摘要:35.It is near the place there is a bomb we found the dead man. A.where; where B.where; that C.that; where D.that; that


  Rats eat our food or make it so dirty that it isn't fit for people at all. That's why people often kill them by laying down poison. After a day or two, they find the poison still there. The rats haven't touched it, even though it is near the food which they eat. People think they must be clever and cunning. Some scientists have been trying to find the best way to poison rats. They have watched to see just what a rat does day and night. They have found out that rats aren't so clever. They are just very shy.

  Rats usually live in holes. They run from these holes to the places where they eat and drink. They have special paths on which they travel each time. So they know their paths quite well.

  If anything new, such as stone or wood, is put in the path, the rats won't go near it at first as they are too frightened. It will take them many days to get over the fear. They are also frightened to go near a place that they know, where something has been taken away. If a path goes around a rock, the rats follow the same path around the rock each time. If the rock is taken away, they will still run round the place where the rock was! They won't cross the empty place, which is now open to them, even though it would be quicker.

  Rats will always keep away from anything unusual to them. That's why they won't eat poison on the first or second night. They usually won't go anywhere near it for about four days until they get used to being there. Even then they only eat a little at a time.

  If people want to kill rats with poison, all they have to do is to leave it out for a few days. Once the rats have got used to it, they will eat it and die.

  1.This passage mainly tells us

    A. how a rat destroys our food

    B. how to poison a rat

    C. what's a rat's habit

    D. poisoning a rat is not easy


  2.How does the writer feel about rats?

    A. They are clever and cunning.

    B. They are the most dangerous enemy.

    C. They are smart and shy.

    D. It's easy for them to get close to an unknown object.


  3.________ rats have special paths to travel each time.

    A. Because they live in holes most of the time

    B. To find more food to eat and water to drink

    C. In order not to eat anything poisonous

    D. To protect themselves


  4.If you want to kill a rat, ________.

    A. you should make it get used to the poison

    B. you should drive it out of the hole

    C. you should place a rock on the path along which it runs

    D. you should make it get over the fear to cross the empty place




  Do you know something about tree rings?Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds of years ago?

  A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunshine and rainfall.And little sunshine or rainfall will limit(限制)the growth of climate by studying the tree rings.For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from the outside to the inside.If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we’re sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year.If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.

  Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man.Many centuries ago there lived a lot of people at a place in New Mexico.But now you can find only sand there-no trees and no people.What happened?

  A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there.He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees to make fires and buildings.As all the trees had gone, the people there had to move.


________ in good climate.

[  ]


Tree rings grow far from each other


Tree rings become thinner


Trees don’t need sunshine or rainfall


People can cut down most of the trees


The scientists are interested in studying tree rings because tree rings can tell ________.

[  ]


whether a tree was strong or not


whether people took good care of the trees or not


whether the climate was good or not


how old the trees were


If you want to find out the weather of twenty years ago,you should study ________.

[  ]


the twentieth ring


the tenth ring


the nineteenth ring


the twenty first ring


Why did people usually live in places with lots of trees?

[  ]


Trees could tell the change of the weather.


Trees brought lots of sunshine and rain.


Trees could make weather not too hot or too cold.


Trees could be used for burning and for building house.


The people had to leave the place in New Mexico because ________.

[  ]


bad weather stopped the growth of trees


they no longer had water and the land became sand


they didn’t have enough trees for burning


there was too much rain there



  A terrifying example of the sea's power saw about 200,000 people die in 12 different countries last week. The devastation (毁坏) was caused when a massive earthquake sent tsunamis (海啸) smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines.

  Communities in Sri Lanka. Indonesia, Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Africa have been destroyed by the monster waves. Whole towns were imply swept aside by the power of the water. Cars, trains and buildings could not survive (幸免), let alone the people who stood in the way.

  The earthquake measured 9.0 on the Richter scale (里氏震级) and occurred off the coast of Indonesia. It was recorded as the fifth strongest since 1900.

  Scientists said the quake was as powerful as a million of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan during World War Ⅱ. “This may be the worst natural disaster in recent history because it is affecting so many heavily populated coastal areas," said Jan Egeland, a UN official.

  Because such waves rarely happen in the Indian Ocean, there is no system in place to warn coastal communities they are about to be hit.

