摘要: C.notice 意为“注意到 .根据不同的动词意义.只有notice切合句意.指注意到这些广告.


Jerry stood up and looked at the crowd of people making their way through the station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he    36  , the girl with the    37  . The story had begun twelve months before in a    38  . Taking a book off the shelf he found himself    39   by the notes penciled in the margin. The soft handwriting    40   a thoughtful soul and an insightful mind. In the front of the book, he discovered the    41   owner’s name, Rosanna.

During the next year the two grew to know each other through the    42   . Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. The day finally came for their first    43   - 7:00 PM at the station.

A beautiful young woman was coming toward me, her    44  tall and slim. I started to walk toward her with delight, entirely forgetting to    45   that she was not wearing a rose. I    46  made one step closer to her, and then I saw Rosanna, a short and fat woman well past 40, was standing almost directly    47   the girl. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away.

I felt   48   I was split in two, and there she stood. My fingers gripped the worn leather copy of the    49   that was to identify me to her. I knew this would not be     50  , something perhaps even better than love. I felt choked by the bitterness of my     51  . “I’m Jerry, and you must be Rosanna. I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to    52  ?”

The woman’s face broadened into a big smile. “I don't know what this is about, son,” she answered,” but the young lady in the green suit who just    53   begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said    54  you were to ask me out to dinner, I should go and tell you that she is waiting for you in the big   55 across the street. She said it was some kind of test!”

1.                A.hadn’t        B.wouldn’t       C.couldn’t D.didn't


2.                A.rose           B.flower          C.book D.notes


3.                A.restaurant      B.meeting room    C.library    D.station


4.                A.absorbed       B.surrounded      C.interested D.burdened


5.                A.reacted        B.reflected        C.responded    D.repeated


6.                A.previous        B.nice           C.thoughtful D.beautiful


7.                A.phone         B.telegram        C.book D.e-mail


8.                A.dining          B.meeting        C.walking   D.talking


9.                A.legs           B.face           C.figure    D.hair


10.               A.observe        B.conclude       C.notice     D.say


11.               A.carefully        B.eagerly         C.luckily D.easily


12.               A.behind         B.past           C.over  D.before


13.               A.as long as       B.even though     C.no matter how  D.as though


14.               A.newspaper      B.book           C.magazine  D.note


15.               A.a meeting       B.happiness       C.love D.a dinner


16.               A.relief          B.sorrow         C.disappointment D.unwillingness


17.               A.a walk          B.your home      C.a party    D.dinner


18.               A.went by        B.called me       C.came here D.dropped in


19.               A.when          B.supposing       C.unless D.since


20.               A.market         B.restaurant       C.building   D.library




Enid's wedding(婚礼) dress arrived at five o'clock in the evening, just seventeen  36 before her marriage!

“I must try it on Mother!” she cried, as she ran   37 .Three minutes later Enid's cries brought her   38 up.The dress was much   39   for her. It was like a bag in the front, and the neckline looked all  40  . Enid was in   41 .

“Take it back to the dressmaker's,” Mrs Bale said.“She must   42  it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go.” The dressmaker's shop was closed.“Closed for One Week's Holiday,” said a   43 on the door. Fresh tears rose to Enid's eyes. She ran home again to her mother.

“This is unlucky,”Mrs Bale said.” But what are we going to do? 44  I ask Mrs. Peters to help? She was a dressmaker once. I'm sure she could change it for you.” Mrs. Peters was   45 in and began to work. She could see  46 was wrong. She had to   47 it narrower at the front, and that was a big job. Then she changed the neckline. In fact she made it again. At ten o'clock the work was finished, and Enid tried the dress on. It fitted her beautifully.

The three women were having a cup of tea   48  the doorbell rang .Mrs. Bale answered it and   49­­  into the worried eyes of a   50  woman. The woman was carrying a large flat   51 .“Does Miss Enid Bale   52  here?" she asked breathlessly. “Yes, she's my daughter.” “Oh, I am   53  I've found you! There's been a  54  .Your daughter has my wedding dress, and I've got   55  . And I'm getting married tomorrow!” She held out the box to Mrs. Bale.

