摘要: They at last came to a great desert, lies the Dead Sea to its east. A. where B. there C. across which D. over which


In a living statue, just as the name implies, somebody transforms(=change)himself or herself into a statue. Last year, I came across an article in a magazine describing living statues in the streets of some Australian cities. The article was vividly written, except that there was not even a single picture; one could only imagine what a scene it would have been! All the harder, then, to believe that I ran into the “wonder” in Barcelona this year. The performers – the living statues – were street artists at Las Ramblas.

Las Ramblas is the most famous street in Barcelona. Especially in summer, thousands of tourists go to the seaside by passing through this street, making it a center of shops and bazaars. Not only can you find tourists there, but also thieves, cheats, cops…among whom the living statue artists are the most special group.

They were covered with greasepaint(化妆油)in different colors, wearing season – disproportional (不和季节的)clothes, standing on a pedestal(底座)for several hours without making even a single move. Are they real or fake, the guests were wondering…and then suddenly the statues came to life, just for a few seconds to shift positions. But the movement of the statues seemed like someone just had breathed life into them. They really do look like statues, and that’s how they got their name.

Usually there is a jar or a hat in front of them. They would change to another pose whenever some tourist puts a coin in the hat. You may take photos after giving a Euro, or even less, but be careful not to touch the statues, unless you want yourself to be covered in paint. It’s a really special experience, don’t you think?

1.The best title for this passage would be       .

  A.The Living Statues of Barcelona       B.Street Artists at Las Ramblas

  C.A Shopping Center in Barcelona       D.Special Performances at Las Ramblas

2.We can infer from this passage that Las Ramblas is      .

  A.very famous in Barcelona   B.near the seaside

  C.a shopping center              D.the writer’s wonder

3.The underlined word “fake” in paragraph 4 means “      ”.

  A.true     B.living    C.unreal    D.wrong

4.From the passage, we can see that the living statues perform in the street in order to    .

  A.show off           B.beautify the city

  C.make tourists happy     D.make a living



July 16th was a bad day for Mr. Arthur Johnson, in the morning, he set off from his home in Santa Barbara, California, It was the start of his summer holidays and he decided to visit friends at Las Vegas, and he hoped to go fishing in Lake Mead, 40km from Las Vegas.

Johnson’s troubles started while he was driving happily across the Mojave Desert, His car went wrong and he tried to repair it, Them, to make matters worse, his attempts to start the car used up the battery and left it useless, After Johnsoon had waited an hour in the hot sun, a Canadian driver, john Williams, stopped and tried to help him. When both men failed, Williams promised to telephone a workshop to ask it to send a truck to pull the car away and repair its fuel pump.

Johnson left the keys in his car and sat in the shade of a large tree, Soon he fell asleep。 While he was sleeping, a repair truck arrived from San Pedro (the nearest town) and pulled his car away, Later on, Johnson woke up and thought that somebody had stolen his car.  He started to walk back toward San Pedro but a police car stopped him to find out why he was walking in the desert.

Johnsoon looked like a man wanted in Los Angeles for robbery ,so the police detained him at San Pedro for the night , The next day, Johnson telephoned his friends in Los Angeles, They drove to San Pedro and made the police believe that Johnson was a harmless salesman, so they set him free,


67.Johnson’s car went wrong           

A when he was near the Mojave Desen    B.after he had passed San Pedro

C.before he left Santa Barhara               D  not far from Los Angeles

68.What does the word“detained”mean?

A.Caught    B controlled.  C kept   D hurt

69 How did Williams help Jobnson?

A  He persuaded the police to set him free    B He went to ask the police for help

   C He drove Johnson into SanPedro           D He arranged to have his car repaired

70. Which is the best title of this passage?

A A Bad Day for Arthur Johnson       B A Terrible Trip in the Desert

C A Poorly―planned Journey            D An Interesting Car Trip


In a living statue, just as the name implies, somebody transforms himself or herself into a statue. Last year, I came across an article in a magazine describing living statues in the streets of some Australian cities. The article was vividly written, except that there was not even a single picture; one could only imagine what a scene it would have been! All the harder, then, to believe that I ran into the “wonder” in Barcelona this year. The performers the living statues were street artists at Las Ramblas.

Las Ramblas is the most famous street in Barcelona. Especially in summer, thousands of tourists go to the seaside by passing through this street, making it a center of shops and bazaars. Not only can you find tourists there, but also thieves, cheats, cops…among whom the living statue artists are the most special group.

