摘要: A. on B. for C. in D. about


( C )
In Denmark, parents are allowed to set up a new school if they are dissatisfied with the school in the area where they are living. Although these schools have to follow the national courses, they are allowed a lot of choice in deciding what to teach. Some of these new schools are called “small schools” because usually the number of pupils in them is only sixty, but a school has to have at least twenty-seven pupils.
 Cooleenbridge School in Ireland, is a small school similar to the ones in Denmark, it was set up by parents who came from Holland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, England and other parts of Ireland. They came because they wanted to live in the countryside and to grow their own food. In June 1986, they decided to start a school. They managed to get an old, disused primary-school (小学) building and started with twenty-four children aged from four to twelve.
 The teachers say, “The important thing in school is doing, not sitting.” And so the courses includes yoga(瑜伽), cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama (戏剧) and environmental(环境的) river studies, as well as reading, writing, maths and science.
【小题1】What are the rules for setting up a new school in Denmark?

A.Parents are allowed to set up their own school.
B.The school has to follow the national courses.
C.The school has to have at least 27 pupils.
D.All of the above.
【小题2】 The writer tells about the Cooleenbridge School in Ireland because ____ .
A.it was set up by parents who are not people of Denmark
B.it was taken as an example of this kind of “small school”
C.there were only twenty-four children
D.the pupils there were aged from 4 to 12
【小题3】What makes this kind of school special?
A.It is set up by parents not by government.
B.It is free to decide what to teach.
C.The number of pupils in it is only sixty.
D.It has to have at least 27 pupils.
【小题4】 “The important thing in school is doing not sitting.” What the teachers say actually means ____ .
A.What we should do is teaching in the classroom, not sitting in the office.
B.Children should do more homework at home, not just sit in class to listen to the teachers.
C.Children should learn by themselves not rely on teachers.
D.Children should learn through practice not just from books.
【小题5】The courses includes ____ .
A.yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, except reading, writing, maths and science
B.either yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, or reading, writing, maths and science
C.not only reading, writing, maths and science, but also yoga, cooking knitting, kitemaking, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies
D.mainly yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, and supplemental (补充的) reading writing, maths and science



On the first day of the 11th grade, our new math teacher Mr Washington asked me to go to the blackboard to do a math problem. I told him that I couldn’t do it. He asked, “Why not?” I paused, and then I said, “Because I’m educable mentally retarded (可教育智能迟滞).”

He came from behind his desk and looked at me. “Don’t ever say that again. Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality,” he said.

It was a very special moment for me. Doctors said that I was educable mentally retarded in the fifth grade, and I was put back into the fourth grade. When I was in the eighth grade, I failed again.

But Mr Washington changed my life. This person always gave students the feeling that he had high expectations of them, and then all of the students did their best to live up to what those expectations were. He often said, “You have greatness within you.”

One day, I caught up with him in the parking place and said, “Mr Washington, is there greatness within me, sir?”

He said, “Yes, Mr Brown.”

“But what about the fact that I failed English, math, and history? What about that, sir? I’m slower than most kids.”

“It doesn’t matter. It just means that you have to work harder. Your grades don’t determine who you are or what you can produce in your life.”

“I want to buy my mother a house.”

“It is possible, Mr Brown. You can do that.” And he turned to walk away.

“Mr Washington?”

“What do you want now?”

“Uh, I’m the one, sir. One day you’re going to hear my name. I’m the one, sir.”

School was a real struggle for me. Mr Washington put many demands on me. He made me believe that I could do it. At the end of that year, I was on the honor roll for the first time in my life.

Years later, I produced five programs on public television. When one of my programs was shown on the educational television channel, I had some friends call him. I was sitting by the phone waiting when he called me. He said, “May I speak to Mr Brown, please?”

“Oh, Mr Washington, is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me. You were the one, weren’t you?”

“Yes, sir, I was.”

1.What does Mr Washington mean by saying “Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality”?

A.You needn’t have the same opinion as others.

B.You should believe what other people say.

C.What other people say about you may not be correct.

D.The doctor made a mistake.

2. What happened to the author at last?

A.He entered a good university.              B.He earned much honor.

C.He got a good job.                       D.He made television programs.

3. In the passage, the author implies that _________.

A.people shouldn’t believe what doctors say

B.no one can be successful with hard work and confidence

C.no one is really educable mentally retarded

D.a good teacher can change a student’s life

4.The best title for the passage would be “__________”.

A.Don’t believe others                   B.I am the one

C.My best teacher                        D.I succeeded at last



( C )

In Denmark, parents are allowed to set up a new school if they are dissatisfied with the school in the area where they are living. Although these schools have to follow the national courses, they are allowed a lot of choice in deciding what to teach. Some of these new schools are called “small schools” because usually the number of pupils in them is only sixty, but a school has to have at least twenty-seven pupils.

