摘要:View photos and works from mediums 78 for others to see 79 on display Helpful websites can make leenagers 80 Scction B DDiretions:Read the folloning passage.Answer the questions accoeding to the information givan in the passage. My First Long Kun Twaweeks ago, I had a quareel with my husbanf,After he had driven off in anger,I realled that wasn’t going to feel any better just sitting there. Fccling abandincd and guilty, I put on my gym shoes to get some fresh air. Our driveway has a slope that is easier just to jig down if you are lazy, taking advantage of gravity. Instcad of stopping at the and of the slope. I decidcd t see if I could just jog to the end of the strcct. I had teicd a few months ago and failed miserbil. Since that firt attmpt I had been jogging regularly and was significantly fittcr, but still vcry lazy. However this time around I Mangaged to reach the stop sign with ease and I figared I would go a little further. After aboutone kilometer, howcvr, I notieo that my upper body was tense. To make the movement easier Ihad to to relax m body,and tricd to take deep breaths of air. I kcpt giving myself the escuse to syou. No one wiuld be dilappinted. No one wiuld cvcn know. But I didn’t stlo . I wantcd to stop going harer, bettr, stronger. To my grcat surpise, I can 4.9 km in 31 minutes. When I got back, I had tears in my eyes. I did somcthing I thougt I could necver do. It was the tong run of my life. Since I have impraved my stride and atter every I feel fitter, happier and motivated to keep progcessing. I love the runner’s high, I normally jog beasuse I want look goog. I want to run because it makes me feel goog.81.why did the author feet guitty? (No more than 9 words )



A person searches various websites for different reasons, such as school, work, or entertainment. For teenagers, many information resources on the Internet can be used. As a matter of fact, there are educational, music and art websites that are truly helpful to teenagers, because they can help make one’s life easier.

Educational websites are helpful to a teenager in doing school work and searching for a college. Some can help studying for testes, explaining a lesson, and doing homeward .Some can help find the right school based on one’s interests. And still others have pages devoted to the social life at each of the colleges or the specific activities that occur at a certain school.

    Some free music sites enable a teenager to diversify their musical tastes. On these sites, all types of music are available such as pop, jazz and country. One can type in a song, category or artist and his or her entire catalog appears. Then, the listener can make multiple play lists without creating an account (账户) with the site.

    There are various art websites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces. On these sites, a student can view numerous photos and art pieces from different mediums or create an account with the website to upload their art pieces for people to see. In addition, one can enjoy various art projects that people have created on display for the rest of the world.

    Truly informative resources are offered on the Internet. The best suggestion one can receive is to try to look for new websites that can help in the educational, music, or art area so one can become well-rounded and informed.


Truly helpful websites for teenagers

Passage outline

Supporting details


Many information resources are 1.______ on various websites.

2.________ sites: helping one   do school work and search for a college

¨ Study for tests, explain a lesson , and do homework

¨ Find the right school that one is3.________ in

¨ Learn information about college social life and4._______ school activities

Free music sites: 5._______ one    to diversify musical tastes

¨ Listen to all types of music

¨ Type in a song, category, or artist to get an entire catalog

¨ Make multiple playlists without an 6.________

7._______ sites: helping one appreciate and create works

¨ View photos and8._______ from mediums

¨ 9.________ art pieces for others to see

¨ Enjoy art projects on display


Helpful websites can make teenagers10.______ and informed



Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
     A person searches various websites for different reasons, such as school, work, or entertaiment. For
teenagers, many information resousces on the Internet can be used. As a matter of fact, there are educational,
music and art websites that are truly helpful to teeagers, because they can help make one's life easier.
     Education websites are helpful to a teenager in doing school work and searching for a colleag. Some can
help studying for testes, explaining a lesson, and doing homeward.Some can help find the right school based
on one's interests. And still others have pages devoted to the social life at each colleges or the species activities
that at a certain school. Some free music sites enable a teenager to diversify their musical_ tastes. On these
sites, all types of music are available such as pop, jazz and country. One can type in a song,category or artist
and his or her entire catalog appears. Then the listener can make multiple play lists without creating an account
(账户) with the site. There various art websites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces. On
these sites, a student can view numerous photos and art pieces from different. Mediums or create an account
with the website to upload their art pieces for people to see. In addition, one can enjoy various art people have
created on display for the rest of the world.Truly informative resources offered on the Internet. The best
suggestion one can receive is to try to look for new websites that can help in the educational,music, or art area
so one can become well-rounded and informed.
                                       Truly Helpful Websites for Teenagers
     Many 1______ are available on various websites.
     I. Educational sites: helping one 2______ and search for a college
        · Study for tests, explain a lesson, and do homework
        · Find the right school that one 3______ 
        · learn information about college social life and 4______ 
     II. Free music sites; 5______ to diversify musical tastes
        · Listen to all types of music
        · Type in a song, category, or artist to get an entire catalog 
        · make multiple playlists 6______
     III. 7______; helping one appreciate and create works
        · View photos and works from mediums
        · 8______ for others to see
        · 9______ on display
     Helpful websites can make teenagers 10______

Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in the? ? mbered blanks by using the infor matlon from the pussage.

  Write NO MORE THAN THRER WORDS for each answer.

  A person searches various websites for different reasons, such as school, work, or enterainment.For? cenagers, many informative resources on the Intemet can be used.As a matter of fact, there are educational, music ang art websites that are? ? uly helpful to tecnagers, because they can help make one's life easier.

