摘要: A. sold B. published C. printed D. passed


Captain Henry,a 98"year—old American retired fisherman,has become a first—time author.having written and published his autobiography In a Fisherman’s Language after learning to read at the age of 91.
Mr.Henry spent most of his life without even his closest family members knowing he wasilliterate(不识字的).Forced to quit school in the third grade to take odd jobs,he kept the secret close to his chest,only telling his late wife.Henry’s granddaughter,Marlisa,told reporters how he used tricks,like waiting for others to order at restaurants first,to avoid the issue.
A family dispute(纠纷)in his 90s,she said,aroused his desire for education.“He signed a document he could not read about where he was going to live, Marlisa said.Starting with his name,he eventually moved on to the ABC’s and children’s books.He put them down since his wife fell ill.After the tragic loss of his wife,、he went back to reading and began to log his life.He wrote about his family’s voyage from Portugal to the US,how he went on to captain a boat,and his many journeys at sea. 
His life stories have become so popular that nearly 800 copies were sold in the first two weeks after the book’s release.One thousand more have since been printed as requests for the book flood in from as far as Germany.And now even Hollywood producers have approached Mr.Henry about buying the rights to his life story for a big screen adaptation.
The family also now has a book agent and a deal in the works to publish a second edition.Meanwhile,the family says they are reconnecting and closer than ever as a result of Henry’s.1ate—life efforts..“Everyone has a story,”Marlisa said.“It teaches that when you’re down and out.  never give up.”

  1. 1.

    When did Henry begin writing his life story?

    1. A.
      When he was 91 years old.
    2. B.
      After his wife passed away.
    3. C.
      When he was 98 years old.
    4. D.
      After he retired from work.
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is true?

    1. A.
      Hollywood wishes to make a movie out of his book.
    2. B.
      Henry never told anyone that he couldn’t read or write.
    3. C.
      Henry began his reading with some famous novels.
    4. D.
      Henry’s book was well-received only by Americans.
  3. 3.

    How did Henry’s family benefit from his writing?

    1. A.
      The family got more money from the 2nd edition.
    2. B.
      The family ties were rebuilt and strengthened.
    3. C.
      His family moved from Portugal to the USA.
    4. D.
      His family story has been made into a movie.
  4. 4.

    What message can Henry’s story give us?

    1. A.
      Great minds think alike.
    2. B.
      Every coin has two sides.
    3. C.
      Practice makes perfect.
    4. D.
      One is never too old to learn.

I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18, when the _ 41_ rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles home. On the   42   was Marty Bandera, a literary 41. A. phone            B. bell            C. clock             D. alarm

42. A. step              B. line            C. side             D. doorway

43. A. novels            B. things         C. questions       D. problems

44. A. wealth           B. condition       C. care             D. order

45. A. to                B. in              C. on               D. for

46. A. need              B. joy              C. delight          D. astonishment

47. A. refused          B. received        C. judged         D. lost

48. A. worried          B. angry            C. discouraged   D. excited

49. A. couldn’t help            B. got down to        C. got used to               D. went for

50. A. shut down                B. find out           C. give up                       D. set aside

51. A. sold             B. published         C. printed          D. passed

52. A. books            B. shops            C. record           D. list

53. A. writing         B. organizing        C. telling          D. reading

54. A. use              B. love               C. meaning         D. respect

55. A. hope             B. efforts           C. novels             D. imagination

56. A. lasting          B. normal           C. careful           D. general

57. A. mind            B. book              C. voice             D. work

58. A. pulled          B. write              C. broke              D. looked

59. A. thinking         B. reading          C. developing        D. translating

60. A. friend           B. age               C. success           D. failure

     I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18, when the   1   rang in the
kitchen of my Los Angeles home. On the   2   was Marty Banderas, a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft
(草稿) of my novel three weeks earlier. "I have a couple of   3  ." Banderas said, "First, how old are you?" "I'm
48," I replied. "Are you in good   4  ?" "Yes, excellent. What's this about?" "I've sold your novels   5   one and
a half million dollars."
     I sat down in   6  . I had written over fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been   7   by the
publishers. I suppose many people would have been   8  , but not me. Each time, I just   9   writing another one.
My husband advised me to find something else to do. But I refused to  10  up. Seeing this book  11  was the
best thing that has ever happened to me. It's a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best seller 
 12  two weeks after publication!
     I got my first lesson in story  13  from my grandmother. She used to read me stories. She was the one who
gave me encouragement of  14 . She sparked (鼓舞, 激励) my  15  and she has been a  16  influence on me. I
always had stories running through my  17  as soon as I could write. I  18  them down on paper.
     I married young and have three children, but I never stopped writing,  19  novels between doing the diapers
(尿布) and dishes. I am writing another novel now. Yes, my  20  has changed my life.

