimming of the lights”, Erving Goffiman means ______.

  A. closing one’s eyes         B. turning off the lights

  C. stopping glancing at others     D. reducing stare-time to the minimum

  63. The passage mainly discusses ______.

  A. the limitations of eye contacts

  B. the exchange of ideas through eye contacts

  C. proper behavior in different situations in people’s daily life

  D. the role of eye contacts in communication between people


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