摘要: A. however B. whatever C. so much D. too much 答案:B 指导:此处指作者总是不顶撞妈妈.妈妈说什么就是什么.因此用whatever"无论什么 .意即:你说“什么都行 .理解了题意便很容易排除肋much"这么多 .toOmuch"太多 ,however引导让步状语从句.意为“无论怎样 .相当于no matterhow.后面跟形容词或副词.


Before the 20th century the horse supplied day to day transportation(运输) in the USA.

Trains were used for long distance transportation.

Today the car is the most   1   sort of transportation in all of the   2  .It has completely taken the place of the horse as a   3  of  everyday transportation. The Americans use their cars for nearly 90   4   all their   5  .Most Americans are   6   to buy cars. The average(平均)   7   of a car was 2050 in 1950,2740 in 1960 and up to 4750 in 1975. During this period, American carmakers   8   improving their products. As a   9  ,the income of the average family   10   from 1950 to 1970   11   than the price of cars.  12  ,buying a new car takes a smaller part of a family’s   13   income today. In 1951, it   14   8.1 months of an average family’s income to buy a new car. In 1962,a new car   15   6.43 months of a family’s income. By 1975,it   16   took 4.75 months’ income.  17  ,the 1975 cars were technically   18   than those of the previous(先前的)   19  .

That’s why cars are so   20   in the USA.

1.A.useful           B.valuable           C.cheap              D.popular

2.A.United States      B.world             C.year              D.continent

3.A.development       B.journey            C.sign              D.means

4.A.percent           B.years               C.miles             D.dollars

5.A.trips             B.lives              C.buissness          D.time

6.A.permitted          B.encouraged          C.anxious           D.able

7.A.value            B.cost              C.price             D.money

8.A.suggested         B.enjoyed             C.made up            D.started

9.A.tool              B.result              C.drive             D.producer

10.A.reduced          B.increased           C.received            D.needed

11.A.more slowly      B.smaller            C.faster              D.less

12.A.However         B.For example         C.Instead            D.For this reason

13.A.low            B.high              C.monthly            D.total

14.A.needs           B.took              C.spent              D.saved

15.A.spent            B.paid              C.cost            D.took

16.A.might            B.really              C.only            D.would

17.A.Otherwise       B.Besides         C.But             D.Finally

18.A.improved        B.better              C.lighter              D.smaller

19.A.months         B.years              C.cars            D.families

20.A.popular          B.expensive          C.cheap             D.good



Andy was born with a developmental(发展的disorder. The two sides of his brain were not        normally together. The right side of his        could not communicate with the left.  At the age of three, it was      for him to walk, speak, and play. He could only echo (重复) back a few words, and walked        while someone held each of his hands.

Then came the     . He attended an all-day center where he       every unimaginable treatment. He struggled, sometimes in        , to get stronger. Andy hated it when his parents would       him there in the

mornings. However, they       —against all odds(逆境)—that he would grow up to live a       healthy life. They believed it for themselves, and for Andy.

It      .Today Andy is a successful 13-year-old high school student and has won the gold medal for his math competition. His _____ has been nothing short of a wonder. He receives special help with a few things, but _____ his friends in all the activities he loves. Andy overcame a lot of      to move from adversity (逆境) to victory.  

Ask yourself: “What are the seeds of       hidden in my struggles today? If I get up when I      , what will that make possible tomorrow? ”

“Overnight success” is the     of years of tenacity (坚韧)and continued       . 

Victory is possible for those who never give in to whatever bad       to them. They’ll find the path to their dream.      , they will accept adversities as universities that will foster (促进) strength, growth, and skills to attract the victory they seek.  

1.A.touched      B.used     C. mixed       D. joined

2.A.ear      B. body   C. foot      D. shoulder

3.A. difficult   B.easy    C. interesting D. funny

4.A. fast      B.strangely C. strongly  D. slowly

5.A.power    B.attention C. struggles  D. failures

6.A.watched  B.followed  C. received  D. enjoyed

7.A. tears      B. smiles     C.excitement     D.disappointment

8.A.make     B.leave    C.forget     D.put

9.A.doubted  B.believed   C.guessed    D. imagined

10.A.lovely   B.rich     C.normal   D.colorful

11.A.paid off  B.set out    C.ran out   D.went off

12.A.story    B.problem   C. experience D. progress

13.A. sees     B. visits    C. invites    D. joins

14.A.objects    B.Enemies    C.habits    D.difficulties

15.A.flower   B.spirit   C.strength  D.pride

16.A.lose     B. fail    C.fall      D.stop

17.A. mark     B.result   C. symbol  D. sign

18.A.learning   B. taking    C.offering   D. refusing

19.A.related    B. happened  C.appealed  D. referred

20.A.However   B. Otherwise  C. Besides  D. Rather



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