摘要:A. eye B. leg C. nose D. hand


What is your body language saying to your children? What is their body language telling you? I had the honor of hearing Jan Hargrave speak the other day. She is one of four body language experts in the US. Jan Hargrave says we lie with the right side of our brains, so it is our left hand that gives us away. A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you. Also, a person who, in any way, crosses any fingers might just be lying. That, she says, is a holdover(遗留物) from childhood, when we crossed our fingers to signal that we didn’t mean what we were saying. When children squint(眨) their eyes, move their body away from you, or can’t seem to make good eye contact, you may need to ask for a little more clarification.
But just as important, children learn early how to read our body language when they are conversing(交谈) with us. Here are some acceptance signals to let them know you are interested when they are talking to you. Lean(倾斜) towards them. Make good eye contact and smile. Open your arms. Let your hands relax with the palms(手掌) showing: an open, upward palm always show acceptance. If your legs are crossed, make sure you are not crossing them away from your child. These are important because they signal to your child that you are focused on them and are accepting and welcoming them into your world.
By paying attention, we can open those lines of important communication with our children and we can see the truth more clearly. I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to lie, but we need to be aware of the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.
【小题1】According to Jan Hargrave, we can tell whether a person is lying by _______.

A.observing his/her left hand’s movements.
B.looking at how he/ she crosses his/ her fingers
C.observing whether he/ she uses body language
D.making good eye contact with him/ her
【小题2】We can learn from the passage that body language _______.
A.is hard to master for children
B.can be understood in different ways
C.may help improve communication
D.is more likely to hide the truth
【小题3】Which of the following does NOT show acceptance to people?
A.Smile while making eye contact.
B.Open your arms to them.
C.Relax your hands with the palms showing.
D.Cross your leg away from them.
【小题4】In the last paragraph, the author seems to suggest that parents_______.
A.spend more time with their children
B.learn to read and use body language
C.pay attention to family communication
D.try to prevent their children from lying


What is your body language saying to your children? What is their body language telling you? I had the honor of hearing Jan Hargrave speak the other day. She is one of four body language experts in the US. Jan Hargrave says we lie with the right side of our brains, so it is our left hand that gives us away. A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you. Also, a person who, in any way, crosses any fingers might just be lying. That, she says, is a holdover(遗留物) from childhood, when we crossed our fingers to signal that we didn’t mean what we were saying. When children squint(眨) their eyes, move their body away from you, or can’t seem to make good eye contact, you may need to ask for a little more clarification.

But just as important, children learn early how to read our body language when they are conversing(交谈) with us. Here are some acceptance signals to let them know you are interested when they are talking to you. Lean(倾斜) towards them. Make good eye contact and smile. Open your arms. Let your hands relax with the palms(手掌) showing: an open, upward palm always show acceptance. If your legs are crossed, make sure you are not crossing them away from your child. These are important because they signal to your child that you are focused on them and are accepting and welcoming them into your world.

By paying attention, we can open those lines of important communication with our children and we can see the truth more clearly. I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to lie, but we need to be aware of the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.

1.According to Jan Hargrave, we can tell whether a person is lying by _______.

A.observing his/her left hand’s movements.

B.looking at how he/ she crosses his/ her fingers

C.observing whether he/ she uses body language

D.making good eye contact with him/ her

2.We can learn from the passage that body language _______.

A.is hard to master for children

B.can be understood in different ways

C.may help improve communication

D.is more likely to hide the truth

3.Which of the following does NOT show acceptance to people?

A.Smile while making eye contact.

B.Open your arms to them.

C.Relax your hands with the palms showing.

D.Cross your leg away from them.

4.In the last paragraph, the author seems to suggest that parents_______.

A.spend more time with their children

B.learn to read and use body language

C.pay attention to family communication

D.try to prevent their children from lying



The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin (海豚) was swimming. Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.

In her second grade, Maja 36 her cousin, Jasmina. After Jasmina’s death, Maja swore she would honor the little girl by 37 with a dolphin, an animal that both girls 38. “Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Maja, now 32, “so I 39 that someday I’d do it for her.”

In high school, Maja was 40 about sports. She even planned to become an athlete. 41, in 1993, during the civil war in her home country, a bomb 42 her left leg.

