摘要: make sense有意义.能理解,合理.讲得通 26. make an advertisement做广告



第一节:单词拼写 (满分15分)


66. What i_____________ you to choose a career in nursing?

67. It will __________ ____ (吸引) those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.

68. Please remember to take all your personal p______________ with you when you leave the aircraft.

69. The poems may not make sense and even seem c_______________, but they are easy to learn and recite.

70. Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry —Tang poems from China ____ ____________(尤其是)?

71. The s__________ she felt over the death of her dog was almost too much to bear.

72. During adolescence I also smoked and became ___________ ____ cigarettes.

73. Commercial television is an ______________ (有影响的,有效果的) medium for advertising.

74. If you develop AIDS, your chances of s___________ are very small.

75. He had been ill for a long time and c______________ he was behind in his work.

76. On the other hadn, there are those, like George Hambley, who _____ __________ ____ (反对) this view.

77. People should ___________ (拥护、提倡) improvements in the way we use energy today.

78. Having studied volcanoes for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their _____________ (潜能) to cause great damage.

79. How can I e_____________ his ability without seeing his work?

80. Since your brother ____ ________________ ____ (没有意识到……) his shortcomings, it is you that should tell him.





A.Reasons for Having Large Families in Some Countries.

B.Calculation of Population Growth.

C.Efforts Made to Lower the Mortality Rate (死亡率)

D.High Fertility Rates in Developing Countries.

E. Low Fertility Rates in Developed Countries.

F. Birth Control Programs.

61. ________  

Population growth is determined by the relationship between births and deaths. The growth rate is calculated by the birth rate minus the death rate. If the birth rate is 4%, for example, and the death rate is 3%, the population growing at rate of 1% per year.

62. ________

Historically, families had many children, but average life expectancies are low and many children died young. Improvements in nutrition and public health programs in the past 30 years have led to a drop in the mortality rate and hence to more rapid population growth.

63. ________

Public health programs and improved nutrition over the past 30 years have brought about declines in mortality rates in the developing nations. But fertility rates(出生率)have not declined as quickly, and the result has been high rates of population growth. Reduced population growth depends to some extent on decreased birth rates.

64. ______

Family planning and modern forms of birth control are important mechanisms for decreasing fertility, but by themselves such programs have had rather limited success in most countries where they have been tried. If family planning strategies are to be successful, they must make sense to the people who are supposed to benefit from them.

65. _______

To a great extent, in developing countries people want large families because they believe they need them. In some societies, children are important sources of farm labor, and they may thus make significant contributions to household income. In societies without any social security programs for the aged, children may also provide a vital source of income for their old parents.       




A.The secret of the writer’s success

B.A writer with enduring popularity

C.Well-received creation to encourage Brits

D.The insight into human nature

E. Writing styles in different stages

F. The story appreciate for school students

1. ____________

Charles Dickens is often thought of as one of England’s great writers. Yet for many his language is old-fashioned and his story plots often improbable. Why, Dickens, out of so many other great English writers, has made the list? How then to explain Dickens’s enduring popularity?

2. _____________

One reason undoubtly is the British government’s insistence that every child studies a Dickens novel at school. Alongside Willian Shakespeare, Charles Dickens is a compulsory (必读的)writer on every English literature school reading list. His stories, though often over-long by today’s standard, are superbly written moral tales. They are filled with colorful characters.

3. ______________

But what makes his books stand out from other English writers is his insight into human nature. Dickens, like Shakespeare, tells us truths about human behavior that are as true to citizens of the 21st century as they were to his readers in the 19th century. Readers have returned to Dickens’s books again and again over the years to see what he has to say about readers’ own time.

4. _______________

The BBC adapted one of his less well-known novels, Little Dorrit, into a popular television drama that introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time. A dark story about greed and money, it was the perfect story to illustrate the bad times. No surprise then that it was Dickens Britons turned to, during the economic crisis last year, to make sense of world rapidly falling apart.

5. _______________

Readers of the 19th and early 20th century usually prized Dickens’s earlier novels for their humor and pathos(悲痛). While recognizing the virtues of these books, critics today tend to rank more highly the later works because of  their formal coherence and acute perception(洞察力) of the human condition. For as long as Dickens’s novels have something to say to modern audiences, it seems likely that he will remain one of Britain’s best loved writers.




It’s such a common event that you probably never asked yourself why you sleep.  ___1____ In fact, for sleep researchers, it’s one of the biggest unanswered questions in the field.

Stop and think about it for a second. Why should we sleep? ____2_____ But we sleep every night, even when we have had plenty of rest. There are,no doubt,several different answers to this question, but let’s just consider one general purpose of sleep: ____3_____ Human beings are creatures that are normally active during daylight hours, when our senses function most effectively.  ____4_____ We can’t see objects well, our color vision is entirely lost, and we don’t have the smelling or hearing sharpness of other animals.  So it actually does make sense to have us stay where we are during the dangerous period when night-waking animals are walking here and there. And one sure way to make sure we don’t fall down everywhere and get lost or eaten is to have us not move for seven or eight hours, rising again only when the light is back and our survival chances are better.

It’s not the only reason we sleep. ____5____Perhaps even the most important one.

A. Is it because we get tired?

B. Should that put human beings in a terrible situation?

C. But from a scientific point of view, this is far from an ordinary matter.

D. But in terms of evolution, it may have been one of the first reasons.

E. Furthermore, if you were designing an animal, would you have it come into long periods of unconsciousness every twenty-four hours? 

F. Sleep as a survival approach.

G. At night, humans do rather poorly.




Are You Ready for College?

Before you send in your college applications, keep this in mind: it’s not the norm (准则) in every culture for students to go to college right out of high school.

 1. So if you find yourself applying for college simply because it’s the thing to do after high school, think again. Going to college right after high school may be the norm in your community, but it’s not the norm everywhere and it may not be the best decision for you.

 2.Yes, higher education often gives young people a big advantage in the working world, but not always. A solid technical or business school application can give you an advantage as well, and if the environment seems like a better one for you than a traditional college campus, this might be your best choice. A lot of people lead successful lives with a high school education and years of work experience.

The price of a college or university education has become a serious burden for young people and their families. 3.In some cases, putting off college for a year or two while a student earns money full time can make sense. 4.

 5. Almost all students suffer from homesickness, but for some students, the transition may be too much to deal with.

A.Is going to college always the best choice for high school graduates?

B.Spend some time considering your choices before sending in your applications.

C.Besides, it’s quite possible that going to college is not the right choice for you.

D.During this time, the student can take a few inexpensive classes at a community college.

E. So students take massive amounts of loans, which can take decades to pay off.

F. Many young people have other choices, like military service, work experience,

community service or travel.

G.The transition from high school to college is an emotional challenge for almost everybody,

especially if you move away from home.



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