摘要: A. return to B. sell C. lock D. protect


Having returned from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes me $ 12,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office, “you sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me $12.”
Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, Madam,” he said politely. “I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for Mary 22nd.” The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldn’t have sold her a ticket for that day. Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sunburned,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”
“Yes,” she answered, shyly. “The beach was lovely. And I can swim too!” “That’s fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three…”
“I’m four,” the child said proudly. “I’ll be four and a half.”
Harry turned to the mother. “I remember your ticket, Madam.” he said. “But you didn’t get one for your daughter, did you?” “Err. Well--,” the woman looked at the child. “I mean, she hasn’t started school yet. She’s only four.”
“A four-year-old child must have a ticket, Madam. A child’s return ticket to Jersey costs…, let me see…$ 13. So if the railway pays your hotel, you will owe(欠) $ 1.50. The law is the law, but since the fault was mine…”
The woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.
56. The woman was angry because__________.
A. she couldn’t use the ticket for her round trip
B. she spent more money than she had expected
C. she had to return home a day earlier than she had planned
D. Harry had sold her a ticket to Jersey where there was no sailing
57. Harry was worried because________.
A. the woman was angry with him               B. he had not done his work properly
C. the Jersey timetable(时间表) was wrong        D. the little girl didn’t have a return ticket
58. Harry started talking to the little girl_________.
A. because he was in difficulty and didn’t know what to do
B. because he had a little girl about the same age as this girl
C. because he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so nice
D. when she suddenly realized that he could find a way out from the little girl
59. When Harry said, “The law is the law, but since the fault was mine…”he meant that________.
A. they must follow it without choice, even though the fault was his
B. he had to be strict with the woman because of the law, although he didn’t want to
C. the woman had to pay him $1.50 and the railway would pay her for the hotel
D. she should pay $ 1.50, but he had made a mistake, she could go without paying
60. The woman left the office without saying anything because________.
A. she wanted to go home and get money for the child’s ticket
B. she was so angry that she didn’t want to have anything more to do with the young man
C. she was moved by Harry’s kindness
D. she knew she would have to pay the railway if she insisted(坚持)


Having returned from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes me £12,” She said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the office. “You sold me a ticket for May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me £12. ”

Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, Madam,” he said politely. “I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”

The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How could he have made such a careless mistake? He shouldn’t have sold her a ticket for that day. Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sunburnt,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”

“Yes,” she answered shyly, “The beach was lovely. And I can swim, too!”

“That’s fine,” said Harry.

“My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three…”

“I’m four,” the child said proudly, “I’ll be four and a half.”

Harry turned to the mother, “I remember your ticket, Madam,” he said. “But you didn’t get one for your daughter, did you?”

“Er, well---” the woman looked at the child, “I mean…she hasn’t started school yet. She’s only four.”

“A four-year-old child must have a ticket, Madam. A child’s return ticket to Jersey costs…let me see…£13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel, you will owe £1.50. The law is the law, but since the fault was mine… ”

The woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.

1.Harry was worried because ________.

A.the woman was angry with him

B.he had not done his work properly

C.the Jersey timetable was wrong

D.the little girl didn’t have a return ticket

2.Harry started talking to the little girl ________.

A.because he was in difficulty and did not know what to do

B.because he had a little girl about the same age as this girl

C.because he wanted to be friendly to the little girl who looked so nice

D.when he suddenly realized that he could find a way out from the little girl

3.When Harry said, “The law is the law, but since the fault was mine…” he means that ________.

A.they must follow it without other choice, even though the fault was his

B.he had to be strict with the woman because of the law, although he didn’t want to

C.the woman had to pay him £1.50 and the railway would pay her for the hotel

D.she should pay £1.50, but he had made a mistake, she could go without paying

4.How did the woman feel when she left the office?

A.angry            B.peaceful          C.embarrassed       D.nervous



Standing in the driveway, I watched my grown children drive off into the distance. I looked down the road until I could no longer see their 36 _____ .

“They live too far away from me,” I said to myself. “When did they 37 _____ and become parents of small children? 38 _____ that be me?”

I slipped back inside the house and just walked through the rooms for no reason 39  _____.1 was just missing them already and looking for 40 _____ of their having been here. There were pillows on the floor and a few stuffed (填充)animals 41 _____ around where the children had been playing.

