摘要: A. drunk B. frozen C. excited D. wet


Two teenagers who are lost at sea off the United States for six days were saved yesterday.

Driscoll, 15, and his best friend, 18-year-old Josh Long, were found on Saturday about 11 km 21 Cape Fear in North Carolina. That was six days and more than 100 miles(161 km)from where they had 22 from Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina, on April 24.

The boys had 23 a lot of water and were tired, but in pretty good 24. They set out 25 on a 4.3-metre sailboat on a 26 day when the National Weather Service had warned small boats to stay out of the water. They realized they were 27 almost immediately and tried to swim back to 28 ,  29 the boat along with them.

Within 30 , they were far out at sea.

“We 31 our fishing equipment on the second day,” Driscoll said. “So we couldn’t catch any fish.”

The boys’ hopes faded 32 each day. They stood on their boat 33 they saw another boat, 34 . One night they were woken up by 35 coming into the boat. A large ship was very close to them.

36 was like some huge building in the water,” Driscoll said.

At one point, the boys thought they had gone across the Atlantic Ocean and were close to Africa. 37 , they were 179km north of their starting point. A coast guard boat set out to 38 them.

The boys got up and made some 39 . This time, they were heard.

“What we have experienced is a completely surprising story of 40 . That’s going to be studied for years to come,” said Richard Goerling, Long’s uncle. “I think the boys have a book to write.”

21. A. at           B. on          C. beside      D. off

22. A. arrived     B. set off      C. returned     D. finished

23. A. drunk     B. lost         C. saved      D. found

24. A. shape     B. health        C. spirit      D. energy

25. A. traveling    B. racing        C. fishing      D. swimming

26. A. fine      B. rainy        C. windy      D. snowy

27. A. in trouble   B. in safe        C. at sea      D. far away

28 A. shore     B. the sea      C. an island       D. harbor

29. A. driving    B. sailing        C. pushing     D. pulling

30. A. a week      B. hours        C. minutes      D. seconds

31. A. bought      B. found      C. lost          D. repaired

32. A. by        B. for       C. on       D. with

33. A. every time    B. once       C. one day      D. sometimes

34. A. jumping and singing          B. waving and shouting

C. crying and speaking           D. screaming and whistling

35. A. a shark      B. a mouse       C. water       D. some noise

36. A. He        B. This        C. That       D. It

37. A. Instead      B. Therefore     C. But       D. So

38. A. search    B. look for     C. look into     D. defend

39. A. fire       B. noise        C. balloons       D. flags

40. A. voyage      B. struggle     C. survival       D. sailing


I grew up in a small town and the main entertainment was Friday night high school football. It was just a sleepy little town where parents wanted to raise their children away from crime and   11  of a big city, and where teenagers like me  12 leaving to find something bigger and better.

All that changed one summer night. My friend Lisa, Martin and Tyler held a party for my eighteenth birthday at Lisa’s house.  13  they kept handing alcohol to me I was pretty   14 . I asked Tyler to take me home. With some  15 , we made it out to his car and drove home. News came next morning. My friend Martin was   16 in a car accident. That night after Tyler and I left, Martin, who was   17 more drunk than me, got into his car and   18  towards the highway to go home. Driving on the wrong side of the road, he never saw the truck coming. The driver didn’t see him   19 to avoid the car. They hit head on. Martin died immediately, and the driver was thrown  20  the truck windshield(挡风玻璃)and died a week later.

Whenever I  21 back on that day, I can’t help thinking that it was my  22 to drink so much that night.  23 things would be different. I know Martin  24 the choice to drink and drive that night, but a part of me will always feel   25 for what happened.

I may not change the world with my story, but I do hope that by  26 my story I can make you   27 that you not only have a responsibility for yourself but also for others. Don’t ever think that your choices are yours   28 . Every choice is like a stone dropped into  29  water—each ripple (涟漪) represents someone who your choice 30  . That’s quite an influence, isn’t it?

11.A. death B. danger     C. fashion          D. challenge

12.A. succeeded in B. dreamed of C. applied for      D. agreed to

13.A. When           B. While      C. As             D. Although

14.A. drunk      B. lost         C. frozen            D. sleepy

15.A. fun    B. hope      C. difficulty        D. method

16.A. died         B. injured          C. hurt       D. killed

17.A. constantly        B. frequently        C. clearly         D. equally

18.A. headed      B. walked          C. pushed          D. fled

19.A. in time   B. in trouble      C. in danger        D. in place

20.A. above    B. below          C. into             D. through

21.A. turn         B. look       C. hold         D. get

22.A. desire    B. fault               C. right         D. chance

23.A. Thus   B. Nevertheless     C. Otherwise    D. Therefore

24.A. faced    B. avoided         C. regretted            D. made

25.A. disappointed   B. responsible     C. sensitive D. embarrassed

26.A. remembering B. declaring C. stopping     D. sharing 27.A. explain        B. escape C. realize          D. limit

28.A. alone           B. finally           C. merely          D. perhaps

29.A. deep      B. fresh          C. clean           D. still

30.A. inspires B. attracts          C. benefits     D. affects


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