摘要:33. Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, on you feet.[B] A. to keep B. keeping C. having kept D. to have kept


Dear Annie,
I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah. We have been best friends  31 primary school and spend almost every day with each other.
On Monday, we had a surprise math quiz. I thought it was quite 32 and was not worried about the results. The next day after class, my math teacher told me that I had the lowest grade in the class! I felt so ashamed. I 33 Hannah not to tell anyone else, and she said she would 34 my secret.
35, the next day, I noticed that my classmates were  36 at me as I came into math class and, when I went to sit down, I was shocked to find a piece of paper on my desk that said, ‘Stupid Sarah got a D!’ I thought that Hannah  37 have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to.
I was so angry that I went  38 to Hannah and told her we weren’t going to be friends any more. She was really upset and swore that she hadn’t told 39 , but I didn’t believe her explanation. I don’t think I can ever truly forgive her. Now I have 40 my best friend. What shall I do?
Yours sincerely,

A.before B.since C.when D.while
A.difficult B.strange C.usual D.easy
A.ordered B.begged C.wanted D.demanded
A.keep B.break C.find D.hold
A.Besides B.Moreover C.However D.Afterwards
A.talking B.smiling C.laughing D.staring
A.mustB.could C.might D.should
A.slowly B.straight C.down D.finally
A.everyone B.no one C.anyone D.someone
A.forgotten B.hated C.lostD.understood


One day a young man called Jim was told to take the  21  examination the next day. He was   22   so much that he couldn’t get to sleep. He wouldn’t join the army because he was in love with a beautiful girl. “If only I could find a   23   to make the doctor believe there is something    24  with my body,” he thought and thought. Suddenly, a good idea crossed his mind.
The next morning Jim got to the   25   on time and was led into a large room. He hurriedly found a seat to sit down and took out an out-of-date newspaper,   26   to read it. Soon it was his turn to be examined. When he came up to the doctor, the old man took a quick and sharp look at him. Then in a   27   he ordered Jim to take off his clothes, go straight to a corner and sit down on a chair there. No sooner had he seated himself on the chair than he heard the doctor murmuring to his assistant: “Finished! The boy is  28   up to the standard.”
“How can you draw such a   29   like that before you give me a  30  check? Jim shouted at the doctor.
“Don’t be impetuous(冲动), young man! Put on your clothes, and then I’ll  31   it to you,” the doctor said   32  .“You said we didn’t examine you carefully, but I don’t think it
33   for us to do that. When I told you in a low voice to take off your clothes, you did it as I told you. It shows you have good  34  . When you were asked to go and sit on the chair, you did so, too. It shows you can see any subject within a certain distance.   35  , you were found reading the newspaper just now, and we are certain you are a man of intelligence.
36 , you’re perfect in mind and body.” 
Half a year later, Jim was killed on the battlefield. At the news his girlfriend nearly went
37  . She kept weeping. “Don’t be like that, my dear.” It was an old man’s  38   voice. “Your Jim died a real man. He   39  his life to the people all over the world. It is right that we should be proud of him…” Saying this, the old man, her father, was choked(哽咽). His only   40   was that he had never had Jim know who he was. This old man was the medical officer who had given Jim the health check.  

A. blood
A. excited
A. way
A. new
A. hospital
A. beginning
A. hurry
A. hardly
A. information
A. quick
A. give
A. calmly
A. necessary
A. eyes
A. So
A. In short
A. angry
A. kind
A. spent
A. dream
B. intelligent
B. troubled
B. person
B. good
B. camp
B. pretending
B. breath
B. never
B. suggestion
B. slow
B. explain
B. coldly
B. honest
B. ears
B. Therefore
B. In word
B. bad
B. loud
B. saved
B. regret
C. physical
C. frightened
C. problem
C. right
C. office
C. deciding
C. whisper
C. not
C. decision
C. careful
C. say
C. happily
C. good
C. head
C. Besides
C. In the end
C. excited
C. low
C. devoted
C. hope
D. ability
D. delighted
D. question
D. wrong
D. army
D. wanting
D. flash
D. quite  
D. conclusion
D. careless
D. bring
D. quietly
D. right
D. body
D. However
D. In total
D. mad
D. sad
D. killed
D. wish



第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I arrived in the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in the US for 17 years, I had no _21_ about my ability to hold their attention and to _22_ on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.

I was shocked when the monitor shouted, “_23_ !” and the entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat _24_ about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness(尴尬)was over, I quickly _25_ my calmness and began what I thought was a fact – packed lecture, sure to gain their respect – perhaps 26 their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which comes from a (n) _27 of achievements.

My students _28  diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually _29_ by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today. _30_ her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a _31_ subject. “Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework(哲学体系)of Western thought and laid the historical _32_for all the works we’ll study in class.” I complained. “How _33_ they say I didn’t teach them anything?”

