摘要:Three died in the terrible fire in Luo yang last winter. A. hundreds people B. hundred people C. hundreds peoples D. hundred peoples


For a while, my neighborhood was taken ever by an army of joggers(慢跑者). They were there all the time: early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. “Come on!” My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. “You’ll feel great.”

    Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army. I’m not alone in my opinion.

   First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet a real pounding(追击)ruining down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn’t kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.

   Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn’t my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, “I love being out there with just my thoughts”Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.

    And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn’t just the first week: it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn’t fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?

   I don’t jog any more, and I don’t think I ever will. I’m walking two miles three times a week at a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I’m getting exercise, and I’m enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I’ve found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.

52. From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer’s neighborhood ______.

A. jogging became very popular    B. people jogged only during the daytime

C. Alex organized an army of joggers

D. jogging provided a chance to get together

53. The underlined word “them”(Paragraph 3) most probably refers to _____.

A. heart attacks   B. Back problems   C. famous joggers   D. physical weaknesses

54. What was the writer’s attitude towards jogging in the beginning?

A. He felt it was worth a try.   B. He was very fond of it.

C. He was strongly against it.   D. He thought it must be painful.

55. Why did the writer give up jogging two months later?

A. He disliked doing exercise outside.  

B. He found it neither healthy nor interesting.

C. He was afraid of having a heart attack.

D. He was worried about being left alone.

56. From the writer’s experience, we can conclude that______.

A. not everyone enjoys jogging

B. he is the only person who hates jogging

C. nothing other than jogging can help people keep fit

D. jogging makes people feel greater than any other sport.




During the years of depression(萧条), food and money were very hard to find and people had to trade things with each other.

One day I was   36   some potatoes from Mr Miller. I noticed a small poor boy hungrily   __37   a full basket of freshly picked green peas. Then I was _ 38   to see that Mr Miller sold the boy a bag of peas for just a marble (弹球).

Mrs Miller, who had been standing nearby,   39__ and told me that Mr Miller loved to trade with the three boys in the village for peas, tomatoes, and other things  _40   he didn’t really need any marbles. I left the stand, smiling to myself,   41   by this man.

Several years went by. One day I learned that Mr Miller had died. I took part in the funeral(葬礼), _ 42__  three young men. They came over to Mrs Miller, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke with her and moved on, __43__ their eyes.

Our __44__ came to meet Mrs Miller. I mentioned __45_  she had told me about the __46__ . She told me, “Those three young men above were the boys I told you about. They just told me    how they appreciated the things Jim ‘_ 47 _ ’with them. Now, at last, they came to pay their debt.”

“We’ve _ 48__ had a great deal of the wealth in this world,” she __49__, “but right now, Jim would consider himself to be the __50__ man.”

Then she gently lifted the  _51_  fingers of her husband. Resting underneath were three red marbles.

At that time I realized that we would not be  _52   by our words, but by our kind  _53 _ . It is said that it takes a minute to find a  _54_  person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but an entire life to _55  him.

1.A.buying                           B. selling                              C. borrowing                      D. hunting

2.A.reaching for                B. glancing at                     C. staring at                       D. picking up

3.A. astonished                 B. pleased                           C. annoyed                          D. worried

4.A.turned over        B. went over                       C. came over                      D. looked over

5.A.but                                 B. otherwise                       C. or                                      D. although

6.A.suspected          B. impressed                    C. regretted                   D. embarrassed

7.A.discovering                  B. watching            C. finding                    D. seeing

8.A.closing                          B. rolling                              C. cleaning                          D. wiping

9.A. time                        B. chance                           C. turn                                  D. decision

10.A. the story            B. the proverb              C. the legend                      D. the joke

11.A. marbles                    B. men                                 C. debt                                 D. life

12.A. talked            B. traded                             C. shared                             D. left

13.A. ever                           B. always                       C. never                               D. seldom

14.A. laughed               B. cried                                C. sighed                             D. added    

15.A. honest                       B. happiest                         C. coldest                                D. richest

16.A. lifeless                       B. regretless                      C. useless                            D. hopeless

17.A. thought                     B. touched                          C. remembered                 D. affected

18.A. deeds                        B. things                              C. remarks                          D. rewards

19.A. strict                          B. honest                             C. special                       D. learned

20.A. ignore                        B. forget                              C. recognize                       D. remind



When I was quite young, I discovered that somewhere inside the telephone lived an amazing  person - "Information Please" and there was nothing she did not know. 

