第三部分. 翻译(10分,每空0.5分):
36. 警方还没有排除Justin是被外星人劫持的可能性,但同时也在调查其他可能性。
Police have not the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens, but are also other possibilities.
37. 我真羡慕你的运气,能近距离的见到那位英雄。
I really you your good luck of the hero .
38. 她的工作与计算机有很大关系,所以她正在研究计算机科学。
Her job has with computers, so she’s __ ____ on computer science.
39. 居里夫人是一位伟大的科学家,她受到很多青年人的尊敬。
Madam Curie was a great scientist, who was by many young people.
40. 他从小想成为一句探险家。在他40多岁的时候,他实现了自己的梦想。
He wanted to be an when he was young. In his forties, he .
Yao Ming ________ ________ ________ ________ to play basketball in the NBA.
在当今的中国,有一种社会现象比历史上任何时候都要来得猛烈,那就是“千军万马过独木桥”,即很多学子寒窗苦读十余载,为了实现人生的梦想,到达“成功”的彼岸-大学。对于这种现象,人们不禁要问,生命中成功的定义与类型是什么?难道只有上大学才能实现人生的价值吗?请以College and Success in Life为题,从审视这一现象的角度出发,写一篇150-200词的议论文。
College and Success in Life文章开头已给出:
It is very difficult to answer the claim that a person needs a university education to be successful in life because success in life means different things to different people.