摘要: her letter for a long time, I phoned her to see what was wrong.


Recently divorced(离婚), I had no job and was on my way downtown to go the rounds of the employment offices despite the great   36 . My old umbrella was broken, and I could not   37  another one.
I sat down in the streetcar — and there against the seat was a beautiful silk   38  with a silver handle inlaid (镶嵌) with gold. I had   39  seen anything so lovely.
I   40  the handle and saw a   41 . I got off the streetcar and   42  opened the umbrella to protect myself. Then I searched a   43  book for the name on the umbrella and found it. I called and a lady answered.
Yes, she said in   44 , that was her umbrella, which her parents, now dead, had given her for a birthday present.   45 , she added, it had been stolen at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before.
She was so excited that I   46  I was   47  a job and went directly to her house. She took the umbrella, her   48  filled with tears.
I refused the   49   she gave me. We talked for a while, and I must have given her my address. I don’t remember.
The next six months were   50 . I was able to obtain   51  here and there. l reached the lowest point in my   52 . Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.
Christmas Eve came. No money to buy my daughter a gift. I was sobbing (抽泣) in the cold little kitchen   53  the doorbell rang and my daughter Peggy ran to answer it. He was a postman, and his arms were   54  of parcels. “This is a mistake” I said, but he read the name on the parcels and there were for me.
Peggy and I sat on the floor and opened them. I looked for the name of the sender. It was the teacher. The address was   55  “California”, where she had moved.

A.searchB.catch  C.afford   D.sell
A.raincoatB.seatC.book  D.umbrella
A.neverB.ever    C.almost   D.nearly
A.concludedB.examinedC.learned  D.helped
A.nameB.address  C.card  D.demand
A.deliberatelyB.specially   C.sadlyD.thankfully
A.technologyB.engine   C.telephoneD.medicine
A.angerB.surprise  C.dangerD.sorrow
A.And B.But    C.So   D.Or
A.forgotB.rememberedC.indicated   D.decided
A.applied forB.watching forC.asking for D.looking for
A.faceB.nose     C.eyes   D.ear
A.failuresB.successes  C.jobs  D.wages
A.heartB.favor   C.work  D.life
A.asB.while  C.when  D.then
A.proudB.full   C.careful  D.glad






  She was 80 years old but still very active.In this small town, not much happened.It was just another 21 day for a senior citizen living by herself. 22 she even has several great grandchildren.she was often alone.With the need of some small things and a 23 to get outside and be 24 people,she went shopping. 

  Buying just six items, she 25 for the checkout.

  He wandered the 26 .He’d come for a cup of hot coffee and perhaps someone to 27 with.The coffee was good.which always was,but 28 wanted to chat with fin old man. 29 ,he was about to leave when he saw her.

  “Morning,Ma’am.”He smiled.“You 30 leave yet.”

  She turned and found a gentleman smiling and 3 1 what she'd selected.“Your basket is not 32 .”

  “No need to buy a lot.No one to eat it.”she replied.

  He 33 at her for a moment and said,“I'm so 34 ! My beloved all died.”His

eyes softened.“I just 35 my little Brownie.”          “Sorry.”She felt her own eyes 36 .He was as alone as she was.

 37 a brave face.he said,“It’s OK.I hope I call find another dog like her.She was such a joy. 38 someone needed me.She gave me purpose.But now my days are empty.”

  Twenty minutes passed by.It was time to part.Suddenly he looked back at her and asked softly.“Can I give you a hug?”

  A bit surprised.but fully understanding his need,she 39

  There they stood,in a warm hug,in a busy store,on a normal day,which was made 40 by a simple hug.

21.A.happy  B.empty  C.exciting   D.comfortable

22.A.Although  B.If  C.Since   D.As

23.A.preparation  B.trouble  C.desire   D.view

24.A.for  B.among  C.between   D.above

25.A.gathered  B.traveled  C.rushed   D.headed

26.A.restaurant  B.street  C.store   D.square

27.A.argue  B.walk  C.play D.  talk

28.A.neither  B.anyone  C.no one   D.everyone

29.A.Disappointed  B.Excited  C.Astonished   D.Encouraged

30.A.needn't  B.can’t  C.daren’t   D.mustn’t

3 1.A.sticking to  B.referring to  C.devoting to   D.pointing to

32.A.full  B.empty  C.crowded   D.enough

33.A.came  B.1aughed  C.stared   D.glanced

34.A.eager  B.10nely  C.quiet   D.worried

35.A.1ost  B.forgot  C.1eft   D.raised

36.A.open  B.hurt  C.dry   D.wet

37.A.Putting up  B.Putting down  C.Putting on   D.Putting out

38.A.At most  B.At least  C.At first   D.At last

39.A.accepted  B.refused  C.received   D.showed

40.A.common  B.formal  C.usual   D.special


Like a]l little children, my seven-year-old daughter gets scared sometimes when she is trying to go to sleep.If the wind is howling, her   36  can begin working overtime and she may see a (n)  37 in the shadows laughing in the wind.

