摘要: A. help B. encourage C. persuade D. meet


Here are a few tips we’ve put together to help you learn English well.

  Speak, speak, speak!

  Practise speaking as often as you can—even speaking to yourself is good practice. Try recording yourself whenever you can. Compare your pronunciation with the master version, see how you can do better and have another try. If you do this several times, you will find that each version is better than the last.

  Why not learn with someone else?

  It helps if you can learn with someone else. If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you, it will make you keep working. Agree times to meet and set goals for the week, and test each other regularly.

  Don’t get stuck by a word you don’t know

  Practise improvising (即兴的) ways of getting your meaning across while speaking spontaneously (本能), even if you don’t know the exact words or phrases. Think of things you might want to say whenever you have spare time. A basic example is the use of tenses. If you don’t know the past tense but want to talk about yesterday, use the verb in the present tense and use the word for “yesterday”. Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.

  Language learning is also about intuition (直觉)

  Guesswork is important in learning a new language. When listening to recorded material, you aren’t expected to understand everything first time round. If you play the same piece several times, you will most probably understand something new each time. Learn to make maximum use of all the clues you can pick up. For example, what do the speakers sound like? Happy? Angry? Calm? Etc.

  Build up your vocabulary

  A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but don’t try to learn too much at once. It’s best to study frequently, for short periods of time. Take a maximum of six or seven items of vocabulary and learn them. Put them into sentences to fix them in your mind, then come back to them later. Much of the vocabulary in the course is presented by topic.

  And above all, have fun!

1. Why should one have himself recorded when practicing speaking?

  A. To encourage others to start.      B. To record his own progress.

  C. To improve his speaking.        D. To compare himself with others.

2. Which of the following is the most important in learning English?

  A. Speaking.   B. Pleasure.   C. Intuition.   D. Vocabulary.

3. It is important in Tip 3 that     is helpful when you are learning English.

A. body language B. a good memory C. a good friend D. a proper dictionary



Most people seem to be passive at work. They do what they are told to do, and they don’t do what they are not told to do. In the end, one thing results: unmotivated (不积极的) people.

     We’re employed to think. In fact, no matter how many times our bosses disagree with us, it is our responsibility to think for the company. There are lots of times when I disagree with my boss, and sometimes we even end up having arguments; however, I still offer my suggestions whenever I don’t agree.

     Spending more time thinking also helps us to be more efficient (高效的) and helps to reduce our chances of frustration (挫败). Before I do something, I usually need some time to think about it to make sure that what I’m doing makes sense. This can be as long as a few days when a project is big, or as short as only a few seconds for a simple task. After thinking about a project, it sometimes becomes clear that a simple task could achieve the same result. In those cases, not only did I save myself from possible frustration, but I also felt happy and satisfied that I saved valuable resources for my company.

     With so many people not taking time to think, it’s no wonder that many people are unmotivated. Today, I encourage you to think things over whenever you have a chance. At first, it might take a while, but once it becomes a habit, you will feel more motivated as you will be more valuable to the company.

73. It is suggested in the passage that people should _____.

 A. stop arguing with their bosses      B. seize every chance they meet

C. present views to their companies    D. avoid big projects

74. According to the passage, spending more time thinking _________.

A. is a waste of time and resources          B. can help people understand what others do

C. can help people impress their companies   D. is a good way to improve efficiency

75. The author wrote this passage to ________.

 A. persuade people to do what they are not told to do

B. encourage people to be more motivated

C. show people how to give different opinions

D. tell people how to form good thinking habits


Most people seem to be passive at work. They do what they are told to do, and they don’t do what they are not told to do. In the end, one thing results: unmotivated (不积极的) people.

     We’re employed to think. In fact, no matter how many times our bosses disagree with us, it is our responsibility to think for the company. There are lots of times when I disagree with my boss, and sometimes we even end up having arguments; however, I still offer my suggestions whenever I don’t agree.

     Spending more time thinking also helps us to be more efficient (高效的) and helps to reduce our chances of frustration (挫败). Before I do something, I usually need some time to think about it to make sure that what I’m doing makes sense. This can be as long as a few days when a project is big, or as short as only a few seconds for a simple task. After thinking about a project, it sometimes becomes clear that a simple task could achieve the same result. In those cases, not only did I save myself from possible frustration, but I also felt happy and satisfied that I saved valuable resources for my company.

