摘要:[答案]D. lay down.[详解]lay down制定.参阅Ⅲ.97注释.


     I moved to a new neighborhood two months ago. In the house with a large    1  across the road lived a
taxi driver, a single parent with two school-age children. At the end of the day, he would    2  his taxi on the road. I   3 why he did not park it in the garage.
     Then, one day I learnt that he had another car in his garage. In the afternoon he would come home    4 
work, leave his taxi and go out for his  5  affairs in his other car, not in his taxi. I felt it was   6 .
     I was curious to see his personal car but did not make it until I   7    to be outside one evening two
weeks   8  , when the garage door was    9  and he drove out in his "own" car: a Rolls-Royce (劳斯莱斯)!
It shook me completely  10   I realized what that meant. You see, he was a taxi driver. But 11 inside, he
saw himself as something else: a Rolls-Royce owner and a(n) 12 . He drove others in his taxi but himself
and his children in his Rolls-Royce. The world looked at his taxi and   13    him a taxi driver. But for him, a
taxi was just something he drove for a living. Rolls-Royce was something he drove for a(n) 14 .
    We go to bed every night and   15  every morning as parents or children, not as bankers, CEOs or
professors. We go for a   16  as close friends or go for a vacation as a   17  . We love life as it is. Yet
often, we base our entire happiness and success on how high we   18  the social ladder (阶梯)-how much
bigger and better a  19 we have. And we ignore(忽视)our Rolls-Royce, by keeping it dusty in our garage. We should focus more on   20  we are than what we do!
(     )1. A. window      
(     )2. A. park        
(     )3. A. knew        
(     )4. A. for        
(     )5. A. business    
(     )6. A. wasteful    
(     )7. A. appeared    
(     )8. A. later      
(     )9. A. broken      
(     )10. A. once      
(     )11. A. far        
(     )12. A. driver    
(     )13. A. called    
(     )14. A. experience
(     )15. A. stay up    
(     )16. A. competition
(     )17. A. family    
(     )18. A. build      
(     )19. A. house      
(     )20. A. who        
B. garage      
B. stop        
B. understood  
B. out of      
B. national    
B. meaningful  
B. intended    
B. more        
B. fine        
B. before      
B. deep        
B. engineer    
B. made        
B. earning    
B. wake up    
B. performance
B. company    
B. climb      
B. garage      
B. what        
C. door        
C. check      
C. asked      
C. without    
C. personal    
C. wonderful  
C. expected    
C. ago        
C. shut        
C. when        
C. long        
C. father      
C. elected    
C. life        
C. stay home  
C. debate      
C. team        
C. stand      
C. car        
C. which      
D. yard      
D. repair    
D. wondered  
D. from      
D. public    
D. plentiful  
D. happened  
D. before    
D. open      
D. until      
D. little    
D. son        
D. turned    
D. position  
D. go home    
D. party      
D. whole      
D. lay        
D. taxi      
D. where      
     It was black in the evening. Jason, a 12-year-old boy didn't want to go outside. But his mother, Branda,
was worried about his father and   1   he go. That evening the man had to   2   his car, a Buick outside their
house in the driveway. 
       3   enough, the wife hadn't heard a single   4   for at least one hour. "Go and find him," she told Jason.
     The kid stepped outside in the darkness and called into the shadows "Dad?"
     "Jason?"   5   was his father, but his voice sounded   6  . He spoke slowly, in a strange way.
     That evening, when the man had to get   7   the car to fix it, he used a forklift to lift the car.   8  , the
man didn't place the blocks in front of the car' s front tires to keep it from   9   forward off the forks, which
was exactly  10  it did afterwards.
     Little Jason saw his dad's feet  11  out from beneath the car.  12  to take a full breath, Old Jason sank into
a sleepy, half-alive  13 .
     "Calm down. It will be OK." The boy  14  his mother. Now he couldn't afford to be scared. He climbed
on and started up, the Buick started to come off the ground and  15  in the air.
     Minutes later, 911 policemen arrived. Old Jason  16  beneath the car, still breathing.
     It wasn't  17  his dad was loaded into an ambulance that the little boy  18   and sobbed.
     Little Jason says one happy change has come out of the   19   : he gets to spend more time with his dad.
Old Jason, who hasn't touched a car  20  the Buick fell on him often spends evenings with his son playing.
(     )1. A. claimed    
(     )2. A. clean      
(     )3. A. Strangely  
(     )4. A. word        
(     )5. A. He          
(     )6. A. usual      
(     )7. A. into        
(     )8. A. Somehow    
(     )9. A. sinking     
(     )10. A. what      
(     )11. A. bringing  
(     )12. A. Unable    
(     )13. A. environment
(     )14. A. inspired  
(     )15. A. moved      
(     )16. A. slept      
(     )17. A. until      
(     )18. A. broke out  
(     )19. A. matter    
(     )20. A. after      