After two years’ 43 in the U.S., Maja received her first artificial (人造的) leg, but 44 it didn’t fit well, walking for Maja was very painful. 45, she managed to graduate from a local high school. Then after receiving a 46 from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and 47 started her own company.

To relax, Maja 48 often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium (水族馆) near her home. A young dolphin, Winter, who had lost its tail, caught her 49. One day, Maja happened to see trainers 50 Winter with a high-tech tail. When they were done, Winter swam freely in the water. Maja was51. She managed to find the inventors of Winter’s tail. Within ten days, she had a new leg which freed her of the 52 that had troubled her for almost 16 years.

Now Maja was ready to keep her 53. She went to the aquarium, lowered herself into the pool and held out a hand to Winter, who approached 54, then swam away. After a few minutes, the dolphin let Maja 55 its back. Finally, the two began to swim around the pool together.

36. A. visited               B. lost                   C. left                          D. rescued

37. A.    living                     B.    talking            C. surfing                     D. swimming

38. A.    adopted                 B.    adored            C. purchased         D. possessed

39. A.    decided          B.    pretended       C.agreed                      D. preferred

40. A.    enthusiastic     B. positive             C. curious                    D. particular

41. A.    Surprisingly    B. Undoubtedly      C. Unfortunately     D. Strangely

42. A.    took over        B. took away  C.   cut out          D. cut down

43. A.    operation        B. study         C.    experiment            D. treatment

44. A.    because                 B.    until        C.    if                          D. although

45. A.    Therefore             B. Otherwise   C.    However               D. Besides

46. A.    degree                  B.    scholarship     C.    notice                    D. prize

47. A.    actually          B. gradually    C.   naturally               D. eventually

48. A.    should                   B.    might             C.    would                   D. could

49. A.    leg                        B.    eye                C.    hand                     D. nose  

50. A.    guiding                  B.    decorating      C.    fitting            D. marking   

51. A. puzzled                     B.    inspired C.    amused                 D. shocked

52. A.    sadness                 B. worry        C.    fear                D. pain

53. A.    promise                 B.    appointment    C.    habit                     D. record      

54. A.    angrily                   B.    blindly            C.    cautiously             D. gratefully

55. A.    cover                    B. strike         C.    wipe                     D. touch

     The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin (海豚) was swimming. Despite her fear, she
felt strong wearing her new leg.
     In her second grade, Maja   1   her cousin, Jasmina. After Jasmina's death, Maja swore she would honor
the little girl by   2   with a dolphin, an animal that both girls   3  . "Jasmina never got the chance to do it." says
Maja, now, "so I   4   that someday I'd do it for her."
     In high school, Maja was   5   about sports. She even planned to become an athlete.   6  , in 1993, during
the civil war in her home country, a bomb   7   her left leg.
     After two years'   8   in the U.S., Maja received her first artificial (人造的) leg. But   9   it didn't fit well,
walking for Maja was very painful.  10  she managed to graduate from a local high school. Then after receiving
 11  from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and  12  started her own company.
     To relax, Maja  13  often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium (水族馆) near her home. A young dolphin,
Winter, who had lost its tail, caught her  14 . One day, Maja happened to see trainers 15  Winter with a high-tech
tail. When they were done, Winter swam freely in the water. Maja was  16 . She managed to find the inventors
of Winter's tail. Within ten days, she had a new leg which freed her of the  17  that had troubled her for almost
16 years.
     Now, Maja was ready to keep her  18 . She went to the aquarium. Lowered herself into the pool and held
out a hand to Winter, who approached  19 , then swam away. After a few minutes, the dolphin let Maja  20 
its back. Finally, the two began to swim around the pool together.
(     )1. A. lost      
(     )2. A. talking   
(     )3. A. adored    
(     )4. A. pretended 
(     )5. A. positive   
(     )6. A. Undoubtedly
(     )7. A. took away  
(     )8. A. study    
(     )9. A. until     
(     )10. A. Otherwise  
(     )11. A. scholarship
(     )12. A. gradually  
(     )13. A. might     
(     )14. A. eye       
(     )15. A. decorating
(     )16. A. inspired  
(     )17. A. worry     
(     )18. A. appointment
(     )19. A. blindly   
(     )20. A. strike   
B. visited     
B. living     
B. adopted     
B. decided     
B. enthusiastic   
B. Surprisingly    
B. took over   
B. operation   
B. because     
B. Therefore   
B. degree     
B. actually   
B. should     
B. leg         
B. guiding     
B. puzzled     
B. sadness     
B. promise     
B. angrily     
B. cover       

