摘要:33.One of the boys kept laughing. annoyed Jane quite a lot. A.which B.who C.that D.what 答案:A


  话题链接:Proper habits of nutrition can be developed by paying attention to the variety of foods included in the diet; and the quantity of each kind of food eaten.A diet, or the food regularly eaten, must contain all the nutritional(营养的)elements.Different food contains different vitamins(维生素),let's look at the food one by one.


  Eggs are an excellent source of complete protein(蛋白质);they contain all essential amino acids(氨基酸).One large egg contains 7 or 8 grams of first-class protein.Also found in eggs are vitamins A, B2, D, and E; niacin(烟酸);copper; iron; phosphorus(磷);and unsaturated(不饱和的)fats.The egg yolk contains the richest known source of choline, found in lecithin and necessary for keeping the cholesterol (胆固醇)within the egg emulsified(蛋白).The egg yolk also contains biotin(维生素H),one of the B-complex vitamins.


  Fiber is the part of food that is not digested by the human body, such as the skin of an apple and the husk(壳,皮)of a wheat kernel.The normal functioning of the intestinal tract depends upon the presence of adequate fiber.A low-fiber diet has been associated with heart disease, cancer of the colon and rectum(直肠),diverticulosis(瘢痕形成),varicose veins(纹理),phlebitis(静脉炎),and obesity.


  Fish are excellent sources of high-grade protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and minerals, especially iodine(碘)and potassium(钾).Fish are categorized as freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and shellfish.These types differ slightly in nutritive value.Freshwater fish provide magnesium(镁),phosphorus, iron, and copper.Saltwater fish and shellfish are rich in iodine, fluorine(氟),and cobalt (钴).Fatty fish, such as halibut(比目鱼),mackerel(鲭鱼),and salmon, are good sources of vitamins A and D.Herring, oysters, and sardines contain vanadium and zinc.Shellfish are low fatty acids but are relatively high in cholesterol.


  Fresh fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and C, carbohydrates in the form of cellulose and natural sugars, and water.They are good substitutes of such high-carbohydrate(碳水化合物)foods as candy, cookies, and cakes, which contain few nutrients.Yellow fruits, such as apricots, cantaloupe(香瓜),and persimmons(柿子),are good sources of carotene(胡萝卜素),which is converted to vitamin A.Aside from acerola cherries and rose hips, the best natural sources of vitamin C are the citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and tangerines(橘);other sources of vitamin C are cantaloupe, strawberries, and tomatoes.Apples and bananas contain valuable bulk fiber in the form of indigestible(不可吸收的)cellulose, which is needed for regular bowel movement.Bananas are high in magnesium(镁)and may be useful for treatment of diarrhea, colitis, ulcers, and certain cases of protein allergies.Bananas and pears are the highest in natural sugars.


  Grains are often referred to as cereals ;they are the seeds of various grasses such as wheat, oats, rice, and barley.Often called the “staff of life”, they provide the bulk of the world's food supply.Common foods made from these grains are flours, breads, breakfast cereals, and macaroni.

想一想:Healthy eating is the essential thing for the physical and mental development for human being.But the eating habit of our Chinese people is not very reasonable or suitable.If you are responsible for the improvement of the Chinese healthy eating, what will you do to change the formed eating habit of Chinese people?



Jogging (慢跑) is basically running at a steady (平稳的) speed over short or long distances. It has become popular some twenty years and remained a favorite way of keeping fit for lots of people.

        People jog around college campuses, in parks, in the countryside and even in urban areas. Special courts, fields and running tracks are not necessary. Similarly, no special equipment is required — no costly hats, or balls, and no expensive sports kit. Good quality running shoes are advisable, but otherwise the jogger can simply wear loose, comfortable clothing.

        It’s not unusual to see joggers exercising in the height of summer or in the depth of winter! Jogging is a solo (单独的) sport. You don’t need to wait until you have formed a team or found a partner. You can jog alone. A few words of warning, however: lone female joggers should be especially careful to choose sensible jogging routes, particularly at night time.

        You just need to be basically healthy and after basic warming up, you are ready to begin. You simply start running, gently, and then build up to a steady pace. Do not overtire yourself by trying to go too fast. A steady, comfortable pace is your aim.

    It’s good for the lungs, the heart and the circulation (循环). It’s easy and it’s convenient. Why don’t you try it? If you require more information, talk to one of the instructors at the sports centre. We are only too happy to help. Please remember: if you do decide to jog, talk to your doctor first if you have any health worries. Happy jogging!