B. demanded     
B. buy           
B. Interestingly 
B. sentence     
B. This         
B. different     
B. onto         
B. Anyhow       
B. rolling       
B. how                      
B. moving       
B. Unlikely     
B. circumstance  
B. comforted     
B. drove         
B. sat           
B. unless       
B. broke down   
B. affair       
B. till       

C. declared  
C. fix      
C. Fortunately
C. noise    
C. There    
C. calm      
C. beneath  
C. Somewhat  
C. driving  
C. why      
C. sticking                  
C. Likely    
C. state    
C. required  
C. bent      
C. stood    
C. when      
C. broke up  
C. accident  
C. when      

D. announced        
D. sell             
D. Dangerously      
D. sound            
D. It               
D. unhappy          
D. above            
D. Anyway           
D. running          
D. when             
D. taking           
D. Able             
D. position         
D. persuaded        
D. suspended        
D. lay              
D. while            
D. broke off        
D. event            
D. since            
     My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the   1   shelter to pick out a dog
to keep her   2  . Grandma decided on a little dog with a reddish-brown spot above each eye   3   these spots,
the dog was named Penny.
     Grandma and Penny quickly became very   4   to each other, but that attachment grew much stronger about
three years later   5   Grandma had a stroke (中风). Grandma could no longer   6  , so when she came home
from the hospital, she and Penny were   7   companions.
     After her stroke, it became a real   8   for Grandma to let Penny in and out because   9   was at the bottom
of a flight of stairs. So a mechanism (机械装置) using a rope and pulley (滑轮) was  10  from the door to a
handle at the top of the stairs. Grandma just had to pull the handle to open arid close the door. If the store was 
 11  Penny's favorite dog food, Grandma would make one of us  12  Penny browned beef with potatoes in it.
I can remember  13  my grandmother by saying that she loved that dog better than she loved her family.
     As the years passed, it was not  14  for Grandma and Penny to separate each other. If Grandma went to take
her nap (打盹), Penny stayed by her side until she  15 . As Penny aged, she could no longer jump up on the bed,
so she  16  on the rug (垫子) beside the bed. If Grandma went into the  17 , Penny would walk along beside her,
wait outside the door and accompany her  18  to the bed or chair. Grandma never went anywhere without her 
 19  companion by her side.
     The time came when both my grandmother's and Penny's  20  were failing fast. After fifteen years of loving
companionship, Grandma and Penny passed away within a few hours of each other.
(     )1.A. animal                  
(     )2.A. business            
(     )3.A. In spite of            
(     )4.A. linked              
(     )5.A. before               
(     )6.A. think                  
(     )7.A. contrary              
(     )8.A. problem             
(     )9.A. the door               
(     )10.A. repaired            
(     )11.A. out of               
(     )12.A. show                   
(     )13.A. drawing attention to
(     )14.A. necessary             
(     )15.A. recovered           
(     )16.A. rolled                 
(     )17.A. kitchen             
(     )18.A. back                   
(     )19.A. splendid            
(     )20.A. smell                
B. toy          
B. firm        
B. Because of   
B. fastened     
B. while        
B. speak        
B. content      
B. question     
B. Grandma      
B. fixed        
B. ahead of     
B. hand         
B. making use of    
B. possible     
B. awoke        
B. stood        
B. bedroom      
B. up           
B. remote       
B. health      
C. fish             
C. company          
C. Instead of        
C. attached          
C. until             
C. work              
C. confident         
C. practice          
C. the window        
C. bought           
C. away from        
C. buy              
C. breaking away from   
C. important         
C. slept             
C. waited            
C. living-room       
C. off               
C. faithful         
C. habit             
D. bird         
D. friend       
D. In front of   
D. tied         
D. when         
D. walk         
D. constant     
D. rule         
D. Penny        
D. loaded       
D. apart from   
D. cook                   
D. making fun of 
D. convenient   
D. screamed     
D. lay          
D. bathroom     
D. down         
D. legal         
D. living       
     I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day, a sociologist proposed that the   1  
society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would become a victim of the
consumer society, I   3   hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood.   3   the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson
was selling me the bicycle, he said, "This is the best thing you   4   have done. Life has become hopelessly   5  . A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you   6   things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise." I agreed.
Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I   7   at the other
end of the town. I was   8   that this simple vehicle could let me   9   long distances in a fairly short time.
But how   10   did I really go?
     Since I hated to be   11  , I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to   12   an odometer (里程表)
on my bicycle. He agreed, but   13  , "An odometer without a speedometer (速度计) is like a   14  
without a knife." I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (装置) were   15   to the
handlebars of my bicycle. "What about a horn?" he then asked. "Look, this horn is no larger than a
matchbox and has many   16  ." Attracted by these functions, I bought the horn.
     "You can't leave the back part   17  ," noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons   18   the
seat, and said, "Is there anything better than this oven when you feel   19   on your way? I can give you a
special discount." I was not strong enough to   20   the offer.
      "I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done," said Mr. Johnson in the end.
(     )1.A. adult      
(     )2.A. eventually  
(     )3.A. Although    
(     )4.A. would      
(     )5.A. boring      
(     )6.A. natural    
(     )7.A. gave up    
(     )8.A. amazed      
(     )9.A. march      
(     )10.A. far      
(     )11.A. unreliable
(     )12.A. fix      
(     )13.A. swore    
(     )14.A. pencil    
(     )15.A. distributed
(     )16.A. shapes    
(     )17.A. loose    
(     )18.A. beside    
(     )19.A. sick      
(     )20.A. consider    
B. human      
B. immediately
B. Because    
B. should    
B. complicated
B. mysterious
B. broke down
B. amused    
B. drive      
B. long      
B. impractical
B. check      
B. added      
B. fork      
B. converted  
B. sizes      
B. blank      
B. before    
B. hungry    
B. withdraw  
C. consumer
C. reluctantly  
C. As          
C. must        
C. stressful  
C. complex      
C. calmed down  
C. confused    
C. cover        
C. fast        
C. unprepared  
C. repair      
C. replied      
C. box          
C. applied      
C. functions    
C. bare        
C. below        
C. hot          
C. make        
D. bachelor      
D. gratefully    
D. Unless        
D. could        
D. tough        
D. unique        
D. ended up      
D. concerned    
D. measure      
D. deep          
D. inaccurate    
D. lay          
D. concluded    
D. cake          
D. attached      
D. models        
D. incomplete    
D. behind        
D. thirsty      
D. resist        
     Chen Guanming has been carrying his home with him for the past seven years. He has done everything a
man would to make it cozy.
     The 53-year-old farmer has spent the hottest summers and severest winters cooking, eating and   1   in his
mobile home: a shaky tricycle. Chen began his journey on the three-wheel rickshaw from his   2   Jiangsu
province in 2001 after hearing the news that Beijing had won the bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Of
course, he did not forget to take his ID card, important    3   and some clothes before setting off on his
mission (使命). Mission? What mission?"To promote awareness on health and the environment, just like what
the Games has been doing," he says. It may   4   funny, but make no mistake that Chen is dead   5   about it.
"I'm a poor farmer I can't do much. But I have a healthy body. I want to use it to show the    6   of the
Chinese people and the spirit of the Olympics." He would have   7   all of China except Taiwan when he
reaches Beijing tonight. He speaks lively about his experiences in all the places on the mainland,   8   about an
incident in Chongqing in August 2003. "I was riding up a slope and my brakes failed my rickshaw and began
sliding down and overturned," he says. He had his legs broken but did not go to a hospital. Instead, he used
herbs to stop the bleeding. And he   9   quietly for some days for his legs to rejoin. Looking at the man, you
wouldn't want to believe he has crossed so many mountains and  10   in his tricycle. But you look at the piles
of evidence and become a silent admirer of this determined soul.

(     )1. A. working  
(     )2. A. native   
(     )3. A. equipment
(     )4. A. seem     
(     )5. A. serious  
(     )6. A. power    
(     )7. A. covered  
(     )8. A. extremely
(     )9. A. slept    
(     )10. A. lakes   

B. playing       
B. familiar   
B. supplies      
B. sound         
B. careful    
B. energy        
B. drove        
B. especially   
B. sat          
B. rivers     
C. sleeping        
C. famous        
C. furniture    
C. look              
C. practical    
C. strength       
C. run              
C. actually      
C. rested          
C. valleys   
D. living            
D. noble              
D. documents     
D. listen                 
D. optimistic     
D. authority        
D. walked              
D. exactly          
D. lay               
D. road            

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