I walked into the 42 _____ and there on the back of the sink was a bottle brush that had been left behind. “Ah,even Tessa left something behind,” I 43  _____ Well, I suppose she had help 44 _____ she was just four months old.

As I walked around the house, I picked up a few more 45 _____ on the floor — Tegan’S tooth, a pie pan, and the inside of a turkey fryer.

ttHmmm, things left behind ...’’I thought to myself. It seems there is one thing left behind on every 46 _____ . Memories are always left behind, I reasoned, and what a(n) 47 _____ thing good memories are to us. I thought how each item left behind 48 _____ me of the person it belonged to and the story 49 _____ it.

Memories happen even if we aren’t 50 _____ of it. The stressful and difficult moments often become memories that we 51 _____ later with laughter and joy. The memories of past hurts, bitterness, and anger, 52 . should be left behind 53  _____These are the things that we should never 54 _____ until the next time they come, mail back, or bring with us to 55_____next visit.

As Elizabeth Stone said, “To have a child is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

1.A. smiles         B. vehicles         C. pains     D. bicycles

2.A. drop out    B. break away   C. set off   D. grow up

3.A. Wouldn’t    B. Shouldn’t       C. Can’t     D. Needn’t

4.A. in particular        B. with anger     C. with joy          D. in return

5.A. signals        B. atmosphere  C. signs      D. information

6.A. lying  B. jumping         C. moving D. looking

7.A. house         B. distance         C. kitchen D. driveway

8.A. announced         B. explained      C. complained   D. replied

9.A. when B. unless   C. until      D. since

10.A. toys B. items     C. memories      D. treasures

11.A. table         B. course  C. occasion        D. comer

12.A. funny       B. private  C. ordinary        D. precious

13.A. reminded         B. informed       C. warned D. convinced

14.A. promoting        B. surrounding  C. acknowledging      D. exposing

15.A. proud       B.ashamed         C. aware   D. afraid

16.A. attach importance to        B. throw doubt on     C. look forward to     D. look back upon

17.A. besides    B.therefore       C. otherwise      D. though

18.A. partly       B. sometimes    C. forever D. unwillingly

19.A. present    B. keep     C. overlook        D. experience

20.A. our  B. their      C. its D. your



We are warned by our teachers not to waste time because time 21 will never return. I think it quite 22. What does time look 23? Nobody knows, and we can’t see it or touch it and no 24 of money can buy it. Time is abstract(抽象的), so we have to  25about it.

   Time passes very quickly. Some students say they don’t have 26time to review their lessons. It is 27 they don’t know how to make use of their time. They waste it in going to theatres or playing, and 28 other useless things. Why do we study everyday? Why do we work? Why do most people 29 take buses instead of walking? The answer is very 30 .We wish to save time because time is31.

   Today we are living in the 21st century. We 32 time as life. When a person dies, his life ends. Since life is short, we must 33 our time and energy to our study so that we 34 be able to work and live well in the future. Laziness is the 35 of time, for it not only brings us 36, but also does other 37 to us. If it is necessary for us to do our work today, 38 we do it today and not 39 it until tomorrow. Remember that time is much more 40.

1.A. lost       B. passed       C. missed       D. used

2.A. important  B. true     C. interesting  D. usual

3. A. for       B. like     C. after        D. over

4.A. amount     B. quality      C. quantity D. price

5.A. think      B. imagine  C. examine  D. check

6.A. spare      B. free     C. enough   D. much

7.A. that       B. why      C. because  D. certain

8.A. doing      B. making   C. taking       D. getting

9.A. needn’t    B. have to  C. had better   D. would rather

10.A. easy      B. simple       C. stupid       D. interesting

11.A. worthless B. priceless    C. ready        D. little

12.A. look upon B. agree        C. think        D. believe

13.A. spend     B. give     C. set      D. devote

14.A. must      B. should       C. may      D. would

15.A. helper        B. thief        C. friend       D. teacher

16.A. wealth        B. health       C. failure      D. illness

17.A. danger        B. harm     C. trouble      D. difficulty

18.A. help      B. make     C. have     D. let

19.A. keep      B. remain       C. manage   D. leave

20. A. valuable B. expensive    C. worth        D. rich



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