摘要: A. While B. Although C. As D. If


If you don’t have a college degree, you’re at greater risk of developing memory problems or even Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆). Education plays a key role in lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder, and it's well documented that those with a college degree possess a cognitive(认知的) advantage over those less educated in middle and old age.

       Now, a large national study from Brandeis University published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry shows that those with less schooling can significantly make up for poorer education by frequently engaging in mental exercises such as word games, puzzles, reading, and lectures.

       “The lifelong benefits of higher education for memory in later life are quite impressive, but we do not clearly understand how and why these effects last so long,” said lead author Margie Lachman, a psychologist. She suggested that higher education may encourage lifelong interest in cognitive efforts, while those with less education may not engage as frequently in mental exercises that help keep the memory agile (敏捷地).

       But education early in adulthood does not appear to be the only route to maintain your memory. The study found that intellectual activities undertaken regularly made a difference. “Among individuals with low education, those who are engaged in reading, writing, attending lectures, doing word games or puzzles once a week or more had memory scores similar to people with more education,” said Lachman.

       The study, called Midlife in the United States, assessed 3,343 men and women between the ages of 32 and 84 with an average age of 56 years. Almost 40 percent of the participants had at least a 4-year college degree. The researchers evaluated how the participants performed in two cognitive areas, verbal (言语的)memory and executive function --- brain processes involved in planning, abstract thinking and cognitive flexibility. Participants were given a series of tests, including tests of verbal fluency, word recall, and backward counting.

       As expected, those with higher education said they engaged in cognitive activities more often and also did better on the memory tests, but some with lower education also did well, explained Lachman.

       “The findings are promising because they suggest there may be ways to level the playing field for those with lower educational achievement, and protect those at greatest risk for memory declines,” said Lachman. “Although we can not rule out the possibility that those who have better memories are the ones who take on more activities, the evidence is consistent with cognitive plasticity (可塑性), and suggests some degree of personal control over cognitive functioning in adulthood by adopting an intellectually active lifestyle.”

What is the text mainly about?

       A. Higher education has a better cognitive advantage.

       B. Better memories result from college degree.

       C. Cognitive activity does good to one’s mind.

       D. Poor education has more risk of memory declines.

According to the result of Margie Lachman’s study, we can conclude that ________.

 A. education is responsible for the lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder

 B. education early in adulthood can be the only route to maintain your memory

 C. those with higher education did better on the memory tests than those with lower education

 D. an intellectually active lifestyle does help to maintain your memory

What do we know about the study called Midlife?

     A. Participants each were given a battery to test their memory.

     B. The average age of the participants are 56 years old.

     C. Participants had to perform in one of the two cognitive areas.

     D. One in four of the participants had a 4-year college degree.

Why are the findings of the Lachman’s study promising?

     A. The lower educated may have the same opportunities to keep up memory.

     B. We may have ways to cure the people who have memory declines.

     C. Adopting a different lifestyle can control cognitive functioning.

     D. We can find out the possibility to have better memories.


    A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. On the one hand,some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo,you can produce valuable tissues(组织)and organs that could be used to save human lives. On the other hand,many people,including some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind interferes with(干涉)nature in this way,they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster.

    Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003,at a much younger age than normal. When she was born,many people were angry because they thought cloning would create more disease in the animal world. However,in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough.

    The Scottish scientist who created Dolly,Ian Wilmut,is shocked that some scientists are now considering cloning human beings. Although he researches cloning,his intention has never been to create copies of humans. Instead,he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer. However,some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.

    While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries,some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby. Severino Antinori,an Italian doctor,is one of the leaders in this kind of research. He has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.

    In China,scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals,as well as stern cells to be used in medical research. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats,and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.

51. Which of the following statements about cloning is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cloning technology can only be applied to animals.

B. A cloned animal can live longer than a normal one.

C. People all over the world are happy about the birth of Dolly.

D. Cloning can produce valuable tissues and organs to cure human diseases.

52. The reasons why people are anti-cloning include the following EXCEPT that_______.

A. cloning may produce a real-life Frankenstein’s monster

B. cloning might create more disease in the animal world

C. cloning can’t help those who want to clone their dead children

D. cloning human embryos shows no respect for human life

53. Who is in favor of cloning human beings?

A. Ian Wilmut.        B. Severino Antinori.

C. The author.        D. The Chinese scientists.

54. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. If we interfere with nature, we will change the world to be what we want.

B. It is impossible to clone babies for women who cannot have ones.

C. Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries,so no scientists want to do so.