     With so many people not taking time to think, it’s no wonder that many people are unmotivated. Today, I encourage you to think things over whenever you have a chance. At first, it might take a while, but once it becomes a habit, you will feel more motivated as you will be more valuable to the company.

73. It is suggested in the passage that people should _____.

 A. stop arguing with their bosses      B. seize every chance they meet

C. present views to their companies    D. avoid big projects

74. According to the passage, spending more time thinking _________.

A. is a waste of time and resources          B. can help people understand what others do

C. can help people impress their companies   D. is a good way to improve efficiency

75. The author wrote this passage to ________.

 A. persuade people to do what they are not told to do

B. encourage people to be more motivated

C. show people how to give different opinions

D. tell people how to form good thinking habits


Most people seem to be passive at work. They do what they are told to do, and they don’t do what they are not told to do. In the end, one thing results: unmotivated (不积极的) people.
     We’re employed to think. In fact, no matter how many times our bosses disagree with us, it is our responsibility to think for the company. There are lots of times when I disagree with my boss, and sometimes we even end up having arguments; however, I still offer my suggestions whenever I don’t agree.
     Spending more time thinking also helps us to be more efficient (高效的) and helps to reduce our chances of frustration (挫败). Before I do something, I usually need some time to think about it to make sure that what I’m doing makes sense. This can be as long as a few days when a project is big, or as short as only a few seconds for a simple task. After thinking about a project, it sometimes becomes clear that a simple task could achieve the same result. In those cases, not only did I save myself from possible frustration, but I also felt happy and satisfied that I saved valuable resources for my company.
     With so many people not taking time to think, it’s no wonder that many people are unmotivated. Today, I encourage you to think things over whenever you have a chance. At first, it might take a while, but once it becomes a habit, you will feel more motivated as you will be more valuable to the company.

1. It is suggested in the passage that people should _____.
 A. stop arguing with their bosses   B. seize every chance they meet

C. present views to their companies  D. avoid big projects

2. According to the passage, spending more time thinking _________.

A. is a waste of time and resources  B. can help people understand what others do

C. can help people impress their companies  D. is a good way to improve efficiency

3. The author wrote this passage to ________.
 A. persuade people to do what they are not told to do

B. encourage people to be more motivated

C. show people how to give different opinions
D. tell people how to form good thinking habits



Most people seem to be passive at work. They do what they are told to do, and they don’t do what they are not told to do. In the end, one thing results: unmotivated (不积极的) people.

     We’re employed to think. In fact, no matter how many times our bosses disagree with us, it is our responsibility to think for the company. There are lots of times when I disagree with my boss, and sometimes we even end up having arguments; however, I still offer my suggestions whenever I don’t agree.

     Spending more time thinking also helps us to be more efficient (高效的) and helps to reduce our chances of frustration (挫败). Before I do something, I usually need some time to think about it to make sure that what I’m doing makes sense. This can be as long as a few days when a project is big, or as short as only a few seconds for a simple task. After thinking about a project, it sometimes becomes clear that a simple task could achieve the same result. In those cases, not only did I save myself from possible frustration, but I also felt happy and satisfied that I saved valuable resources for my company.

     With so many people not taking time to think, it’s no wonder that many people are unmotivated. Today, I encourage you to think things over whenever you have a chance. At first, it might take a while, but once it becomes a habit, you will feel more motivated as you will be more valuable to the company.

It is suggested in the passage that people should _____.

      A. stop arguing with their bosses

B. seize every chance they meet

C. present views to their companies

      D. avoid big projects

According to the passage, spending more time thinking _________.

A. is a waste of time and resources

B. can help people understand what others do

C. can help people impress their companies

      D. is a good way to improve efficiency

The author wrote this passage to ________.

      A. persuade people to do what they are not told to do

B. encourage people to be more motivated

C. show people how to give different opinions

      D. tell people how to form good thinking habits.

 It can be inferred from the passage that the author is ______ at work.

A. negative           B. lazy           C. positive              D. powerful


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