One day while my mother was out, I hit my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible, but there was no one home to give me any sympathy. I walked around the house, finally arriving at the telephone! Quickly, I called “Information Please" and told her what happened.  She told me to open the icebox and hold a little piece of ice to my finger.

After that, I called "Information Please" for everything. When my pet bird died, I told

"Information Please" the sad story. She tried to comfort me, she said quietly, "Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in." Somehow I felt better. Another day I was on the telephone, “How do you spell ‘grateful’? ". All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was 9, we moved to Boston.

A few years later, on my way to college, my plane put down in Seattle. I had about half an

hour or so between planes. Without thinking, I dialed my hometown operator and said, "Information, please."      

Surprisingly, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well, "Information." I hadn't planned on

this but I heard myself saying, "Could you please tell me how to spell ‘grateful’?"  

There was a long pause. Then came the soft-spoken answer, "I guess your finger must have

healed by now."   I laughed. "So it's really still you," I said, "I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time."  I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and asked if I could call her again. "Please do," she said, "Just ask for Sally."  

Three months later I was back in Seattle. A different voice answered me. I was told that Sally

passed away five weeks before.     

Before I could hang up she told me that Sally left a message for me—“Tell him I still say

there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean.”  I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.

Never underestimate the impression you may make on others. Whose life have you touched



What does “Information, Please” refer to in the passage?

A. An amazing girl.

B. A special kind of telephone.

C. A communication system.

D. A service that helps telephone users.


What happened to the little boy one day when he was at home alone? 

A. He was amused by the telephone.

B. He hurt his finger with a hammer.

C. He found an amazing telephone.

D. He got a piece of ice from an icebox.


What did “Information, Please” give the little boy whenever he was in trouble? 

A. Information and conversation.

B. Good memories and happiness.

C. Sympathy and information.

D. Friendship and cheers.


When did the author get in touch with “Information, Please” again after he moved to


A. When he was in trouble on his way to college.

B. When his plane stopped in Seattle for half an hour.

C. When he went back to Seattle to visit his sister.

D. Three months later after he moved to Boston.



For a while, my neighborhood was taken over by an army of joggers.(慢跑者). They were there all the time—early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. “Come on!” My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. “You'll feel great.”
Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army. I'm not alone in my opinion.
First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet a real pounding (沉重的脚步) running down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn't kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.
Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn't my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, “I love being out there with just my thoughts.” Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.
And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn't just the first week: it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn't fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?
I don't jog any more, and I don't think I ever will. I'm walking two miles three times a week at a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I'm getting exercise, and I'm enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I've found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.
【小题1】From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer's neighborhood ________.

A.jogging became very popular
B.many people were encouraged to jog
C.Alex organized an army of joggers
D.jogging provided a chance to get together
【小题2】 The underlined word “them”(Paragraph 3) most probably refers to ________.
A.heart attacksB.Back problems
C.hundreds of peopleD.physical weaknesses
【小题3】 From the author's experience, we can conclude that ________.
A.jogging can help people keep fit
B.many physical problems result from jogging
C.not everyone enjoys jogging
D.jogging makes people feel great



For a while, my neighborhood was taken over by an army of joggers. They were there all the time: early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. "Come on!" My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. "You'll feel great."

    Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army, I'm not alone in my opinion.

   First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet will be a real pounding ruining down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn't kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.

   Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn't my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, "I love being out there with just my thoughts." Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.

  And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn't just the first week: it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn't fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?

   I don't jog any more, and I don't think I ever will. I'm walking two miles three times a week at a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I'm getting exercise, and I'm enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I've found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.

67. From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer's neighborhood ____.

   A. jogging became very popular         B. people jogged only during the daytime

   C. Alex organized an army of joggers   D. jogging provided a chance to get together

68. What was the writer's attitude towards jogging in the beginning?

   A. He felt it was worth a try.                B. He was very fond of it.

   C. He was strongly against it.                        D. He thought it must be painful.

69. Why did the writer give up jogging two months later?

  A. He disliked doing exercise outside.      B. He found it neither healthy nor interesting.

  C. He was afraid of having a heart attack.  D. He was worried about being left alone.

70. From the writer's experience, we can conclude that ____.

  A. not everyone enjoys jogging     

B. he is the only person who hates jogging

  C. nothing other than jogging can help people keep fit

  D. jogging makes people feel greater than any other sport



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