摘要:44.C part作“身体的器官 解.




乔 良

























下列对文章的赏析,不正确的两项是       (    )







When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn’t understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laugh turned into crying.
.   So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so, too, does crying.
  Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional (情感的) health, and crying seems to study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.
  Besides, tears attract help from other people. Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more ready to provide support and comfort. Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we' re very sad until we cry. We learn about our emotions through Crying, and then we can deal with them.
  Just as crying can be healthy, not crying — holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering — can be bad for physical (身体的) health, Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don't fight it. It's a natural  — and healthy — emotional response (反应).
1. Why didn't the author cry when her grandmother died?
  A. Because her father did not --ant her to feel too sad.
  B. Because she did not love her grandmother.
  C. Because she was too shy to cry at that time.  
  D. Tie author doesn’t give the explanation.
2. According to the author, which of the following statements is true?
  A. Crying is the best way to get help from others.
  B. Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.
  C. We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.
  D. We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.
3. What might be the most suitable title for the text?
  A. Power of Tears               B. How to Keep Healthy
  C. Why We Cry                 D. A New Scientific Discovery




  When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn’t understand why I had no tears.But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laugh turned into crying.

  So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain.Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so, too, does crying.

  Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional(情感的)health, and crying seems to study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.

  Besides, tears attract help from other people.Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more ready to provide support and comfort.Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we' re very sad until we cry.We learn about our emotions through Crying, and then we can deal with them.

  Just as crying can be healthy, not crying-holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering-can be bad for physical(身体的)health, Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses.If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry.But when you feel like crying, don't fight it.It's a natural-and healthy-emotional response(反应).


Why didn't the author cry when her grandmother died?

[  ]


Because her father did not want her to feel too sad.


Because she did not love her grandmother.


The author doesn’t give the explanation.


Because she was too shy to cry at that time.


According to the author, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.


Crying is the best way to get help from others.


We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.


We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.


What might be the most suitable title for the text?

[  ]


Why We Cry


How to Keep Healthy


Power of Tears


A New Scientific Discovery


When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn’t understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laugh turned into crying.

.  So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so, too, does crying.

Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional (情感的) health, and crying seems to study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.

Besides, tears attract help from other people. Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more ready to provide support and comfort. Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we' re very sad until we cry. We learn about our emotions through Crying, and then we can deal with them.

Just as crying can be healthy, not crying — holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering — can be bad for physical (身体的) health, Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don't fight it. It's a natural — and healthy — emotional response (反应).

1. Why didn't the author cry when her grandmother died?

A. Because her father did not --ant her to feel too sad.

B. Because she did not love her grandmother.

C.Because she was too shy to cry at that time. 

D. Tie author doesn’t give the explanation.

2. According to the author, which of the following statements is true?

A. Crying is the best way to get help from others.

B. Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.

C. We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.

D. We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.

3. What might be the most suitable title for the text?

A. Power of Tears        B. How to Keep Healthy

C. Why We Cry         D. A New Scientific Discovery




  When I was small and my grandmother died I couldn't understand why I had no tears.But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laugh turned into crying.

  So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain.Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so, too, does crying.

  Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional(情感的)health, and crying seems to study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.

  Besides, tears attract help from other people.Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more ready to provide support and comfort.Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we're very sad until we cry.We learn about our emotions through crying, and then we can deal with them.

  Just as crying can be healthy, not crying-holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering-can be bad for physical(身体的)health, Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses.If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry.But when you feel like crying, don't fight it.It's a natural-and healthy-emotional response(反应).


Why didn't the author cry when her grandmother died?

[  ]


Because her father did not want her to feel too sad.


Because she did not love her grandmother.


Because she was too shy to cry at that time.


The author doesn't give the explanation.


It can be inferred from the text that ________.

[  ]


there are two ways to keep healthy


crying does more good to health than laughing


crying and laughing play the same roles


emotional health has a close relationship to physical health


According to the author, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Crying is the best way to get help from others.


Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.


We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.


We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.


What might be the most suitable title for the text?

[  ]


Power of Tears.


How to Keep Healthy.


Why We Cry.


A New Scientific Discovery.


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