摘要: A. its B. whose C. their D. a



More and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms and some young adults are playing fantasy games online until they literally drop dead. "He didn't adapt very easily into high school," said Chu Dong-jiu, whose son, Jae--yun, 17, cruises football websites 12 to 14 hours a day. "That was why he dropped out. Now he spends all the time he is not eating on the computer. He hasn't been out of the house for eight months."

    Eighty percent of South Koreans have broadband internet, the highest rate in the world. In Britain the figure is less than a third. This is partly the result of its intense, science-based schooling.  But according to Dr. Kim Hyun-soo, chairman of the Association of Internet Addiction Psychiatrists, an "education frenzy (狂怒)" has undermined children's self-confidence and forced them to seek escape elsewhere.

    Children, many tutored beyond school, enjoy little free time outside home, driving them into the solitary solace(安慰) of the computer, he said. “What children do on the Internet reflects what they want in reality,” he said. “The dreams they pursue are the dreams they would pursue in ordinary life.”

    The most common obsession(迷住,困扰) is with online games in which players become fantasy figures in landscapes pitted with foes and obstacles. One 28-year-old young man collapsed and died last year after playing a game non-stop for 50 hours in an Internet cafe. Doctors said he died from exhaustion and dehydration (脱水). Studies show five percent of "gamers” are seriously addicted, with a further 15 ~ 20 percent betraying signs of an unhealthy obsession. Gamers make up 90 percent of Dr. Kim's patients, often referred to him by mental hospitals to which parents had taken their children. The other l0 percent are guilty of freakish (异想天开的)and anti-social behaviour on websites. "These people are very frustrated inside and full of anger," he said.

    The government has stepped in, banning children from Internet cafes after l0 p. m. , and sending teams of psychologists to visit them.

67. This passage mainly wants to tell us that________

   A. Internet cafes seriously do great harm to children's life

   B. lots of students in Korea escape into Internet fantasy

   C. why more and more children in Korea like Internet cafes

   D. the government should take immediate actions against Internet cafes

68. Why did Jae-yun drop out of the school?

   A. Because his family was too poor.    B. Because he wanted to find a job earlier.

   C. Because he liked searching football websites greatly.

   D. Because he liked playing all kinds of computer games, especial]y football games.

69. According to the passage, we can infer that________.

   A. most of Dr. Kim's patients are game lovers

   B. garners make up l0 percent of Dr. Kim's patients

   C. the government in Korea hasn't taken any action to control Internet cafes so far

   D. more and more teenage addicts in Korea are refusing to leave their bedrooms

70. From what Dr. Kim said, we can conclude that_______.

   A. children who like surfing the Internet are poor at studying

   B. the Internet can help children to realize their dreams

   C. most children who often go to Internet cafes hate society

   D. the violence at school has something to do with the reasons why teenagers addict to the Internet


A.The factors of the emigration stated by the Chinese emigrants.

B. What the report indicates.

C. The contributions of Chinese emigrations.

D. Chinese government shoud  take measures  to balance the wave of emigration. 

E. The advantages of human migration.

F. Chinese emigration does more harm than good to the nation .


China must become more livable to retain top talent


China has to transform from an "economic power" to a "livable power" in order to keep its wealth, talent and confidence.The "2011 China Private Wealth Report," released recently by China Merchants Bank, shows that nearly 60 percent of the respondents(调查对象) whose investment exceed (超越)10 million yuan have plans to emigrate (移居外国)by investing. 62

Human migration is not a new phenomenon. From the Euro-Asian Silk Road to Columbus's Discovery of the New World, migrants have brought about cultural communications and economic exchanges across the world. Migration has become an important driving force for social progress.

 Nowadays, economic globalization has considerably improved the freedom and increased the attractiveness of migration from one country to another. A certain degree of Chinese emigration can not only offer more opportunities in personal life, employment and investment but also boost (促进)the exchange and cooperation between China and other countries.

 However, the factors of the emigration wave should also be figured out.The topic of emigration seems serious because this new wave has to some extent reflected some “unlivable” factors in China. The reasons provided by Chinese emigrants include helping their children to avoid domestic exam-oriented education, obtaining a healthy living environment and sound social security, seeking a sounder investment environment and getting rid of the "anti-rich" atmosphere arising from the inequality in wealth.

In order to curb(控制) the wave of emigration, China should further deepen social and economic reforms, improve its educational system to guarantee children's health and happiness, as well as strengthen the protection of private wealth through legislation(立法). Furthermore, China should also improve the social security system to increase people's happiness, crack down on corruption and promote social justice and equity so as to uphold the dignity of ordinary citizens. Only in this way can China retain its wealth, talent and confidence and curb the overheated immigration wave.


A typical day at work for Cesar Millan includes taking a four-hour jog with 40 dogs, large and small, young and old, and none of them on leashes (缰绳).Although most of these dogs belong to him, the rest are troubled dogs sent to Millan to learn good behaviour.Obviously, Millan has a special gift for working with these animals.

Growing up on a farm in Mexico, Millan knew he would work with dogs.His first job, at age 15, was helping a veterinarian (兽医).He was so good at calming scared dogs and handling all kinds of situations that people started calling him 'the dog boy.’ Since then, he has built a rewarding career around his favourite animal.

Studying dogs on the farm where he grew up, Millan realised they need a lot of exercise to be calm.He explains his approach; "Exercise and discipline (纪律) first, and then affection!" He says a lot of people get it wrong because they do not realise what dogs really need.Millan does not only train dogs, he also trains owners to understand that their pets need rules.He has helped celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith and everyday people too.

At his Dog Psychology Centre in Los Angeles, California, Millan also works with dogs whose dangerous behaviour has prevented them from finding homes.He teaches them to be loving gentle pets.Viewers can actually see the change in dogs with troublesome behaviour on Millan's TV show The Dog Whisperer.

To find the right career, Millan encourages kids to do what they enjoy."You can always find a job.But I find that happiness comes when you follow your passion.Success followed me because I was following my dream of being the best dog trainer in the world."

66. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?

A. Cesar Millan usually walks his dogs every day.

B. Cesar Millan owns 40 dogs altogether.

C. Cesar Millan is good at handling dogs.

D.Some of the dogs do not behave well.

67. From the second paragraph we can learn that Millan ______.

A. was born into a poor family              B. never went to school

C. has loved dogs since his childhood          D. has been a successful veterinarian

68. Which of the following does NOT agree with Millan's principles for training dogs?

A. Walk the dogs every day.          B. Set rules for them.

C. Show your love to them.            D. Keep troubled dogs separately.

69. Which of the following can be inferred from, the passage?

A. Either Millan's father or his mother was a dog expert.

B. Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith are everyday people.

C. Millan makes good money from his dog business.

D. Millan frequently gets hurt by troublesome dogs.

70. According to Millan, your choice of major at college should be based on _____.

A. your interest                        B. social needs

C. your parents' hope                   D. its popularity


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