摘要: 选C.to the side指侧向一边.符合画的意境.


Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.

It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from the population, it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical twins they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays.

This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.

1.Which of these sentences best describes the writer's point in Paragraph 1?

A. To some extent, intelligence is given at birth.

B. Intelligence is developed by the environment.

C. Some people are born clever and others born stupid.

D. Intelligence is fixed at birth, but is developed by the environment.

2. It is suggested in this passage that_______.

A. unrelated people are not likely to have different intelligence

B. close relations usually have similar intelligence

C. the closer the blood relationship between people, the more different they are likely to be in intelligence

D. people who live in close contact with each other are not likely to have similar degrees of intelligence

3.Brothers and sisters are likely to_______.

  A. have similar intelligence             B. have different intelligence

  C. go to the same university             D. go to the same factory

4.The best title for this article would be_______.

A. On Intelligence                 B. What Intelligence Means

C. We Are Born with Intelligence        D. Environment Plays a Part in Developing Intelligence



第二部分 阅读理解


第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was a spring day for end-of-the-year conferences. Mrs. Lake reminded everyone that both parents and students should take part in these important progress report, 20minutes for each family.

Lauri’s name was at the end of the list. But it didn't matter much to her. Despite the many phone calls her teacher had made, Lauri knew her parents would not be coming. Her father always got drunk , and her mother could do nothing but cry and quarrel with him.

Now Lauri watched all day long as each child went to the door leading into Mrs. Lake’s office, where parents would greet their sons and daughters with proud smiles. Lauri imagined how it might feel to have her parents greet her at the door. When at last everyone else’s name had been called, Mrs. Lake opened the door and signed for Lauri to come in. Silently Lauri went in and sat down on a chair. As she felt rather uneasy that her parents had not come, she looked down. Mrs. Lake had Lauri raise her face so she could see her in the eye. “First of all,” the teacher began, “I want you to know how much I love you ,”Lauri saw things she’d never seen: kindness.

“Second,” the teacher continued, “you need to know-it is not your fault that your parents are not here today.” Again Lauri looked into Mrs. Lake’s face. No one had ever talked to her like this. No one.

“Third,” she went on, “you deserve(应得)to hear how well you are doing and how wonderful I think you are. ”In the following minutes, Mrs, Lake held a conference just for Lauri. She showed Lauri her grades, papers and projects, praising her efforts. She had even saved a pile of watercolors Lauri had painted.

Lauri didn’t know exactly when, but at some point in that conference she heard the voice of hope in her heart. And somewhere a change started. It was then that Lauri realized, for the first time in her life, that she was lovable.

1. Parents were required to take part in the conferences to           .

A. see how important it was to encourage their children

B. learn how their children had performed in their studies.

C. report to the teacher how their children were doing at home.

D. see how their children were getting along with their classmates

2. Lauri’s name was at the end of the list probably because_______.

A. she was shy and didn’t have courage to meet the teacher first

B. Lauri’s parents were always the last to come to the conference

C. Mrs. Lake knew that only Lauri didn’t care about it

D. Mris. Lake wanted to leave time to have a good talk with her

3. How did Lauri feel at the end of the conference?

A. Encouraged   B. Ashamed  C. Satisfied  D. Disappointed.

4. We can learn from the text that______.

A. Lauri didn't expect her parents to attend the conference

B. Lauri was not a hard-working student before

C. Mrs. Lake filled Lauri with hope and self-respect

D. Mrs. Lake was more strict with lauri than any other student,



Moreover, insofar as any interpretation of its author can be made from the five or six plays attributed to him, the Wake field Master is uniformly considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation. He was, formally, perhaps clerically educated, as his Latin and music, his Biblical and patristic lore indicate. He is, still, celebrated mainly for his quick sympathy for the oppressed and forgotten man, his sharp eye for character, a ready ear for colloquial vernacular turns of speech and a humor alternately rude and boisterous, coarse and happy. Hence despite his conscious artistry as manifest in his feeling for intricate metrical and stanza forms, he is looked upon as a kind of medieval Steinbeck, indignantly angry at, uncompromisingly and even brutally realistic in presenting the plight of the agricultural poor.

Thus taking the play and the author together, it is mow fairly conventional to regard the former as a kind of ultimate point in the secularization of the medieval drama. Hence much emphasis on it as depicting realistically humble manners and pastoral life in the bleak hills of the West Riding of Yorkshire on a typically cold bight of December 24th. After what are often regarded as almost “documentaries” given in the three successive monologues of the three shepherds, critics go on to affirm that the realism is then intensified into a burlesque mock-treatment of the Nativity. Finally as a sort of epilogue or after-thought in deference to the Biblical origins of the materials, the play slides back into an atavistic mood of early innocent reverence. Actually, as we shall see, the final scene is not only the culminating scene but perhaps the raison d’etre of introductory “realism.”

