摘要:(2010高考英语辽宁卷,32)The new movie to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time . A. promises B. agrees c. pretends D. declines [答案]A [解析]考查动词辨析.语意:这部新电影有望成为有史以来最赚钱的电影之一.promise to be表示“有希望成为-- .符合语意.agree to do“同意做某事 ,pretend to be“假装是-- ,decline to do“拒绝做某事 .



  Modcm inventions have speeded up people's lives amazingly.Motor-cars cover a bundred miles in little more than an hour.Aireraft cross the world a day, while computers operate at lightning speed.Indeed, this love of speed seems never-ending.Every ycar motor-cars are produced which go even faster each new computer boasts(吹嘘)of saving preeious seconds in handling tasks.

  All this saves timc, but at a prick.When we lose or gain half a day in speeding aeross the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so.We get the uncomfoerable feeling known as jet-lag; our bodies feel tlru they have been left bebind in anot ar nine zoors Again pending too long at compulers resul's in painti ninrts and fingers.Mobile phones also to dange according to some seientists; too much uss may thesmit h bul radiation into our brains, a we do not like to think about.

  Howave, what do we do with the time we have saved?Certainly not or so it seems.We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing, or even just one thing at a time.Pcrhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imavination take us into another world.

  There was a time when some people's lives were devotcd simply to the cultivation of the land or the eare of eattle.No multi-tasking there; their lives wenl on at a much gentler pace, and in a familiar pattern.There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this.Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faeed;:they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone.Modem machinery has freed peope fre that primitive existcnee.


The new rooucts opcome more and more time-saving beeause.

[  ]


our lose e u speed uts never-ending


mo is liwhcd


shi pnces are increasingly high


the manufacturers boast a lot


What does“the days”in Paragraph 3 refer to?

[  ]


I maginary life


Simple life in the past


Times of inventions


Time for constant activity


What is the author's attitude towards the modem teehnology?

[  ]










What does the pa mge mainly diseuss?

[  ]


The present and pad times


Machin and human beings


Imaginations and inventions


Modem teehnology and its influenec



  My father made a deal with me that he would match whatever I could come up with to buy my fir st car.From the time I wa s a saver.My allowance, back in tho se day s, wa s twenty five cent s a week.I grew up on a farm near a small town called Ventura.In tho se day s the area wa s mo stly agricultural.The climate wa s and still i s a s clo se to perfect a s you could get.I earned some of my money picking one crop or another.When I wa s about ten, a school friend' s family owned walnut orchard s(果园)and it wa s harve st time.She told me we could earn five dollar s for every bag of walnut s we picked.I certainly learned about picking walnut s that day.Not surprisingly, that wa s my fir st and la st time a s a walnut picker.

  In 1960 my grandmother pa s sed away.She left me 100 share s of AT&T.One hundred share s of stock don't seem like much today but back then tho se share s paid me$240 per year in dividend s(利息).That wa s huge for a kid my age.

  By the time I wa s seventeen.I had saved up $ 1, 300 and I knew exactly that I wanted.Ithink my father wa s somewhat suri sed when I announced I had saved up $ 1, 300 and wa s ready to buy my new car.I'll never forget the evening my father said, “Let' s go see about that car”.I wa s so excited.

  My father could have ea sily ju st given me the car but he alway s in si sted that hi s children work for what they got.Thi s wa s not a bad thing.I learned self-reliance.Self-reliance i s equal to freedom.Now that I think about it I need to be thanking my father.


Which one of the following s didn't belong to the saving of $1, 300?

[  ]


Weekly allowance.


Her earning s by picking crop s.


Share s left by grandma.


Money earned from selling share s.


The underlined part in the second paragraph probably meant ________.

[  ]


she didn't have the chance of picking walnut s


enough money had been earned for her car


the work wa s too hard for children like her


she had no time to do that again for some rea son


We can know from the pa s sage the author got her car at the age of ________.

[  ]










The purpo se of the author' s father doing like that wa s to ________.

[  ]


give the author freedom


be unwilling to buy the author a car


teach the author to learn self-reliance


give the author a big surpri se



  We have met the enemy and he i s our s.We bought him at a pet shop.When monkey-pox, a di sea se u sually found in the African rain fore st suddenly turn s up in children in the American Midwe st, it' s hard not to wonder of the di sea se that come s from foreign animal s i s homing in on human being s.“Mo st of the infection s we think of a s human infection s started in other animal s, ” say s Stephen Mor se, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedne s s at Columbia Univer sity.