It was a long term, and it _34_ became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as _35_ of my students. I thought a teacher’s job was to raise _36_ questions and provide enough background so that students could _37_ their own conclusions. My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide _38_ information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference!

_39  , I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a _40  American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

21. A. worry       B. idea            C. doubt                  D. experience

22. A. impress     B. put             C. leave                    D. fix

23. A. Attention   B. Look out        C. At ease                  D. Stand up

24. A. puzzled     B. sure            C. curious                  D. worried

25. A.found             B. returned          C. regained       D. followed

26. A. more             B. even            C. yet            D. still

27. A. thought          B. sense           C. feeling        D. idea

28. A. wrote            B. borrowed        C. kept           D. read

29. A. replaced         B. taken            C. caught        D. moved

30. A. Naturally        B. Perhaps             C. Fortunately   D. Reasonably

31. A. different        B. same              C. similar       D. usual

32. A. happenings       B. characters       C. development   D. background

33. A. should           B. can                C. will          D. must

34. A. immediately       B. certainly         C. simply        D. gradually

35. A. that             B. what             C. those         D. ones

36. A. difficult        B. interesting        C. ordinary      D. unusual

37. A. draw             B. get              C. decide        D. give

38. A. strange          B. standard         C. exact         D. serious

39. A. Therefore       B. However           C. Besides       D. Though

40. A. normal             B. happy            C. good          D. better


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no ___16___ for stillness.
And when we are ___17 ___to be still because we’re in line for something, or waiting at a doctor’s appointment, or on a bus or train, we often ___18 ___something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something. Being still isn’t something we’re ___19 ___.
This comes at a ___ 20___: we lose that time for ___ 21___, for observing and listening. We lose peace.
And ___22___ yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get ___ 23___done.
Take a moment to think about ___24___ you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering ___25 ___, checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always ___26___through your schedule?
Is this how you want to spend your ___27___? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be ___28___. Don’t think about what you have to do, or what you’ve done already. ___29___be in the moment.
Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how you’d ___30___ it to be. See your life with less movement, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more ___31___.
Then be that vision.
It’s pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. ___32___you’ve gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too___33___. Slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of ___34___ for it.
___35 ___ the stillness. It’s a treasure, and it’s available to us, always.
16. A. place                  B. chance                     C. freedom                   D. time
17. A. forced                B. ordered             C. invited                            D. told
18. A. have                   B. find                  C. buy                          D. get
19. A. familiar with              B. curious about     C. used to                        D. interested in
20. A. cost                    B. risk                   C. loss                          D. danger
21. A. play                   B. food                 C. sleep                        D. consideration
22. A. further                B. worse                C. farther                            D. deeper
23. A. everything          B. anything            C. nothing                    D. something
24. A. how                   B. where               C. why                         D. whether
25. A. questions            B. problems           C. phones                        D. messages
26. A. walking                     B. rushing             C. stepping                   D. going
27. A. school                B. youth                C. work                        D. life
28. A. silent                  B. patient                     C. still                          D. quiet
29. A. Nearly                B. Ever                 C. Just                         D. Already
30. A. like                    B. decide               C. choose                            D. need
31. A. activity               B. research            C. study                       D. peace
32. A. Because                     B. Until                 C. Once                        D. Unless
33. A. frequently           B. slowly               C. fast                          D. quickly
34. A. asking                B. sending             C. calling                            D. waiting
35. A. Value                  B. Miss                 C. Owe                        D. Hold


Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He __16__ one morning with his young son, 17   the horse before it died. Father and son walked, 18 the farmer did not want the horse to be 19 . ?

They met two men on the road20 said: “Why are you walking, farmer? You have a horse. It's __21__to market.” The farmer knew that this was__22__, so he rode on the horse, __23__his son walked. ?

Then they met two old ladies. “__24__are you doing up there, farmer? Can't you__25__how tired your boy is?” __26__the farmer got down, and his son rode__27__. ?__28__, three old men stopped them. One said: “Why are you walking, farmer?__29__. It's too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up  30__his son, and they__31__. __32__, a young woman passed them. “Why aren't you walking?” she asked. “It isn't __33_ to market. Give your poor old horse a rest.”

So the farmer, and his son, got down__34__.

It is a fact that you cannot please__35__the people all the time.


A.set out

B.set up

C.set down






C.to sell

D.to buy









A.very tired

B.too tired

C.quite tired










A.a short way

B.a long way

C.the right way

D.the wrong way













































A.Sit down

B.Sit up

C.Get up

D.Get down









A.walked on

B.rode on

C.moved on

D.drove on



A.Some time later

B.A moment ago

C.In no time

D.At once









A.once again

B.on their own

C.the other day

D.all the same




B.each of


D.none of



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