摘要: A. why B. what C. when D. who Key:1-5 BDCAC 6-10 DAAAB 11-15 BBCDC 16 -20 BAABA 解析: 本篇文章作者把父母进行了对比.父母亲既有相同之处.又有不同之处.所以很多地方都体现着选词的对比.我们在选词时要注意这个词是在讨论相同之处.还是不同之处.2.age和helght都与下文矛盾.low levels与外貌无关.只有low levels可以成立.4.下文的箭al-row是个很好的提示.arrow的特征就是“直 .所以选stralght.当然箭射出去也很fast快.但从built可以看出.现在谈的是身材.所以不选fsst,尖锐sharp用来修饰身材也不合适.5.C是形容词.修饰母亲的脸.上文说母亲比父亲胖.当然胜也就圆一些.选fuller.这个词与前面的thinner形成对比.9.选项中的4个词都符合句型.它们后面都可以接to doing.选used习惯于.说明这是父亲的一种品质.符合文章要谈的问题.领导led和奉献devoted都不能说明是父亲的品质,坚持stuck表示在有人反对的情况下.一个人坚持下来的品质.但现在并没提到是否有人反对.这个词也就不合适了.11.这个空处在父母亲不同点对比的嚣落中.与父亲做事快quickly形成对比.母亲当然做事慢.选slowly.14.本空谈到读书爱好.似乎应该选read.但同是读书爱好就不能都选read了.要表示偏重只能选更爱prefeFred.15.本句谈到父母亲对音乐的爱好.下文的similar提示我们.他们的爱好相似.也就是说他们对音乐的欣赏口味相似.口味.趣味tastes正表达了这种意义.16.本空4个选项都可以和介词of搭配.但根据上文说到对音乐的欣赏及空前面的否定词never得知.不能选骄傲proud和喜欢fond,对音乐谈不上害怕afraid.从不厌倦never tired of与上文符合.18. 后文的体力上physically给我们以提示.惩罚punishing可以表示对身体方面的.可选.责骂scolding.告诉telling都只是口头上的表示.不选,对待treating是中性词.也不选.19.与前面alike相对.应选different. 14 A famous philosopher once wrote, “Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball. Many people 1 that Abner Doubleday 2 baseball. They say that in 1839, in Copperstown, NY, Doubleday 3 the first game of baseball ever 4 . Coppers-town is now the 5 of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Others believe that baseball 6 from an English game called rounders. As early as the 1600s, people were playing rounders. People playing rounders first hit a ball with a bat and then ran 7 bases. It looked like baseball, 8 there were some differences. The main difference was the way 9 fielders got runners out. In rounders, the fielder threw the ball at the runner. If the ball 10 the ruimer while he was off, the 11 was out. Gradually, Americans 12 rounders to make it baseball. The big 13 came when the fielder stopped 14 the ball at the runner. 15 , the fielder tagged the runner, just as fielders 16 today. In 1845, a sportsman called Alexander Cartwright wrote a set of baseball rules 17 the clubs. Many of these rules are still 18 . With the 19 of the modern communicative equipment, baseball has become more and more 20 .


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