摘要: Reaching the target is difficult for the parents in the least developing nations. 答案:31.去掉with 32.with→to 33.celebrate→congratulate 34.embarrassing→embarrassed 35.去掉of ging→changed 37.to→with


David Beckham made a losing start to his second season in Major League Soccer when his Los Angeles Galaxy team were crushed 4 – 0 by the Colorado Rapids on Saturday.

Beckham, in his first game since reaching 100 international caps for England in a friendly against France on Wednesday, played in a variety of different positions as head coach Ruud Gullit tried in vain to find a successful formation.

The former England captain and his Galaxy team mates struggled to cope with playing at altitude, just outside Denver.

“It is always going to be tough when you travel when you have got international games,” Beckham told reporters. It is always tough when you are back from England and you are adjusting to the time difference.

“I felt ok for most of the match but I was maybe not at my sharpest and maybe the altitude had something to do with that.”

Former Manchester United winger Terry Cooke opened scoring for Colorado after 10 minutes.

The Galaxy went further behind after an hour when defender Abel Xavier was adjudged to have fouled Rapids forward Omar Cummings inside the penalty area(罚球区). Christian Gomez converted the spot-kick after they argued fiercely.

“I find it hard not to criticize some of the decisions tonight but I’ve been told I’ll be fined if I do,” said Beckham. “But certain decisions change games. I think that has happened tonight.”

Cummings added Colorado’s third goal on 67 minutes before Colin Clark scored the fourth with 10 minutes left. 

Xavier was sent off late in the game for using abusive language towards referee Abiodun Okulaja and Colorado substitute Ciaran O’Brien was also dismissed after a foul on Carlos Ruiz.

1.The news report is mainly about        .

       A.Beckham’s new team Galaxy

       B.referee Okulaja’s preference

       C.Beckham’s good performance

       D.possible reasons for Galaxy’s first failure

2.We can know that        .

       A.Beckham is captain of England

       B.Beckham was not in form during the game

       C.Gullit found a proper position for Beckham

       D.Beckham was well adjusted to the time difference

3.By saying “certain decisions change games” Beckham means the referee          .

       A.carried out judgment in the Galaxy’s favor

       B.could do anything he liked on the football field

       C.carried out judgment in the Rapids’ favor

       D.might have received money from the Rapids

4.We know the        goal of Rapids was controversial.

       A.1 st                     B.2 nd                    C.3 rd                    D.4 th

5.We can infer that        is fighting for Galaxy.

       A.Xavier      B.O’Brien     C.Cooke      D.Gummings


The report came to the British on May 21,1941.Th German battleship Bismarck,the most powerful warship in the world,was moving out into the Atlantic Ocean.Her task:to destroy the ships carrying supplies from the United States to war-torn England.The British had feared such a task.No warship the had could match the bismarck in speed or in firepower.The Bismarch hasd eight 15-inch guns and 81 smaller guns.She could move at 30 nautical mile(海里)an hour.She was beleved to be unsinkable.However,the British had to sink her.They sent out a task force headed by their best battleship Hood to hunt down the Bismarck.On May 24,the Hood found the Bismarck.It was a meeting that the German commander Luetjens did not want to see.His orders were to destroy the british ships that were carrying supplies,but to stay away from a fight with British warships.The battle didn't last long.The Bismarck's first torpedo(鱼雷)hit the Hood,which went down taking all but three of her 1,419 men with her. But in the fight,the Bismarck was slightly damaged(损坏).Her commander decided to run for repairs to France,which had at that time been taken by the Germans.The British force followed her.However,because of the Bismarck's speed and the heavy fog,the lost sight of her.For two days,every British ship in the Atlantic tried to find the Bismarck,but with no success.Finally,she was sighted by a plane from Ireland.Trying to slow the Bismarck down so that their ships could catch up with her,the British fired at her form the air.The Bismarck was hit. On the morning of May 27,the last battle was fought.Four British ships fired on the Bismarck,and she was finally sunk.

1 The Bismarck sailed into the Atlantic Ocean_____.

A.to sink the Hood

B.to gain control of France 

C.to cut off American supplies to Britain

D.to stop British warships reaching Germany

2 .Many people believed that the Bismarck could not be defeated  because she_____.

A.was fast and powerful  

B.had more men on board 

C.was under Luetjens' command

D.had bigger guns than other ships

3 We learn from the text that on 24 May_____.

A.the British won the battle againse the Bismarck

B.the Bismarck won the battle against the British

C.the British gunfire damaged the Bismarch seriously

D.the Bismarck succeeded in keeping away from the British

4 .Luetjens tried to sail to France in order to_____.

A.have the ship repaired

B.join the other Germans 

C.get help from the French

D.get away from the british

5 Which of the following is the immediate cause of the sinking of the Bismarck?

A.The British air strikes.

B.The damage done by the Hood.

C.Gunfire from the british warships.

D.Luetjen's decision to run for France.


There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校). ____ being sent away, this boy was the ____ student in his class. He was at the top in every ____ always with high marks.

         But the boy changed after ____ home and attending the boarding school. His grades started ___. He hated being in a ____. He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he ____ committing suicide (自杀). All of this was because he felt ____ and no one loved him.