This past Monday was one such night.  38 after I put her to bed, she came into my room crying that she was scared. She said she  39 the sound of a bad guy laughing and she was extremely afraid that  40 was going to get all of us. Her tears  41 my heart, and I held my daughter in my arms and assured her that nothing would happen to her. I walked her back into her room and  42 down beside her to continue to assure her that I would keep her safe.

“Yes, I know you will always  43 me, Daddy, but what about when you go to sleep?” she asked.

“Sweetheart,” I comforted her, “there are great angels all around this house, and they  44 sleep. They are here just to safeguard us. They can  45 any bad guy from getting in here.”

46 , Daddy, what about when the angels miss? I mean like when kids are kidnapped (绑架)or robbers  47 people’s houses – what about those  48 ?”

Her question struck m e – when did I start  49 questions like this? When did I begin not to consider the most obvious problems of our  50 ? I mean, I  51 problems every day but I am still very surprised by this  52 question.

I considered her question and realized there is no perfect  53 . And I drew my  54 and simply sated, “I don’t know, sweetheart.” I held her a little  55 , and I went back to my original answer, “I am with you.”

36.A.thought          B.imagination       C.idea            D.creation

37.A.picture          B.animal           C.tree            D.figure

38.A.Shortly          B.Long           C.Hardly          D.Quietly

39.A.ignored          B.made           C.heard           D.invited

40.A.anyone          B.nobody          C.someone         D.anybody

41.A.felt             B.cut             C.comforted       D.got

42.A.lay             B.laid             C.lied            D.slept

43.A.hold            B.watch           C.keep            D.protect

44.A.sometimes       B.never           C.often           D.always

45.A.catch           B.see             C.stop            D.observe

46.A.Thus           B.Then            C.So             D.But

47.A.break into        B.run into          C.come into        D.turn into

48.A.years           B.months          C.days            D.times

49.A.judging          B.asking           C.avoiding         D.causing

50.A.existence         B.workshop        C.memory         D.nature

51.A.point to          B.deal with         C.play with        D.stick to

52.A.hard            B.simple           C.stupid           D.clever

53.A.result           B.word           C.answer          D.exercise

54.A.breath           B.conclusion        C.attention         D.money

55.A.closer           B.further          C.higher           D.tighter


I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said, “Excuse me too... I wasn't  36  watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went 37 our way after saying goodbye.

  But at 38 , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I 39 our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I 40 knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown(皱眉). She stepped away silently, with her little heart 41 . I didn't realize how harshly(苛刻地) I had spoken.

That night, when I lay  42 in bed, God's quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 43 with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are QUICK to excite... Go look around on the kitchen floor, you'll find some flowers there by the 44 . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She 45 them herself-- pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly, and you never saw the 46 in her eyes.”

 By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her 47 : “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I 48 them in a napkin(餐巾), just for you. I knew you'd like them, especially the 49 .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today... And I 50 have fussed(慌乱)at you that way.”

  And she whispered, “Mommy, that's okay... I still love you 51 .” I hugged her and said, “I love you, too and I LOVE the flowers.”

 Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the 52 you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of (大约)days. But the family you leave _53 will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our 54 than into our families--an unwise investment(投资) indeed.

 Remember that 55 = (F)ATHER -- (A)ND--(M)OTHER -- (I)--(L)OVE--(Y)OU.

36. A. ever          B. just           C. even           D. right

37. A. to           B. on           C. in            D. for

38. A. school        B. home         C. work          D. office

39. A. cooked        B. had         C. ate           D. took

40. A. nearly         B. hardly         C. rudely          D. already

41. A. lost           B. missed         C. beaten          D. broken

42. A. awake         B. asleep         C. afraid          D. alive

43. A. dealing         B. meeting        C. going          D. talking

44. A. floor          B. kitchen         C. door            D. window

45. A. grew         B. bought         C. picked          D. fetched

46. A. joy           B. expressions       C. smiles          D. tears

47. A. desk         B. knees         C. body          D. bed

48. A. wrapped        B. covered        C. put           D. help

49. A. pink           B. yellow         C. blue           D. black

50. A. shouldn't        B. needn't          C. mustn't         D. can't

51. A. indeed         B. anyway        C. anything         D. besides

52. A. country          B. company        C. place          D. state

53. A. for          B. behind         C. with           D. to

54. A. stranger         B. loss          C. meal           D. work

55. A. RESPECT        B. WARMTH       C. FRIEND         D. FAMILY


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