  Educational websites are helpful to a teenager in doing school work and searching for a college.Some can help studying for tests, explainging a lesson, and doing homework.Some can help find the right schools based on one's interests.And still others have pages? ? ? oted to the secial life at cach of the? ? lleges or the specific activilics that occ? ? at a certain school.

  Some free music sites enable a teenager to diversify their musical tastes.On these sites, all types of music are available such as pop, cock, jazz, and country.One can type in a song, catcgory or artist and his or her cntire cataolg appears.Then, the listener can make multiple playlists without creating an account(账户)with the sitc.

  There are various art websites that can help students to appreciate and create art picces.On these sitse, a student can view numerous photos and art picces from different mediums or crealc an account with the website to upload than art pieces for people to see.In addition, one can enjoy various art projects that people have created on display for the rest of the world.

  Truly informative resources are offered on the Intemet, The best suggestion one car receive is to try to look for new websites that can help in the educational, music, or art area so one can become well-rounded and informed

Truly Helprul Websites for Teenagers

Many   1   re available on various websites

Ⅰ.Educational sites:helping one   2   and search for a college

Study for tests, explain a lesson, and do homework

Find the right school that one   3  

Learn inrormation about college school life and   4  

Ⅱ Free music sltes:  5   to diversify muslcal tastes

Listen to all types of music

Type in a song, category, or arlist to get an entire cataolg

Make multiple playlists   6  

  7   :helping one apiprcciate and crcate works

View photos and works from mediums

  8   for others to see

  9   on display

Helpful websites can make leenagers   10  


1. The Video Camera Pen

Item 78431; $129.95

Available for Immediate Shipment

Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

                                    This is the pen that has a built-in video camera, capturing videos or still images with a click of its button. Ideal for use while secured in a pocket, it can capture up to five hours of video and up to 20,000 images. Its battery provides up to two hours of power before requiring a recharge.

2. The Wristwatch Camcorder

Item 78098; $149.95                          

Available for 3-day shipment

Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

                                  This is the men’s watch with an unnoticeable camcorder, so you’ll always have a camera ready to capture a chance famous person or a pet’s ridiculous actions. The camera is located at the two-o’clock position,

                      yet the watch’s hands never make it covered. The camera’s rechargeable battery provides up to two hours of use from a four-hour charge.

3. The only 55 Inch Widescreen Personal Movie Theater

Item 77918; $249.95

Available for Immediate Shipment

Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

                                  This is the only personal media viewer that provides a

private viewing experience just like watching a widescreen 55 inch television from 10 meters away. It connects to a video iPod, iPhone, portable DVD player. Includes two AA batteries that provide up to six hours of continuous operation and iPod cable.

4. The Digital Phone Album Watch

Item 77281; $99.95

Available for Immediate Shipment

Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

                                  This is the watch that vividly displays 120 of your favorite digital photographs. You can download digital photographs to the watch. The watch can be viewed in the Photo Album mode(time and photo view) or digital mode (time and date view). A six-hour charge provides up to 10 days of use.

1.What’s the purpose of this passage?

   A. To compare some creative inventions.    B. To advertise some unique goods.

   C. To teach how to operate the items.       D. To show how fashionable the items are.

2.What do Item 78431 and Item 78098 have in common according to this passage?

   A. They both sell well.                                B. They are both cheap.

   C. They both have unusual appearances.     D. They both can take photos.

3.If you’re a movie fan, you probably show strong interest in ________.

   A. The Video Camera Pen             

B. The Wristwatch Camcorder

   C. The only 55 Inch Widescreen Personal Movie Theater

   D. The Digital Phone Album Watch[来源:]

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. In fact, Item 78098 cannot tell time.

   B. Item 77918 works as a DVD player.

   C. In a way, Item 77281 is user-friendly.

   D. All the items include rechargeable batteries.



For six hours we shot through the landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just rocks

and sand and baking sun. Knowing our journey was ending, Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words. I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth, a beautiful leather notebook I’d bought in a market in Mozambique.

Southern Africa was full of stories. And visions. We were almost drunk on sensations. The roaring of the water at Victoria Falls, the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana . And then the other things: dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto living in one room, a kilometre from clean water.

As we drove towards the setting sun, a quietness fell over us. The road was empty -- we  hadn’t seen another car for hours. And as I drove, something caught my eye, something moving   next to me. I glanced in the mirror of the car; I glanced sideways to the right, and that was when I saw them. Next to us, by the side of the road, thirty, forty wild horses were racing the car, a cloud of dust rising behind them -- brown, muscular horses almost close enough to touch them, to   smell their hot breath. I didn’t know how long they had been there next to us.

I shouted to Dan: “Look!”, but he was in a deep sleep, his camera lying useless by his feet.   They raced the car for a few seconds, then disappeared far behind us, a memory of heroic forms   in the red landscape. When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened.

“Wild horses?” he said. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“I tried. But they were gone after a few seconds.”

“Are you sure you didn’t dream it?”

“You were the one who was sleeping!”

Typical, he said. “The best photos are the ones we never take.”

We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.

1. During their journey in Africa, the two travelers______.

A.made friends with local residents

B.complained about the poor living conditions

C.enjoyed the sunset in the Karoo desert most

D.recorded their experiences in different ways

2. What did Daniel think when he woke up and was told what had happened?

A.He always missed out on the best thing.

B.He had already taken beautiful pictures.

C.A sound sleep was more important.

D.The next trip would be better.

3. What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to view wildlife in Africa.

B.Running into wildlife in Africa.

C.Tourist attractions in southern Africa.

D.Possible dangers of travelling in the desert.



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