         His parents started ___about the boy. But they even did not know what was __50with him. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and ____ him.

         They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his classes, teachers and ____. After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”

         The boy answered back, “To ___- my grades?”

         “No, no,” his dad replied. “I am here to tell you that you are the most ___ person for me. I want to see you ____. I don’t care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”

         These words ____ the boy’s eyes to be filled with tears. He ____ his dad. They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time.

         Now the boy had ____ he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply. He ___ the world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him ____!

1.A. After              B. Before             C. When                     D. While

2.A. hardest             B. naughtiest              C. brightest               D. dullest

3.A. exam             B. activity             C. game                       D. class

4.A. coming              B. returning      C. leaving         D. reaching

5.A. rising             B. increasing             C. reducing               D. dropping

6.A. group                      B. term                      C. company        D. party

7.A. led to                      B. felt like            C. thought back     D. looked for

8.A. worthless    B. careless           C. concerned             D. annoyed

9.A. caring                B. turning              C. worrying       D. speaking

10.A. crazy                     B. true              C. possible       D. wrong

11.A. talk with      B. listen to           C. tell to                      D. care about

12.A. family              B. friends               C. study                     D. grades

13.A. realize            B. analyze              C. check                      D. test

14.A. outstanding    B. important        C. famous         D. familiar

15.A. happy              B. excellent      C. interested            D. satisfied

16.A. caused            B. wanted              C. encouraged           D. forced

17.A. answered      B. ignored               C. hated                      D. hugged

18.A. nothing          B. something              C. everything            D. anything

19.A. showed          B. meant                C. intended       D. expressed

20.A. sad                      B. angry                C. pleasant        D. joyful



  In a recently published book, I came across some exercises with interesting names such as fishbone diagrams, lotus flowers and clustering. As I used these exercises in my classes, I noticed that students were interested. They said more and wrote more. They enjoyed expressing their ideas and sharing them in groups. They were no longer passively waiting for the bell , but actively taking part in the lesson. I find that creativity can act as a way to increase participation and improve fluency.

Creativity has become a popular word in recent years. Scholars in arts, psychology, business, education and science are all working to get a deeper understanding of it. Robert J. Stemberg is a creativity specialist and Yale professor of psychology. He defines creativity as “the ability to produce work that is both new (original) and appropriate(applicable to the situation ) ”. this definition is useful, as we want our students to use language in a new way and to use it correctly and properly. Mot scholars say there are two types of creativity: big “C” creativity and small “c” creativity. Big “C” creativity refers to genius level thinking that results in artistic masterpieces and scientific breakthroughs. Small “c” creativity refers to everyday level thinking that can be used in any situation our emphasis is on the latter. While it goes without saying that any of our students could go on to be the next Picasso or Edison, our aim is to help students produce more ideas and use language in a new way.

The underlined words “waiting for the bell ” in the first paragraph probably means______.

A. longing for a phone call        B. hoping to have a bell   

C. expecting the end of the class    D. waiting to speak in the class

It can be inferred from the passage that the author thinks the exercises in the book were _____.

 A. popular    B. useful    C. scientific     D. creative   

When you use a familiar word in a new way, you are ________.

A creative in the sense of big “C” creativity.

B. creative in the sense of small “c” creativity..

C. not creative in the sense of big “C” creativity..

D. not creative in the sense of small “c” creativity.

The main purpose of the passage is to _________.

A. show how useful the book is.

B, explain what creativity 

C. discuss how one can be creative 

D. tell what reaching aims at 


A recent survey made by BUPA, an international healthcare provider, shows that 54 percent of Chinese people aged between 45 and 54 consider themselves old, while 28 percent say that the thought of getting old upsets them. 25 percent are afraid of getting old, and a third worry about life in old age.

BUPA made the survey among 12,262 people from 12 countries over 2 months, starting in June 2010. The survey shows that 72 percent of international participants(参加者) aged over 65 don’t feel old and that 67 percent still feel healthy. On the other hand, 65 percent of Chinese feel old even before reaching 60. About one third of those surveyed in China said they have enough savings(存款), and 46 percent are insured(参加保险). Around 60 percent of the Chinese participants hope they will be taken care of by family members.

According to the survey, the French hold the most positive attitude towards getting old, with 32 percent of them considering age 80 and up old. 17 percent of Brazilians look forward to old age, compared with 3 percent globally. Indians are not bothered by old age, as 70 percent said that they don’t feel that they will be affected by old age and 71 percent say they have already made preparations for this stage of life. The illnesses that most people around the world are worried about are cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

1.According to the survey, many Chinese people surveyed feel old before they are ______.

A.50 year old                            B.60 years old

C.70 years old                           D.80 years old

2.Most of Chinese people surveyed expect help from _________.

A.the government                        B.family members

C.insurance companies                    D.healthcare providers

3.Who are the youngest at heart according to the survey?

A.The Indians.                            B.The Brazilians

C.The French                            D.The Chinese

4.Why are the Indians not afraid of getting old?

A.Because they have got ready for old age.

B.Because old people are respected in India.

C.Because getting old means enjoying life.

D.Because they will get more help from society.



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