摘要: C develop novels 展开故事



  HANGZHOU, China-Millions of Chinese basketball fans who were upset about the retirement of Yao Ming, are excited to see another even more shining star, Jeremy Lin, rising from the N.B.A and becoming a household name all across China.

  “We are amazed by Lin Shuhao's magic performance and should cheer him on, ” one Internet user wrote.

  “His sport shirts have sold out, even including the counterfeit(仿制品)ones, ” said Zheng Xiaojun, a 24-year-old clerk.

  Lin's amazing success over the last month has caught the imagination of the Chinese.He has been particularly popular here in northern Zhejiang province, from which his grandmother went to Taiwan in the late 1940s.

  Cai Qi, a well-known micro blogger, posted a message on micro blog over the weekend stating that Lin's hometown is Jiaxing, a city near Hangzhou where Lin's grandmother grew up.

  Cai Qi's nephew Yu Guohua, a 56-year-old factory worker, is Lin's closest relative still living in northern Zhejiang.He said in a telephone interview that Lin had come to play basketball with the Jiaxing High School team last May and had been surrounded by admirers.

  Yu said he did not have a chance to meet Lin in the crowd, but managed to speak with his family.“His father was very supportive of Lin's playing basketball, but his grandmother was not, for fear he would be injured, ” Yu said.

  Lin may owe his height, 6 feet 3 inches, to his grandmother's family, Yu said.Chen Weiji, the father of Lin's grandmother, was well over 6 feet and all of Chen's children were tall as well, he said.

  The N.B.A.believes that 300 million people in China play basketball.The retirement last year of Yao Ming took its main Asian draw away from the N.B.A.But Lin's appearance has helped the league remain a hot topic of Chinese online chatter.


Why does Lin Shuhao appeal especially to people in northern Zhejiang?

[  ]


He was born in Zhejiang.


His sports shirts are made in Zhejiang.


He once visited Zhejiang.


His grandmother grew up in Zhejiang.


We can learn from the text that ________.

[  ]


Lin once played on Jiaxing High School team


Lin's grandmother didn't expect him to be a player


All Lin's relatives moved to Taiwan 60 years ago


Lin's father loved playing basketball


Lin's success in N.B.A has ________.

[  ]


attracted more Chinese children to play basketball as a career


helped his hometown develop sports shirts business


drawn Chinese people's attention back to the league


helped his hometown attract more foreign visitors


Which is the best title of the report?

[  ]


The Secret of Lin's Success


Chinese Players in N.B.A


Lin and His Family


Lin, A New Focus in China


  What is “Dads Make a Difference”?

  A service-learning opportunity for teens that deals with fatherhood, parenting, and so on.

  Older teens, grades 10-12, teach younger teens, grades 6-9, about the importance of fathers in children’s lives, the legal and financial responsibilities of parenting.

  Teen teacher training goals & objectives

  The goal of the teen teacher training is to better understand the complex problems surrounding legal fatherhood in our society.By discussing what makes healthy families, explaining the meaning of paternity(父亲的身份),and examining the risks people take in their lives, teens will develop the skills needed to make informed decisions in their own relationships and, finally, teach this information to others.

  What’s in it for me?

  An opportunity to:

  Learn life skills like communication, decision making, and problem solving.

  Get the chance to use knowledge in meaningful and effective ways.

  Develop leadership, planning, teamwork, time management, and organizational skills to help you in every aspect of your life.

  Forming lasting relationships with adult mentors(导师).

  Comments from teen teachers

  “‘Dads Make a Difference’ made me realize how permanent and expensive parenthood is.”

  “Speaking in from of groups and directing people in activities, I feel, is a valuable skill to have that I will use throughout my life.”

  “I wish I would have gone through this program when I was in Junior High.I know it would have helped me to really think about the future and to make good decisions.”

  “‘Dads Make a Difference’ has helped me to know the effects of my actions before I take them and I know what risks not to take to protect my future.”


“Dads Make a Difference” is a(n)________.

[  ]


name of a school


training center


social organization


education program


“Dads Make a Difference” can ________.

[  ]


provide teens a chance to be a teacher in Junior High


help teens learn more about parents


help teens develop their life skills


advise teens how to avoid risks in life


According to the passage, who will benefit most from “Dads Make a Difference”?

[  ]


fathers and sons


mothers and daughters


teen teachers and adult mentors


teens and societies



  What is“Dads Make a Difference”?

  A service-learning opportunity for teens that deals with fatherhood, parenting, and so on.

  Older teens, grades 10-12, teach younger teens, grades 6-9, about the importance of fathers in children’s lives, the legal and financial responsibilities of parenting.

  Teen teacher training goals & objectives

  The goal of the teen teacher training is to better understand the complex problems surrounding legal fatherhood in our society.By discussing what makes healthy families, explaining the meaning of paternity(父亲的身份), and examining the risks people take in their lives, teens will develop the skills needed to make informed decisions in their own relationships and, finally, teach this information to others.

  What’s in it for me?

  An opportunity to:

  Learn life skills like communication, decision making, and problem solving.

  Get the chance to use knowledge in meaningful and effective ways.

  Develop leadership, planning, teamwork, time management, and organizational skills to help you in every aspect of your life.

  Forming lasting relationships with adult mentors(导师).

  Comments from teen teachers

  “‘Dads Make a Difference’ made me realize how permanent and expensive parenthood is.”

  “Speaking in from of groups and directing people in activities, I feel, is a valuable skill to have that I will use throughout my life.”

  “I wish I would have gone through this program when I was in Junior High.I know it would have helped me to really think about the future and to make good decisions.”

