摘要:2088] again and again, but he didn’t tell me the truth. [译文] 问了他一遍又一遍.但他还是不告诉我们真相. A. Having been asked B. Being asked C. He had ben asked D. Though he was asked [答案及简析] C. 此题是考查句子判断.由于有了but.就可以断定前面只能是一个句子.故只有C了.



Two days before Thanksgiving, I was trying to open my mouth wide enough for a mirror and a roll of steel wire. Metal braces (牙齿矫正器)had been on my   31   for weeks, but this was the day for the wire to be adjusted. Only those who have had braces will understand the terrible   32   of being “wired”. For the next 24 hours, it felt like every tooth was being   33   slowly by a giant clawhammer (拔钉锤).  34   drinking water caused pain.

By Thanksgiving Day, I had got used to it.   35   I didn’t use my teeth, the pain was bearable. But this was a day when teeth had to   36   longer than usual. We were   37   at my grandparents’ house with relatives. The house was filled with so many pleasant   38   that we could hardly resist the food. When grandma said, “Dinner is ready!” all the kids   39   to be first in line. I was so excited that I    40   the braces in my mouth and   41   my way up to the head of the line.

I piled my plate high with my favorite corn-on-the-cob(玉米棒子)and   42   my mouth to enjoy it. The pain was   43  . I felt I would never be able to eat again. I put my plate away and ran outside in   44  .

Grandma then took my plate to the   45  . She cut all the corn off that cob and rescued me from my   46  . She handed me my plate piled high with corn. “Thanks,” I said   47  . Then I looked up and   48   a strange light in her eye, a light that is still   49   to me after more than fifty years. That was the Thanksgiving when I discovered something more   50   than good food.

A.tongue                    B.hands                        C.teeth                         D.head

A.subject                   B.situation                    C.chance                      D.production

A.pushed                   B.planted                      C.opened                      D.pulled

A.Still                       B.So                                   C.Even                         D.Yet

As long as                  B.Even though                     C.In case                      D.As though

A.play                       B.work                         C.hurt                          D.shake

A.mixed                    B.called                        C.gathered                    D.surrounded

A.experiences             B.words                       C.colours                      D.smells

A.rushed                    B.started                       C.stepped                            D.walked

A thought of             B.got out of                 C.complained about       D.forgot about

A.forced                   B.created                      C.led                           D.gave

A.narrowed                     B.opened                      C.cleaned                            D.shut

A.normal                 B.violent                      C.regretful                    D.common

A.time                            B.anger                        C.surprise                    D.tears

A.kitchen                 B.bedroom                   C.clinic                        D.restaurant

A.fear                      B.loneliness                  C.pain                          D.interest

A.sadly                    B.kindly                       C.shyly                        D.gratefully

A.checked                B.passed                       C.caught                       D.filled

A.attractive                     B.mysterious                 C.natural                      D.untrue

A.important              B.popular                            C.useful                       D.expensive


I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare (兔子) and the tortoise (乌龟). At the end I said. “Son, remember: Slow and steady (稳固的) wins the race. Don’t you think there’s something to learn from the tortoise?”

Sonny opened his eyes wide, “Do you mean next time when I’m participating in the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy and Tony and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway?”

I was shocked, “But the tortoise didn’t wish that the hare would fall asleep on the way!”

“He must have wished that,” Sonny said. “Otherwise how could he be so stupid as to race with the hare? He knew very well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.”

“He didn’t have such a wish,” I insisted, “He won the race by perseverance , by pushing on steadily.”

Sonny thought a while. “That’s a lie,” he said. “He won it because he was lucky. If the hare hadn’t happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he’d never have won the race. That’s for sure.”

I gave up. Today’s children are not like what we used to be. They’re just hopeless.

Sonny believed that the tortoise ________.

A.won the race by his own effort

B. took a risk by agreeing to race

C. was not given a fair chance in the race

D. in fact did not win the race

Billy, Tony and Sandy must be ________.

A. boys who were unknown to Sonny’s father

B. boys Sonny had run races with before

C. boys Sonny had never raced with before

D. boys Sonny did not expect to race with again

The writer thinks that his generation (代) ________.

A. were more clever than Sonny’s generation

B. had the same ideas about life as Sonny’s generation

C. were more hopeful than Sonny’s generation

D. had different ideas about life from Sonny’s generation


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