There is much on the surface of the present play to support the conventional view of its mood of secular realism. All the same, the “realism” of the Wakefield Master is of a paradoxical turn. His wide knowledge of people, as well as books indicates no cloistered contemplative but one in close relation to his times. Still, that life was after all a predominantly religious one, a time which never neglected the belief that man was a rebellious and sinful creature in need of redemption, So deeply (one can hardly say “naively” of so sophisticated a writer) and implicitly religious is the Master that he is less able (or less willing) to present actual history realistically than is the author of the Brome “Abraham and Isaac”. His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few years before had done for his own time costume romances, such as The Knight’s Tale, Troilus and Cressida, etc. Moreover Chaucer had the excuse of highly romantic materials for taking liberties with history.

Which of the following statements about the Wakefield Master is NOT True?

[A]. He was Chaucer’s contemporary.

[B]. He is remembered as the author of five or six realistic plays.

[C]. He write like John Steinbeck.

[D]. HE was an accomplished artist.

By “patristic”, the author means

[A]. realistic. [B]. patriotic

[C]. superstitious. [C]. pertaining to the Christian Fathers.

The statement about the “secularization of the medieval drama” refers to the

[A]. introduction of mundane matters in religious plays.

[B]. presentation of erudite material.

[C]. use of contemporary introduction of religious themes in the early days.

In subsequent paragraphs, we may expect the writer of this passage to

[A]. justify his comparison with Steinbeck.

[B]. present a point of view which attack the thought of the second paragraph.

[C]. point out the anachronisms in the play.

[D]. discuss the works of Chaucer.


A traveler hurried down to the hall of an American hotel and went to the cash-desk. He had just 15 minutes to pay his bill and get to the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had left something in his room.

   "Look here, boy," he said to the bellboy, "run up to my room and see if I have left a parcel on the table there. Be quick about it."

   The boy ran upstairs. Five minutes passed. The traveler was walking up and down the hall, looking very angry. At last the boy appeared.

   "Yes, sir," he reported to the traveler," you have left the parcel there, it's right on the table in your room."

The traveler _______.

A. ran down the street        

B. came downstairs hurriedly

    C. ran so quickly that he fell down

    D. came into the hotel hall very quickly

Which statement is true?

    A. He had to pay his bill and arrived at the station in 15 minutes .

    B. It took him 15 minutes to go to the station from the hotel.

    C. He could pay his bill in 15 minutes and then go to the station .

    D. He had nothing but 15 minutes.

According to the passage, a bellboy is _____.

    A. a boy whose work is to ring the bell

    B. a boy who plays with a bell

    C. a boy whose work in a hotel is to help guests with their bags

    D. the hotel owner's boy

The traveler asked the boy _____ .

A. to go upstairs             

B. to look for his parcel

    C. to fetch the parcel he had left in his room

    D. only to see if the parcel was on the table in his room

Five minutes later, the boy ______ .

A. ran up to the room         

B. came downstairs

    C. reported to the traveler in the room

D. came down to the hall but brought nothing back



A.A careful analysis biologically
B.What is global warming?
C.Solution to the terrifying result
D.Greater danger of extinction
E.Many shocking things were found.
F.A shocking report
The earth is getting warmer. People burn coal, oil and gas and this produces carbon dioxide, methane(沼气)and nitrous oxide. These gases, called “greenhouse gases”, prevent the heat of the sun from leaving the earth’s upper atmosphere and this makes the earth warmer
A few weeks ago a group of scientists produced a report about global warming and the natural world. They wanted to find out if global warming was dangerous for plants and animals. According to what they found, the scientists say that during the next 50 years about 25% of land animals and plants will become extinct. More than a million plant and animal species will be extinct by 2050.
More than 10% of all plants and animals will become extinct. It is too late to save many plants and animals because of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere. But the scientists say if we control greenhouse gases now, we could save many more plant and animals from extinction.
The scientists studied some regions of the world with a very rich biology. These were Europe, Australia, Central and South America, and South Africa. Their studies showed that species living in mountainous areas had a better chance of survival because they could move uphill, to get cooler. In flat areas, such as deserts, plants and animals would have to move a very long distance to get cooler, so they are in grater danger of extinction.
The scientists found that half of the 24 species of butterflies they studied in Australia would soon become extinct. 60% of the species in the Kruger National Park in South Africa would also die out, and more than 100% of the 300 South Africa plant species they studied would also become extinct. One of the plants in danger of extinction is the national flower of South Africa, the King Protea. They studied 163 tree species in the Cerrado region of Brazil and found that 70 would become extinct. Many of the plants and trees that live in the region live nowhere else in the world. In Mexico, they studied 1,870 species and found that more than 30% of these were in danger of extinction.


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