C. rescued   
C. swimming
C. possessed  
C. preferred
C. particular     
C. Strangely  
C. cut down  
C. treatment  
C. although 
C. Besides   
C. prize    
C. eventually
C. could     
C. nose     
C. marking   
C. shocked   
C. pain     
C. record   
C. gratefully 
C. touch     

D. left          
D. surfing       
D. purchased     
D. agreed        
D. curious       
D. Unfortunately              
D. cut out       
D. experiment    
D. if            
D. However       
D. notice        
D. naturally     
D. would         
D. hand          
D. fitting       
D. amused        
D. fear          
D. habit         
D. cautiously    
D. wipe          
     The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin (海豚) was swimming.Despite her fear,
she felt strong wearing her new leg.
     In her second grade, Maja __1__ her cousin, Jasmina.After Jasmina's death, Maja swore she would
honor the little girl by__2__ with a dolphin, an animal that both girls __3__."Jasmina never got the chance
to do it," says Maja, now 32,"so I __4__ that someday I'd do it for her."
     In high school, Maja was __5__ about sports.She even planned to become an athlete.__6__, in 1993, during the civil war in her home country, a bomb __7__ her left leg.
     After two years' __8__ in the U. S., Maja received her first artificial (人造的) leg, but __9__ it didn't
fit well,walking for Maja was very painful.__10__, she managed to graduate from a local high school.
Then after receiving a __11__from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance,firm and
__12__ started her own company.
     To relax, Maja __13__often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium (水族馆) near her home.A
young dolphin, Winter, who had lost its tail, caught her __14__ .One day, Maja happened to see
trainers __15__   Winter with a hightech tail.When they were done, Winter swam freely in the water.
Maja was __16__.She managed to find the inventors of Winter's tail.Within ten days, she had a new leg
which freed her of the __17__ that had troubled her for almost 16 years.
     Now Maja was ready to keep her __18__.She went to the aquarium, lowered herself into the pool
and held out a hand to Winter, who approached __19__, then swam away.After a few minutes, the
dolphin let Maja __20__ its back.Finally,the two began to swim around the pool together.
(     )1. A. lost        
(     )2. A. talking      
(     )3. A. adored      
(     )4. A. pretended    
(     )5. A. positive    
(     )6. A. Undoubtedly  
(     )7. A. took away    
(     )8. A. study        
(     )9. A. until        
(     )10. A. Otherwise  
(     )11. A. scholarship
(     )12. A. gradually  
(     )13. A. might      
(     )14. A. eye        
(     )15. A. decorating  
(     )16. A. inspired    
(     )17. A. worry      
(     )18. A. appointment
(     )19. A. blindly    
(     )20. A. strike      
B. visited        
B. living        
B. adopted        
B. decided        
B. enthusiastic  
B. Surprisingly  
B. took over      
B. operation      
B. because        
B. Therefore      
B. degree        
B. actually      
B. should        
B. leg            
B. guiding        
B. puzzled        
B. sadness        
B. promise        
B. angrily        
B. cover          
C. rescued    
C. swimming    
C. possessed  
C. preferred  
C. particular  
C. Strangely  
C. cut down    
C. treatment  
C. although    
C. Besides    
C. prize      
C. eventually  
C. could      
C. nose        
C. marking    
C. shocked    
C. pain        
C. record      
C. gratefully  
C. touch      
D. left            
D. surfing          
D. purchased        
D. agreed          
D. curious          
D. Unfortunately    
D. cut out          
D. experiment      
D. if              
D. However          
D. notice          
D. naturally        
D. would            
D. hand            
D. fitting          
D. amused          
D. fear            
D. habit            
D. cautiously      
D. wipe            

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