One morning , a boy of twelve saw a small fire at one end of the ship“S.S.Panama”.Rua Parori 1 home immediately , against the wishes of his 2 , to see the fire at the ship.It was a good thing that he 3 , because there was nobody else around , and 4 , the small fire grew 5 big.
Young Rua stood at the 6 of the stairway up to the ship , 7 shouted at the top of his voice.He 8 the port workers living downstairs , who were eojoying a Sunday 9 in bed.
The S.S.Panama was one of the six 10 ships in port at the time , 11 of them within twenty - five 12 of old buildings , shops and houses , of wood. 13 , the S.S.Panama was carrying oil , as well as 14 , and paper from ports in the Far East.
The fire 15 hundreds of boxes of paper , 16 is why is spread very 17 .The end of the ship was now black with smoke , but 18 to Rua Parori , the fire did not 19 the paint or the oil.
Rua was also lucky , because his father was 20 rather than angry with him.