 Cooleenbridge School in Ireland, is a small school similar to the ones in Denmark, it was set up by parents who came from Holland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, England and other parts of Ireland. They came because they wanted to live in the countryside and to grow their own food. In June 1986, they decided to start a school. They managed to get an old, disused primary-school (小学) building and started with twenty-four children aged from four to twelve.

 The teachers say, “The important thing in school is doing, not sitting.” And so the courses includes yoga(瑜伽), cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama (戏剧) and environmental(环境的) river studies, as well as reading, writing, maths and science.

1.What are the rules for setting up a new school in Denmark?

A.Parents are allowed to set up their own school.

B.The school has to follow the national courses.

C.The school has to have at least 27 pupils.

D.All of the above.

2. The writer tells about the Cooleenbridge School in Ireland because ____ .

A.it was set up by parents who are not people of Denmark

B.it was taken as an example of this kind of “small school”

C.there were only twenty-four children

D.the pupils there were aged from 4 to 12

3.What makes this kind of school special?

A.It is set up by parents not by government.

B.It is free to decide what to teach.

C.The number of pupils in it is only sixty.

D.It has to have at least 27 pupils.

4. “The important thing in school is doing not sitting.” What the teachers say actually means ____ .

A.What we should do is teaching in the classroom, not sitting in the office.

B.Children should do more homework at home, not just sit in class to listen to the teachers.

C.Children should learn by themselves not rely on teachers.

D.Children should learn through practice not just from books.

5.The courses includes ____ .

A.yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, except reading, writing, maths and science

B.either yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, or reading, writing, maths and science

C.not only reading, writing, maths and science, but also yoga, cooking knitting, kitemaking, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies

D.mainly yoga, cooking, knitting, kite-making, music, fishing, drama and environmental river studies, and supplemental (补充的) reading writing, maths and science




In today's Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games.

In 2004, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12-year-old boy stole $16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2005, it was reported that about 80 percent of China's 13.8 million online game players were under 25.

And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

Dr. Sue-Huei Chen, a psychologist (心理学家), discovered some signs of at-risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

64. The passage is mainly about _________     

A. online game addiction              B. problems caused by online games

C. computer problems in Asia         D. problems caused by young people

65. In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that_________      

A. South Korea has a large number of Internet schools

B. More and more young men are stealing money for online games

C. China's online game players are all under the age of 25

D. Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea

66. After reading the passage,, we know that in China_________        

A. many young people are playing online games for fun

B. many young people are getting addicted to online games

C. only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods

D. 80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed

67. According to the passage, ____________are more likely to become addicted to online games.

A. people under great pressure from school and work

B. people well-known in the field of computer games

C. people with unsolved problems and few friends

D. people who'd like to take a risk in computer games




For almost two months Dominic York, a 23-year-old hairdresser, wandered about hospitals all night, wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor. Yesterday he proudly claimed in court that despite his complete lack of medical experience or qualifications, he had saved several people’s lives. He had even been allowed to assist a surgeon during an emergency operation on a patient who was about to die on something she had swallowed.

“I watched one of those TV dramas about a hospital and suddenly I felt like playing one of the roles myself. So I put on a white jacket and a stethoscope(听诊器)and walked around one of the biggest hospital in London. At first I just watched. Once you learn how doctors talk to patients, nurses and others doctors, it’s easy to take people in,” he said.

One of the patients he treated was Laura Kennan. She had been knocked down by a car and fainted. When she came to in hospital, York was standing over her.

“He looked very professional. He told me his name was Doctor Simon. Then he gave me some sort of injection,” she said. And then he suddenly cleared off when a nurse asked who he was. She didn’t think there was anything wrong. “I would never have realized he was a fake if a policewoman hadn’t showed me his photograph a week later. When the policewoman told me who he really was, I could hardly believe my ears.”

Judge Raymond Adams told York that he was. “ shocked and horrified” that he got away with his deceiving for so long, and then sentenced him to eighteen months in a special prison for criminal with mental disorders.

“I can only hope that this will not lead to further problems. After all, you will have considerable opportunity to study the behaviour of the psychiatrists(精神科医生)who will look after you while you are there. If you try to persuade people that you yourself are a psychiatrist after you are set free, I shall make sure that you are given a much longer sentence.” Judge Adams warned York.

5. York was proud of the fact that ___________.

A. a surgeon let him watch an operation.

B. he could perform some duties of a doctor.

C. he had cheated doctors for so long

D. people thought he could become a real doctor

6. York learned how to behave like a doctor by __________.

A. watching other doctors work             B. talking to doctors and nurses

C. getting some training and experience         D. observing doctors while he was a patient

7. Why was Laura Kennan in hospital?

A. She had swallowed something and almost died.

B. She had to have and emergency operation.

C. She had been injured in a road accident.

D. She had lost consciousness while driving.

8. The judge’s remark implied that York would be more severely punished if he _________.

A. pretended to be a psychiatrist            B. tried to get away from prison

C. was proud of what he had done     D. studied the behaviour of the psychiatrist



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