摘要:go on with,go on doing,go on to do (1)go on with sth.“继续某事 ,指片刻休息或停顿后.又接着做同一件事. e.g.After a short while,he went on with his work. 过了一会儿.他继续工作. (2)go on doing sth.“继续不停地做某事.一直在做 .也可表示“一件事没做完.暂停后.又继续做下去 . e.g.Dr Bethune went on working throughout the night. 白求恩大夫不停地工作一整夜. He went on working. 他继续工作. (3)go on to do sth.“接着做另一件事 指的是接下去做与原来不同的一件事. e.g.Having read the text,the students went on to do the exercises. 学生们读完课文以后.接着做练习.