D. Whether cloning human embryos is legal or not remains a matter of debate.


  In the atmosphere,carbon dioxide actd rather like a one-way mirror or the glass in the roof of a greenhouse which allows the sun's rays to enter but prevents the heat from excaping.
  According to a weather expert's prediction,the atmosphere will be 3 warmer in the year 2050 than it is today, if man continues to burn luels at the present rate. If this warming up took place,the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt,thus raising sea level several meters and severely flooding coastal cities.Also,the increase in atmospheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of the northern hemisphere(半球),psooicbly resulting in an alteration of earth's chief food growing zones.
  In the past,concern about a man - made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thicker ice sheet.But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic,which may be affected by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from on burning of fuels.
  Satellite pictures showthat large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing.The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place.This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.
  However,most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere,where temperatures seem to be falling.Scientists conclude,therefore,that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man.The question is:Which natural cause has most effect on the weather?
  One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.Astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and cold spots(that is,the relatively less hot spots) on the sun. As the sun rotates(旋转),every 27.5 days,it presents hotter or colder faces to the earth,and different aspects to different parts of the earth.This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth's atmospheric pressure,and consequently on wind circulation.The sun is also variable over a long term:its heat output goes up and down in cycles,the latest trend being downward.
  Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years ,including the last Ice Age.The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not.
  One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia(不活动,惰性) of the earth's climate.If this is right,the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter balance to the sun's diminishing heat.
  68.It can be concluded that a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would ___.
   A.mean a warming - up im the Arctic
   B.raise the temperature of the earth's surface
   C.prevent the sun's rays from reaching the earth's surface
   D.account for great changes in the climate in the northern hemiphere
  69.Although the fuel consumption is greater in the northern hemisphere,temperatures there seem to be falling.This is _______.
   A.mainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are rising
   B.partly due to variations in the output of solar energy
   C.possibly because the ice caps in the poles are melting
   D.exclusively due to the effect of the inertia of the earth's climate
  70.On the basis of their models,scientists are of the opinion that ________.
   A.the climate of the world should be becoming cooler
   B.the new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effect
   C.the man - made warming effect helps to increase the solar effects
   D.it will take thousands of years for the inertia of the earth's climate to take effect


Although many online personality tests are fun, only a few will really give you insight into who you are and what you are supposed to be doing with your life.
At CareerPlanner.com we believe that each individual, regardless  of (不管) race or religion, has a purpose in life, and until you discover what your purpose is, you will not find true happiness, nor true job satisfaction.
This doesn’t mean you won’t be successful. It just means you won’t be happy until you are moving towards your true purpose.
Unfortunately, our school system does very little to help students discover their true career. This is where online personality tests and career tests can help.
Online personality tests and career tests can help you better understand what type of work you should be doing to achieve job satisfaction, happiness, and success.
Personality tests are most useful in giving you insight into “how” your personality compares to others and “how” you like to work.
In particular, if you frequently experience difficulty working with others, or getting their support and cooperation, a really good personality test would show you how to get along better.
While personality tests are very useful at showing you how you like to work and how you like your work environment, they are not really designed to show you “what” type of work is right for you.
That is where Career Interest Tests come in. Online Career Tests, such as the CareerPlanner.com offers will help you discover what your true interests are, and what type of work you will be passionate (热诚的) about.
But back to personality tests. The most well-established personality tests are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator R, and the Enneagram.
【小题1】The underlined word “insight” in the first paragraph means _____.

【小题2】 You can’t achieve true job satisfaction unless you _____.
A.find your true purpose in lifeB.choose the best work
C.get along well with othersD.adapt to the work environment
【小题3】The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is _____.
A.to recommend some popular online personality tests
B.to inform readers of online personality and career tests
C.to tell the differences between some popular online tests
D.to persuade people to take online personality or career tests
【小题4】 What will the writer most probably talk about next?
A.The differences between personality tests and career tests.
B.The similarities between personality tests and career tests.
C.The reasons why personality and career tests are popular.
D.The details of the two most well-established personality tests.


While Jennifer was at home taking an online exam for her business law class, a monitor(监控器)a few hundred miles away was watching her every move.
Using a web camera equipped in Jennifer’s Los Angeles apartment, the monitor in Phoenix tracked how frequently her eyes moved from the computer screen and listened for the secret sounds of a possible helper in the room. Her Internet access was locked - remotely - to prevent Internet searches , and her typing style was analyzed to make sure she was who she said she was: Did she enter her student number at the same speed as she had in the past? Or was she slowing down?
In the battle against cheating, this is the cutting edge and a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education. The technology gives trust to the entire system, to the institution and to online education in general. Only with solid measures against cheating, experts say, can Internet universities show that their exams and diplomas are valid - that students haven’t just searched the Internet to get the right answers.
Although online classes have existed for more than a decade, the concern over cheating has become sharper in the last year with the growth of "open online courses." Private colleges, public universities and corporations are jumping into the online education field, spending millions of dollars to attract potential students, while also taking steps to help guarantee honesty at a distance.
Aside from the web cameras, a number of other high-tech methods are becoming increasingly popular. Among them are programs that check students’ identities using personal information, such as the telephone number they once used.
Other programs can produce unique exam by drawing on a large list of questions and can recognize possible cheaters by analyzing whether difficult test question are answered at the same speed as easy ones. As in many university classes, term papers are scanned against some large Internet data banks for cheating.
【小题1】Why was Jennifer watched in an online exam?

A.To correct her typing mistakes.
B.To find her secrets in the room.
C.To prevent her from slowing down.
D.To keep her from dishonest behaviors.
【小题2】The underlined expression cutting edge in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.
A.advanced techniqueB.sharpening tool
C.effective ruleD.dividing line
【小题3】 For Internet universities, exams and diplomas will be valid if _____.
A.they can attract potential studentsB.they can defeat academic cheating
C.they offer students online helpD.they offer many online courses
【小题4】Some programs can find out possible cheaters by _____.
A.checking the question answering speed
B.producing a large number of question
C.scanning the Internet test question
D.giving difficult test question
【小题5】 Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.The Advantages of Online Exams
B.The High-tech Methods in Online Courses
C.The Fight against Cheating in Online Education
D.The War against the Booming of Online Education


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