They were covered with greasepaint(化妆油)in different colors, wearing season disproportional (不和季节的)clothes, standing on a pedestal(底座)for several hours without making even a single move. Are they real or fake, the guests were wondering…and then suddenly the statues came to life, just for a few seconds to shift positions. But the movement of the statues seemed like someone just had breathed life into them. They really do look like statues, and that’s how they got their name.

Usually there is a jar or a hat in front of them. They would change to another pose whenever some tourist puts a coin in the hat. You may take photos after giving a Euro, or even less, but be careful not to touch the statues, unless you want yourself to be covered in paint. It’s a really special experience, don’t you think?


60.The best title for this passage would be             .

   A.The Living Statues of Barcelona                B.Street Artists at Las Ramblas

   C.A Shopping Center in Barcelona                 D.Special Performances at Las Ramblas

61.We can infer from this passage that Las Ramblas is            .

   A.very famous in Barcelona                         B.near the seaside

   C.a shopping center                                    D.the writer’s “wonder”

62.The underlined word “fake” in paragraph 4 means “            ”.

   A.true                        B.living                   C.unreal                 D.wrong

63.From the passage, we can see that the living statues perform in the street in order to         .

  A.show off B.beautify the city C.make tourists happy D.make a living

     July 16th was a bad day for Mr. Arthur Johnson. In the morning, he set out from his home in Santa
Barbara, Califomia. It was the start of his summer holidays and he decided to visit Wends at Las Vegas,
then he hoped to go fishing in Lake Mead, 40 km from Las Vegas.
     Johnson's troubles started while he was driving happily across the Mojave Desert. His car went wrong
and he tried to repair it. Then, to make matters worse, his attempts to start the car used up the battery (电
池) and left it useless. After Johnson had waited an hour in the hot sun, a Canadian driver, John Williams,
stopped and tried to help him. When both men failed, Williams promised to telephone a workshop to ask it
to send a truck to pull the car away and repair its fuel pump.
     Johnson left the keys in his car and sat in the shade of a large tree. Soon he fell asleep. While he was
sleeping, a repair truck arrived from San Pedro (the nearest town) and pulled his car away. Later on,
Johnson woke up and thought that somebody had stolen his car. He started to walk back towards San Pedro
but a police car stopped him to find out why he was walking in the desert.
     Johnson looked like a man wanted in Los Angels for robbery, so the police detained him at San Pedro
for the night. The next day, Johnson telephoned his friends in Los Angeles. They drove to San Pedro and
made the police believe that Johnson was a harmless salesman, so they set him free.
1. Johnson's car went wrong ____.
A. after he had passed San Pedro
B. before he left Santa Barbara
C. when he was getting near the Mojave Desert
D. not far from Los Angeles
2. Which way did Williams go when he left Johnson?
A. He drove on to Las Vegas.
B. He went back to Los Angeles.
C. Perhaps he went to San Pedro.
D. He continued his journey to Canada.
3. The underlined word "detained" most probably means ____.
A. to put into prison
B. to question seriously
C. to examine carefully
D. to keep in the police station
4. Which is the best title of this passage?
A. A Bad Day for Arthur Johnson
B. An Unlucky Car and the Driver
C. An Unpleasant Trip in the Desert
D. A Badly-planned Journey


  Most people think that making a film is exciting.In fact, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.Earlier this year, I worked in a new film.It was about a bomb threat on a big British ship.Two hundred people were needed to act as the passengers in the film.I was one of them.

  Before we left, we were wanted to bring some warm clothes.These were necessary because the ship was going to spend the whole 16 days sailing in bad weather.

  Then the day came and we sailed out of Dover.The boat had on board the film crew, the director, the actors and actresses including Brinksley Meers, who acted the leading role, and us 200 amateur(业余的)extras.

  People came for different purposes.Some wanted to meet Brinksley Meers in person.Others were curious to see how a film was made.A housewife with her three children came for free holiday and a bit of adventure.

  During the voyage, a lot of people were very seasick.And although the work was very interesting, it was also very hard.We often worked all day on one scene, performing it again and again under the hot lights.In the evenings, there were drinks in the bar, but most people were so tired that they went to bed early.The next day often began at 6∶30 in the morning, sometimes with breakfast being filmed.

  When the ship finally returned to port, most people had enjoyed the trip, but were also so tired that they at least needed a week's holiday.

Answer the following questions:

1.Which role did the author act in the film?


2.Why the film crew were asked to bring some warm clothes?


3.Who acted the leading role?


4.Why the author said“they at least needed a week's holiday”?


5.Can you infer author's purpose of writing this article?



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