  It' s not ju st that we're going to where the animal s are; we're al so bringing them clo ser to u s.Popular foreign pet s have brought a whole new di sea se to thi s country.A strange illne s s killed I sak sen' s pet s and she now think s that keeping foreign pet s i s a bad idea, “I don't think it' s fair to have them a s pet s when we have such alimited knowledge of them.” say s I sak sen.

  “Law s allowing the se animal s to be brought in from deep fore st area s without stricter control need changing.” say s Peter Schantz.Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call.Re searcher s believe infected animal s may infect their owner s.We know very little about the se new di sea se s.A new bug(病毒)may be kind at fir st.But it may develop into something harmful.Monkey-pox doe sn't look a major infectiou s di sea se.But it i s not impo s sible to pa s s the di sea se from per son to per son.


We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may ________.

[  ]


come from Columbia


prevent u s from being infected


enjoy being with children


suffer from monkey-pox


Why did I sak sen advi se people not to have foreign pet s?

[  ]


Becau se they attack human being s.


Becau se we need to study native animal s.


Becau se they can't live out of the rain fore st.


Becau se we do not know much about them yet.


What doe s the phra se “the wake-up call” in Paragraph 3 mo st probably mean?

[  ]


A new di sea se.


A clear warning.


A dangerou s animal.


A morning call.


    The breaking news of Mo Yan's Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday evening soon aroused public curiosity of the 57-year-old Chinese writer: Why was he favored by the Swedish Academy?

  Less than half an hour after the announcement from Stockholm, Mo's works turned to “sold out" status at China's major online book sellers.

  One lucky buyer wrote in an online comment: "Rushed to purchase, but to my shame, I have not read any of his novels.”

  Although Mo was entitled one of the top China's literature awards before the Nobel Prize, he is not the most popular novelist in China, in either the book market or in reputation.

  Chinese media seemed to be shocked as some journalists were reported to be on their way overnight to Gaomi City of East China's Shandong Province, Mo's birthplace where he stayed with his family.

  Born in 1955 into a rural family, Mo dropped out of school and became a farmer when he was a teenager. He joined the army and devoted himself to writing. Mo's novels were translated into several languages.

  For more than a century, Nobel Prize has been regarded by the world as recognition to an individual or even a nation's cultural and scientific advances.

  “I think the reason why I could win the prize is that my works present lives with unique Chinese characteristics, and they also tell stones from a viewpoint of common human beings, which transcends(超越)differences of nations and races," Mo said on Thursday evening to Chinese journalists.

  Mo also said many folk arts originated from his hometown, such as paper cuts and traditional new year paintings, have inspired and influenced his novels.

  Mo's prize may give powerful encouragement to the country's writers as the more reflective of Chinese lives their works are, the more possible they arise as world literature.

56.From this passage we know that the news of Mo Yan's Nobel Prize in Literature was      .

  A.a shock to online booksellers

  B.curiosity to the Swedish Academy

C.contrary to the belief of the Chinese media

  D.beyond the expectation of most Chinese people

57.The "one lucky buyer" mentioned in the third paragraph admitted that he _   

  A. had not yet read Mo Yan's novels    B. had written an online comment

  C. regretted not reading Mo Yan's Novels  D. failed to buy a copy of Mo Yan's novels

58.The underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refers to      .

  A. the Chinese writers                                   B.the Chinese writers' works

  C. the Chinese lives                    D.Mo Yan's novels

59. What can we infer from this passage?

  A.Mo Yan will win another Nobel Prize in the near future.

B.Folk arts originated from Mo Yan's hometown will also be awarded Nobel Prize.    .

  C.Nobel Prize will no longer regarded by the world as recognition to an individual.

  D.Mo Yan's success will encourage the Chinese writers to win more Nobel Prizes.


BEIJING - Hailing Mo Yan as the first Chinese citizen that won the Nobel Prize in Literature, the public has started to consider the way to enhance Chinese literature's global presence.