1.                A.weeks          B.minutes         C.days D.hours


2.                A.upstairs        B.outside         C.back home    D.about


3.                A.husband        B.daughter        C.mother   D.neighbour


4.                A.smaller         B.shorter         C.too big   D.too long


5.                A.wrong          B.pleased         C.right D.waste


6.                A.love           B.tears           C.surprise  D.danger


7.                A.measure        B.make           C.repair    D.change


8.                A.voice          B.sound          C.notice    D.saying


9.                A.Will           B.Would          C.Shall D.Should


10.               A.sent           B.brought        C.pushed    D.taken


11.               A.neckline        B.all             C.nothing   D.what


12.               A.make          B.keep           C.change    D.take


13.               A.then           B.until           C.when D.while


14.               A.came          B.got            C.saw  D.looked


15.               A.short pretty     B.fat young       C.slim old   D.little quiet


16.               A.cup           B.dress          C.bag   D.box


17.               A.live            B.work           C.stay  D.wait


18.               A.delightful       B.sorry          C.angry D.glad


19.               A.dress          B.change         C.mistake   D.wish


20.               A.yours          B.hers           C.the other  D.others




When my daughter Kelsey was a child, she loved to join me in the garden. To 36 chaos(混乱)in my own garden beds, I provided her with a space of her own, so Kelsey’s Corner was born. There she was 37 to dig and plant as she wished. Over time, that small piece of land grew into a favorite place in the 38.
As she approached high school, Kelsey took her 39 off the garden. I didn’t 40 to accept this change. It seemed acceptable that something as boring as working in the dirt gave way to the mystery of a(n) 41 social life, so I began to take care of the space. Even so, I knew it always would be Kelsey’s Corner.
Now my daughter is eighteen and is in the 42 weeks of her high school career. Our mailbox is filled with college admission materials, 43 me that the world has come for this young lady and that she will soon answer its 44. Kelsey is looking forward to her wonderful college life 45 her mother and I are anxious about the coming life 46 our daughter around.
Kelsey’s Corner seems extremely deserted in this early spring 47 Kelsey’s leaving. One morning, when I 48 past Kelsey’s Corner, I noticed some green seedlings had 49 at the foot of some dead stalks(秆).
It’s 50 that life is a cycle. Kelsey’s leaving is 51 one point on the cycle. Now the life wheel will roll with Kelsey as she 52 into her adult life.
Let her live as she will and let her 53 when she can, and whether she comes alone or in 54, she will be welcome home. I’ll take care of Kelsey’s Corner faithfully. It will also cycle annually, rolling on towards a 55 stage of our lives, one that promises a rich harvest.

A.defend B.avoid C.cover D.tolerate
A.willing B.sorry C.free D.sure
A.garden B.family C.corner D.area
A.emotion B.awareness C.mind D.expectation
A.wonder B.support C.realize D.refuse
A.attractiveB.peaceful C.complex D.changeable
A.latest B.last C.beginning D.former
A.reminding B.introducingC.promising D.ordering
A.letter B.cry C.notice D.call
A.since B.while C.because D.unless
A.beyond B.except C.besides D.without
A.in spite of B.in case of C.because of D.instead of
A.imagined B.wandered C.performed D.examined
A.existed B.planted C.appeared D.exposed
A.doubtful B.informal C.probable D.true
A.onlyB.rarely C.always D.seldom
A.looks B.moves C.breaks D.pulls
A.return B.recover C.compete D.join
A.time B.person C.need D.company
A.strange B.proper C.different D.common


       How to beat a bad mood

Having one of those days or weeks when everything seems to annoy you? Even if you do nothing about it, your bad mood will probably go awary after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much faster, often within a day or two.

??Walk it off

Exercise is the most popular bad-mood buster.A person who’s in a bad mood has low energy and high tension.Taking a fast ten-minute walk, or taking some quick exercise can do wonders towards changing that bad mood.

??Tune it out

Listening to your favorite music for a while can also make tensions go away quickly, because music starts associations with past positive experiences we’ve had.

??Give yourself a pep talk

Stop and listen to what's on your mind.Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts.Write them all down on paper; the pessimistic(悲观的)messages you’ve been giving yourself and then give optimistic answers.

??Reduce your stress

Relaxation techniques are wonderful mood-lifters.These include deep breathing,stretching and visualizing(想象), all of which sound complicated but aren't.One easy way to visualize;

close your eyes and picture a favorite place, such as the beach..Another simple way to distress is to make a to-do list.One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have mo options(选择权).

By taking control over certain areas,You realize you're not helpless.You can make change in your mood and life.

??Avoid thing that won’t improve your mood

TV may not help much: You need to increase your energy level and stimulate your mind—something that the tv show “neighbors” won’t do. And before you reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how mood and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine contribute to depressed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydrates, such as potatoes and pasta,produce a calming effect in people who have a desire for them.

5.We learn from the text that it might help rid us of a bad mood _______.

       A. to do nothing about it                                   B. to take a long walk on the beach

       C. to do some exercises with light music      D. to talk it to neighbours

6.Why it is suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?

       A. It is not complicated to do so                 B. It is an area to be easily controlled

       C. It helps beat a bad mood                        D. It brings us a new technique

7.TV may not improve your mood because _______.

       A. it sometimes shows what happens around you

       B. it keeps you stay unmoved

       C. it reminds you of eating and drinking

       D. it produces a calming effect.

8.This text most probably appears in _______.

       A. a book on physical exercises                   B. a doctor’s handbook

       C. a notice                                                D. a magazine


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