It had been a pleasantly warm day, without much wind, and with enough cloud to prevent the heat of the sun becoming too great. Charles had spent a long time studying the 36 of the water in the boat, and had discovered that, by evening, it had 37 very slightly. This, it would seem, must mean that the boat was not 38 water, which was fortunate, because any attempt to empty it out suggested greater 39 than he felt equal to. One other immediate problem had 40 his thoughts for a few moments. This was the problem of Harcourt. Charles realized that he 41 put poor Harcourt in the sea. It should be simple matter and take no more than a few seconds. Charles arranged in his mind exactly 42 it could most easily be done, but his body did not react to the 43 of his mind. Charles told himself that it was his badly burnt hands that were the trouble. And there was nothing to be done about them except not 44 them.
But then, suddenly, almost without knowing how he did it, Charles moved, stood up, bent 45 the body of poor Harcourt, lifted it and let it slip as 46 as possible into the sea. Afterwards he stood in the stern(船尾)of the boat for a long time, watching the color of the sea 47 and the sky become increasingly farther off with the coming of the night. In a curious way he felt strangely happy. The problem of his 48 had not yet begun to trouble him.
After a time Charles’s returning interest in 49 showed itself in the simple form of hunger. With some difficulty, 50 the water in the boat, he 51 its stores and found food and water in air-tight tins. He also found a neat package wrapped in green oiled silk. He unwrapped it and found maps. Neat, beautifully designed and 52 , spotlessly new, they 53 his knees and he was 54 alone in a world of water. At that moment these clean official maps, correct in every detail, were as 55 as the sound of a human voice, as cheering as a candle in darkness.
36. A. level B. temperature C. amount D. colour
37. A. risen B. fallen C. sunk D. emptied
38. A. taking on B. taking over C. taking up D. taking in
39. A. success B. effort C. hope D. space
40. A. held B. interrupted C. taken D. tied
41. A. was able to B. was to C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t
42. A. when B. where C. how D. why
43. A. bottom B. suggestions C. brain D. middle
44. A. mention B. warm C. clean D. use
45. A. down B. over C. forward D. into
46. A. light B. gently C. smoothly D. fast
47. A. deeply B. deep C. deepen D. deeper
48. A. rescue B. hands C. boat D. escape
49. A. working B. studying C. living D. watching
50. A. except B. in spite of C. instead of D. owing to
51. A. exploited B. exploded C. examined D. explained
52. A. written B. printed C. published D. hidden
53. A. lay down B. lay across C. lay in D. lay about
54. A. especially B. suddenly C. no longer D. no less
55. A. comforting B. interesting C. frightening D. admiring