The prize indicates that Chinese contemporary authors and their works are getting the world's attention, which promp ts writers and amateurs to continue their work, according to Wang Meng, a renowned Chinese writer. But "the prize came a little late," said Xue Yongwu, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Journalism and Communication with Ocean University of China (OUC). There have been many accomplished writers of modern and contemporary literature in China, including Lu Xun, Ba Jin and Mao Dun, who should have won the prize earlier, he noted. China's splendid ancient literature, which extends thousands of years, has been widely acknowledged across the world. However, the contemporary literature failed to get enough recognition from outside the country due to its short history and complex political influences, he explained. Language has also been a barrier. Only a small proportion of Chinese literature has been translated into foreign languages, mainly English. The quality of some translated editions needs improvement, said Xue.

In addition to language skills, translation requires high-level comprehension and explanation of culture and art. It's hard for people without any literature background to produce a translation that fully reserves the aesthetic(美学的) sense of the original version, according to Ren Dongsheng, professor with the College of Foreign Languages of OUC. The 57-year-old writer is known for his description of Chinese rural life. The settings for his works range from the 1911 revolution, Japan's invasion to Cultural Revolution. Mo combines hallucinatory(幻觉的) realism with folk tales, which is more appealing to the taste of Western readers than the styles adopted by many of his peers, such as Yu Hua, Su Tong and Wang Shuo, said Zhang Hongsheng, dean of the Literature Department of the Communication University of China.

  However, "Nobel Prize is not the unique standard to judge the achievements of a writer. Prizes presented by different organizations adopt various evaluation criteria," said Xu Yan, a literature critic. The quality of a literary work is always judged by the topic, language, structure, the way of story-telling, imagination and some other significant elements. People's tastes vary from different social background and cultural mechanism, she added.

  Chinese contemporary literature, which appeared in 1949, has seen a trend of diversification since the country adopted the market economy in 1992. "The prize is a positive sign that the West begins to recognize Chinese literature. But it's an acknowledgement of individual efforts, and Chinese literature revival still has a long way to go," said Zhang. Xue called upon Chinese writers to produce quality works with international perspectives. Good literature should reveal social problems and people's concerns while create the beauty of art. "The society should provide favorable environment for the growth of Chinese writers," he stressed. Seeking increasing world attention requires Chinese writers to maintain the national characteristics and uniqueness. "Chinese elements are the last to lose in successful writings," Zhang said.

  China's book market has witnessed booming sales of Mo's masterpieces over the past days. Zhicheng Classic Bookstore, registered at T-Mall of China's largest online retailer Taobao.com, said 1,500 volumes of Mo's latest novel Frog were sold out in six hours after Mo won the prize. The store has received 1,200 reservation orders by 3:30 pm Friday. The book, about China's family-planning policy, also moved up to 14th from 560th on the list of the most populous book at the Amazon.cn withinin two days. Cao Yuanyong, deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing Group, said the company is producing the new edition of a collection of Mo's 16 works, which is expected to refill the empty shelves of many book retailers in a week.

50. The article is mainly about_________.

A. Mo Yan's Nobel win sparks piracy concerns

B. Mo Yan's hometown to hail Nobel success

C. Mo Yan sees income soar following Nobel win

D. Mo Yan sparks discussion about Chinese literature

51. The underlined word “renowned” in Paragraph 2 means _______

A. well-known   B. critical     C. fantastic    D. admirable

52. Which of the following is NOT the reason for Chinese contemporary literature failed to win the Nobel in the past from the opinions of Xue Yongwu?

A. Short history  B. Individual efforts  C. Political influences D. Language translation

53. According to Zhang Hongsheng, what is the main characteristics of Mo Yan’s works?

A. Combining hallucinatory realism with folk tales.

B. His description of Chinese urban life

C. Settings from the 1911 revolution, Japan's invasion to Cultural Revolution.

D. Providing different social background and cultural mechanism

54. In order to make Chinese contemporary literature better acknowledged across the word, what is the most important from the opinions of Zhang Hongsheng?

A. International characteristics B. International perspectives

C. Chinese elements           D. Favorable environment

55. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. New edition of a collection of Mo's 16 works has been sold out.

B. Only online bookstores sold out his works after Mo won the prize.

C. The novel Frog was listed the most populous book at the Amazon.cn.

D. Mo Yan’s works are bestsellers in the bookstores at present.


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