(     )1. A. phone       
(     )2. A. line        
(     )3. A. novels      
(     )4. A. wealth      
(     )5. A. to          
(     )6. A. need        
(     )7. A. rejected    
(     )8. A. worried     
(     )9. A. couldn't help 
(     )10. A. hold        
(     )11. A. sold        
(     )12. A. books       
(     )13. A. writing     
(     )14. A. use         
(     )15. A. hope        
(     )16. A. lasting     
(     )17. A. head        
(     )18. A. took        
(     )19. A. writing     
(     )20. A. friend      

B. bell      
B. step      
B. things    
B. health    
B. for       
B. joy       
B. received  
B. encouraged
B. got down to    
B. look      
B. published 
B. shops     
B. organizing
B. love      
B. efforts   
B. normal    
B. mouth     
B. put       
B. reading   
B. call      
C. clock      
C. outside    
C. questions  
C. state      
C. on         
C. settlements
C. decided    
C. discouraged    
C. got used to
C. give       
C. printed    
C. record     
C. telling    
C. meaning    
C. novels     
C. careful    
C. voice      
C. broke      
C. developing 
C. success    
D. alarm        
D. doorway      
D. problems       
D. order         
D. in          
D. shock        
D. lost         
D. excited      
D. went on      
D. set          
D. passed       
D. list         
D. reading      
D. respect        
D. imagination               
D. general       
D. work         
D. added         
D. translating   
D. work        

The story tell us about the British writer, Richard Savage. He was once living in London with  26  money in his pockets. In order to get some food and clothes he wrote the story of his life and managed to have it  27  .But not many copies of his books were  28  in the shops, and he was still living a hard life. Because of anxiety and malnutrition, he became very weak and before long fell  29  ,and a doctor was sent for. The doctor was not rich enough, but  30  literature. He tried his best to cure Savage of his illness and a week later Savage was out of  31  When he finally recovered his  32  ,the doctor sent a bill to Savage for his  33  ,but poor Savage had no money to  34  it. The doctor waited for a month and sent another bill.  35  no money again, the doctor went to Savage himself.

“You know you  36  your life to me,” said the doctor, “and I should  37  some thankfulness from you.”

“I  38  ,” said the writer, “ you’ve done a great favour for me and to  39  that I’m not ungrateful for your kindness, I’ll  40  my life to you.”

With these  41  he handed the doctor two copies of The Life of Richard Savage.

The doctor took the books home and began to  42  them carefully.

“I see I’ve  43  the life of a great writer,” the doctor said to himself with a sense of pride. “Maybe this is the only thing I could be really  44  in my life.”

Five years later Savage called on the doctor to pay his bill, only to find that the doctor had already  45  .

 26.A.much                B. a little        C. little             D. enough

 27.A.published             B. found        C. encourage        D. protected

 28.A.bought               B. sold          C. printed          D. showed

 29.A.weak                B. anxious       C. frightened        D. ill

 30.A. was interested in                       B. was familiar with

   C. was popular with                       D. struggled against

 31.A.safety                B. power        C. danger          D. injury

 32.A.sight                 B. health        C. movement       D. action

 33.A.care                 B. aid           C. attention         D. treatment

34.A.pay                  B. supply        C. afford           D. allow

 35.A.Receiving             B. Received      C. Keeping         D. Kept

 36.A.promise              B. return         C. lend            D. owe

 37.A.wish                 B. choose        C. get             D. master

 38.A.refuse                B. agree         C. warn            D. suppose

 39.A.explain               B. prove         C. describe         D. plan

 40.A.offer                 B. contribute      C. give            D. damage

 41.A.words                B. drills          C. compositions     D. collections

 42.A.write                B. correct         C. improve         D. read

 43.A.made                B. saved          C. trained          D. taught

 44.A.fond of              B. famous for     C. proud of         D. worried about

 45.A.passed away          B. escaped        C. hurried off       D. run away

    The story tells us about the British writer, Richard Savage. He was once living in
London with  1  money in his pockets. In order to get some food and clothes he wrote the
story of his life and managed to have it  2 . But not many copies of his books were  3  
in the shops, and he was still living a hard life. Because of anxiety and malnutrition,
he became very weak and before long fell  4 , and a doctor was sent for. The doctor was
not rich enough, but  5  literature. He tried his best to cure Savage of his illness and
a week later Savage was out of  6  When he finally recovered his  7 , the doctor sent a
bill to Savage for his  8 , but poor Savage had no money to  9  it. The doctor waited for
a month and sent another bill.  10  no money again, the doctor went to Savage himself.
    "You know you  11  your life to me," said the doctor, "and I should  12  some
thankfulness from you."
    "I  13 ," said the writer, "you've done a great favour for me and to  14  that I'm not
ungrateful for your kindness, I'll  15  my life to you."
    With these  16  he handed the doctor two copies of The Life of Richard Savage.
    The doctor took the books home and began to  17  them carefully.
    "I see I've  18  the life of a great writer," the doctor said to himself with a sense
of pride. "Maybe this is the only thing I could be really  19  in my life."
    Five years later Savage called on the doctor to pay his bill, only to find that the
doctor had already  20 .
(     )1.A.much                  
(     )2.A.published            
(     )3.A.bought               
(     )4.A.weak                 
(     )5.A. was interested in   
(     )6.A.safety               
(     )7.A.sight                
(     )8.A.care               
(     )9.A.pay                   
(     )10.A.Receiving            
(     )11.A.promise              
(     )12.A.wish                 
(     )13.A.refuse               
(     )14.A.explain              
(     )15.A.offer                
(     )16.A.words                
(     )17.A.write                
(     )18.A.made                 
(     )20.A.fond of              
(     )21.A.passed away        
B.a little          
B.was familiar with 
B.famous for        
C.was popular with  
C.proud of          
C.hurried  off    
D.struggled against                               
D.worried about     
D.run away          

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