  Tsunami is Japanese for “harbour wave.” They are usually caused by a sudden rise or fall of part of the Earth's crust (地壳) under the ocean. Tsunamis often happen in oceans and they are most common in the Pacific. Normally a tsunamis includes a series of waves.

  Tsunamis can be very long-as much a, 100 kilometres-and be as far as one hour apart. They are able to cross entire oceans without losing much energy. One of the most striking facts about tsunamis is that an earthquake on one side of the Pacific Ocean can cause giant wave, and destruction on the other side.

  When the ocean is deep, tsunamis can travel unnoticed at speeds of up to 800 kilometres per hour. They can cross the entire ocean in a day or less.

  The wave may only be a few metres, high in the ocean but when it is near the shore and reaches shallow (浅) water, the wave builds up very quickly in height. Witnesses (目击者) in some areas of Indonesia reported seeing up to 10-metre high waves crash into the shore.

1.We can infer from the passage that fewer people would have died in the South Asian tsunami ________.

[  ]

A.if there had been warning system along the coast

B.if the earthquake had happened off the coast of Thailand

C.if the tsunami had happened in the day time

D.if the tsunami had happened in the deep ocean

2.What surprises people most about the tsunamis is that ________.

[  ]

A.it lasts a long time

B.it travels a long way

C.a tsunamis on one side of the ocean can cause destruction on the other side of the ocean

D.it builds up a high wave

3.Which of the following is NOT true of the South Asian tsunamis?

[  ]

A.It was caused by a serious earthquake off the coast of Indonesia.

B.It was caused by the strongest earthquake in the world.

C.People didn't expect such a strong tsunamis would hit them.

D.It may be the worst natural disaster in recent history.

4.Which of the following is the best title for this article?

[  ]

A.What Is the Tsunami?

B.South Asia Was Hit by the Strongest Earthquake.

C.Mother Nature Displays Anger.

D.A Terrible Disaster.





1.What time is it now?

A.3∶05p. m

B.3∶25p. m

C.3∶45p. m

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At a supermarket.

B.At a restaurant

C.At the woman's house.

3.What are the speakers talking about?

A.How to learn English.

B.Making a piece of cake.

C.Learning a foreign language.

4.Why does the man often come to the coffee house?

A.He likes the coffee here.

B.He does his part-time job here.

C.He can get new ideas here.

5.What does the men mean?

A.He doesn't know the park.

B.There is a small park here.

C.The park is nearby.



6.What do we know about the park?

A.It is very far away.

B.It is near a beautiful river.

C.It is a nice place with tables.

7.How long does the woman suggest staying there?

A.One hour.

B.Two hours.

C.One and a half hours.

8.What will the woman do for the picnic?

A.Buy some soda.

B.Make some cookies.

C.Prepare some sandwiches.


9.What do we know about the man?

A.He used to be fat.

B.He is working in a club.

C.He used to be unhealthy.

10.Where does the man do exercise?

A.At a health club.

B.At a gym.

C.At home.

11.How does the woman do exercise?

A.She joins a gym.

B.She plays volleyball.

C.She uses a running machine.


12.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.City life and country life.

B.How to enjoy life in the countryside.

C.Where to spend the rest of their lives.

13.Why is the woman tired of the beautiful views in the countryside?

A.Villagers are poorly educated and unkind.

B.There is almost nothing to do in the country.

C.The country is too far away to enjoy city's culture.

14.Which is the disadvantage of living in the city according to the man?

A.Fewer sights.

B.High prices.

C.Great noise.


15.How many McDonald's were there in the world by 1982?




16.Who was the owner of McDonald's in 1960?

A.Two brothers.

B.Maurice McDonald

C.A 56-year-old salesman.

17.What can we know about McDonald's from this conversation?

A.The name and the restaurants were worth more than $2.7million in 1960.

B.There were only three kinds of food in 1982 in McDonald's.

C.Roy Kroc owned all the restaurants in the US.


18.What days are the weekends in Egypt?

A.Friday and Saturday.

B.Saturday and Sunday.

C.Thursday and Sunday

19.Who just have Friday as their weekend?

A.People in Nigeria.

B.People in Iran.

C.People in France.

20.When do French people usually take their vacations?

A.In April

B.In August.

C.In October


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