  “‘Dads Make a Difference’ has helped me to know the effects of my actions before I take them and I know what risks not to take to protect my future.”


“Dads Make a Difference”is a(n)________.

[  ]


name of a school


training center


social organization


education program


“Dads Make a Difference”can ________.

[  ]


provide teens a chance to be a teacher in Junior High


help teens learn more about parents


help teens develop their life skills


advise teens how to avoid risks in life


According to the passage, who will benefit most from“Dads Make a Difference”?

[  ]


fathers and sons


mothers and daughters


teen teachers and adult mentors


teens and societies


The underlined word“them”in the last paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]








courses about“Dads Make a Difference”



  HANGZHOU, China-Millions of Chinese basketball fans who were upset about the retirement of Yao Ming, are excited to see another even more shining star, Jeremy Lin, rising from the N.B.A and becoming a household name all across China.

  “We are amazed by Lin Shuhao's magic performance and should cheer him on, ” one Internet user wrote.

  “His sport shirts have sold out, even including the counterfeit(仿制品)ones, ” said Zheng Xiaojun, a 24-year-old clerk.

  Lin's amazing success over the last month has caught the imagination of the Chinese.He has been particularly popular here in northern Zhejiang province, from which his grandmother went to Taiwan in the late 1940s.

  Cai Qi, a well-known micro blogger, posted a message on micro blog over the weekend stating that Lin's hometown is Jiaxing, a city near Hangzhou where Lin's grandmother grew up.

  Cai Qi's nephew Yu Guohua, a 56-year-old factory worker, is Lin's closest relative still living in northern Zhejiang.He said in a telephone interview that Lin had come to play basketball with the Jiaxing High School team last May and had been surrounded by admirers.

  Yu said he did not have a chance to meet Lin in the crowd, but managed to speak with his family.“His father was very suportive of Lin's playing basketball, but his grandmother was not, for fear he would be injured,”Ye said.

  Lin may owe his height, 6 feet 3 inches, to his grandmother's family, Yu said.Chen Weiji, the father of Lin's grandmother, was well over 6 feet and all of Chen's children were tall as well, he said.

  The N.B.A.believes that 300 million people in China play basketball.The retirement last year of Yao Ming took its main Asian draw away from the N.B.A.But Lin's appearance has helped the league remain a hot topic of Chinese online chatter.


Why does Lin Shuhao appeal especially to people in northern Zhejiang?

[  ]


He was born in Zhejiang.


His sports shirts are made in Zhejiang.


He once visited Zhejiang.


His grandmother grew up in Zhejiang.


We can learn from the text that ________.

[  ]


Lin once played on Jiaxing High School team


Lin's grandmother didn't expect him to be a player


All Lin's relatives moved to Taiwan 60 years ago


Lin's father loved playing basketball


Lin's success in N.B.A has ________.

[  ]


attracted more Chinese children to play basketball as a career


helped his hometown develop sports shirts business


drawn Chinese people's attention back to the league


helped his hometown attract more foreign visitors


Which is the best title of the report?

[  ]


The Secret of Lin's Success


Chinese Players in N.B.A


Lin and His Family


Lin, A New Focus in China



  The villagers of Yaluma in Southern Mexico are some of the poorest people in the country. But now they have an extra source of income.They are being paid to grow and develop forests by the organization in charge of Formula One racing (一级方程式赛车),which pumps 5,500 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air every year.The idea is that the forests being planted around Yaluma will absorb this amount. It will also provide people there with money while wiping out motor racing's environmental debt.

  Projects like this go under the name of "carbon trading". The basic idea is that governments and companies can buy the right to pump CO2 into the air by investing in green projrvyd. They can buy so-called "carbon credits" from countries which have succeeded in reducing CO2 emissions(排放物).

  Supporters of carbon trading say that it brings money and green technology to poorer countries.It also provides a new way of doing busingess and spreading prosperity. They point out that the process of globalization will give people everywhere the most possible choice of products and services. Carbon trading is just another way of bringing that about. It is a "win - win" situation.

  Opponents argue that nature comes before lifestyle. CO2 emissions need to be reduced, not bought and sold. And they believe that the rich world should lead the way.People might be willing to change the way they live to help save the world, but not to help the rich countries keep a lifestyle that depends on pollution.

  Supporters of carbon trading believe in unlimited growth.Opponents believe that nature sets limits to the choices we make on how to live.It is "don't do " against "can do". It is life against lifestyle.

  It is believed that modern lives are about choice.For example,the world can choose to take the danger of global warming seriously.And the sooner we choose to do it, the more choices we have about what to do next and the more time we have to do it in. We can also choose to pay no attention to the danger of global warming to keep our lifestyles. Then one day nature may give us no choice at all,and maybe not much of a life,either.

  64.Carbon trading is discussed in the text in order to show the importance of ______ .

   A.reducing pollution B.taking care of forests

   C.spreading prosperity D.choosing lifestyle or nature

  65."Carbon credits" may be used to ______.

   A.get the right to pump CO2 into the air

   B.get the right to pump CO2 into poor countries

   C.learn about the way to reduce CO2 emissions

   D.improve the way to reduce CO2 emissions

  66.We can infer from the text that in the "win - win" situation _____.

   A.rich countries perform their duty to help poor countries

   B.poor countries get what they need from rich countries

   C.both rich countries and poor countries get what they need

   D.rich countries learn from poor countries in reducing pollution

  67.In the opinion of people who are against carbon trading,the rich countries should ____.

   A.guide poor countries in reducing CO2 emissions

   B.show by example how to reduce emissions

   C.offer more help to save the world

   D.improve their lifestyles to keep the world clean



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