A. Jogging is excellent for keeping fit.

B. That’s the reason why people like jogging.

C. The act of jogging doesn’t need any special training or skill.

D. One of the main advantages of jogging is that it can be done anywhere.

E. In addition to being able to jog anywhere, you can also jog at any time, in any season!


If we say the four great inventions (Gunpowder,Compass,Paper and Art of Printing) reflected ancient China’s scientific achievements,then Zhaozhou Stone Bridge perfectly represented one of the greatest contributions to ancient China’s bridge building.Nobody was unfamiliar with the stone bridge full of legends and vivid folk stories.

The ancient Zhaozhou stone bridge started to be built in 590 during the Sui Dynasty (581~618) and established in 608.The pioneer for building the bridge was Li Chun who overcame unimaginable difficulties,undergoing all hardships.The location of the bridge is in Zhao County south,Hebei Province.It lay across the Xiaoshui River,far away from the mountains that provided rocky materials.In ancient times,it was such a busy,deep and wide river that could be used as an important carriage to transport heavy rocks and other materials.As we know,no train,no lifting machine could be used to move granite(花岗岩)blocks to the construction site.As an intelligent stonemason and engineer,Li Chun worked out his plan and design all from his own direct observation and investigation.It took his whole life-time in completing the great historical project inChina.Nowadays it is not only a historical remarkable model of architecture,but also a brilliant Chinese cultural crystallization(结晶) of wisdom.

The entire length of the bridge is 50.82 meters with 10 meters width.The whole stone bridge looks like a big bow,the span of which is 37.02 meters,and its height from the top to the surface of water at a regular position is 7.23 meters.The bridge arch seems to be moving smoothly and flatly.The whole arch consists of 28 big granite blocks connected each other tightly together.On both end sides of the general arch there are 4 smaller arches,2 of which on one side,the other 2 on the other side.The smaller arches could be used to decrease the weight of the bridge and save stone materials,and help flood get through easily,which seems to be much prettier.Such a hard-thinking and careful consideration of the engineering article is really a model of design and layout.The span was much wider than the other stone bridge in ancient times all over China.

Today Zhaozhou Stone Bridge is one of international cultural relics and perfectly protected and preserved by the concerned administration of China.

The best title of this passage is _________.

A.Great engineer in ancient China                      B.Zhaozhou stone bridge

C.Four great inventions                                     D.How to build a bridge

The third paragraph mainly tells us _________.

A.the materials of Zhaozhou bridge                    B.the structure of Zhaozhou bridge

C.the arches of Zhaozhou bridge                        D.the importance of Zhaozhou bridge

The underlined word “carriage” probably refers to _________.

A.cart                          B.transport                   C.channel                     D.resourse


What do you do if you are hit in the mouth and one of your teeth is knocked out? A dentist(牙医)may be able to put the tooth back in for you, but you have to get to the dentist first.In the meantime, you have to store the tooth so that it will stay healthy.

The simplest thing to do is put the tooth back into your mouth, or you could put it in milk.Frank Courts, a dentist at the University of Florida, worked with other researchers to find the safest way of keeping knocked-out teeth.He tried putting teeth into milk, into water, and into cell-culture medium(细胞培养液).He also tried, just drying the teeth in the open air.He used teeth that had to be removed from people’s mouths for various reasons.The teeth were put into one of the solutions(溶液)or stored in the air for one hour.Then cells from the root of the teeth were scraped-off the teeth.Dr.Courts and the others then studied how healthy these cells were.

The cell-culture medium worked best to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy outside the mouth.However, few people keep cell-culture medium handy at home or in school.

The next best thing was milk.But Dr.Courts said that the best thing of all was to wash the tooth and put it right back into its socket(牙槽)in the mouth.For some people, though, this is just too painful or upsetting.So milk will do, until you get your tooth (and your mouth)to a dentist.

This passage is mainly about              .

A. how a dentist can save a knocked-out tooth

B. how to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy

C.how Dr.Courts and other researchers made their experiments

D.how to put a knocked-out tooth back into its socket

The best way to keep a knocked-out tooth healthy outside the mouth is to store it       .

A.in cell-culture medium    B.in milk     C.in water    D.in the open air

Milk can be used instead of cell-culture medium to put a knocked-out tooth in because     .

A.milk works better to keep the tooth healthy  B.milk causes less pain

C.cell-culture medium is not usually handy    D.cell-culture medium is more expensive

“Dr.Courts said that the best of al1 was to wash the tooth and put it right back into its socket in the mouth.”In the sentence, the word “best” means              .

A.cheapest and healthiest                  B.least painful and cheapest

C.quickest and least painful                D.easiest and healthiest


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