摘要: A. job B. research C. survey D. search



“So, what are you doing after graduation?”   71   However, you have to make up your mind as your last high school year begins. Whether your plans include college, heading straight for the workforce, or taking a year off, here are some practical tips to prepare yourself for the journey.

Going to College

Some people know from an early age exactly what they want to be and how they plan to get there.   72   According to a recent survey, 75% of students change their majors after they enter college. After all, school is also not just about careers and getting a high-paying job after graduation — it’s a place for learning about yourself and the world.

Selecting a School

If college is in your future, you need to plan. Start by asking yourself questions about your preferences.   73   Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, ask the schools to send you literature or visit their websites.

Getting a Job

Maybe you’ve decided that college isn’t for you—right now, anyway. If you want to join the workforce, opportunities are out there for people who don’t have degrees. Some products-selling or service industry organizations offer training programs to high school graduates. Search the classified ads in the newspaper and do some Internet research.   74   

Taking Time Off

What if you intend to go to college but just don’t feel ready to start yet, for whatever reason? __75   This practice is common in some countries, like the United Kingdom, where it’s called a “gap year”. Even if you decide not to apply to college, it can be a great idea to take a year to do something you may not have an opportunity to do again. Lots of volunteer organizations would welcome your time and energy and would provide you with a wonderful learning experience.

A. You might want to get a high-paid job first.

B. You might want to take a year off to pause.

C. This is the fact that young people have to take into consideration.

D. Most large companies list their job openings on their websites.

E. Not all of us are so sure of our plans, though, and that’s OK too.

F. Many juniors and seniors get bored answering that question over and over.

G. Ask friends in college about their schools and other schools they’re familiar with.



“So, what are you doing after graduation?”   71   However, you have to make up your mind as your last high school year begins. Whether your plans include college, heading straight for the workforce, or taking a year off, here are some practical tips to prepare yourself for the journey.

Going to College

Some people know from an early age exactly what they want to be and how they plan to get there.   72   According to a recent survey, 75% of students change their majors after they enter college. After all, school is also not just about careers and getting a high-paying job after graduation — it’s a place for learning about yourself and the world.

Selecting a School

If college is in your future, you need to plan. Start by asking yourself questions about your preferences.   73   Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, ask the schools to send you literature or visit their websites.

Getting a Job

Maybe you’ve decided that college isn’t for you — right now, anyway. If you want to join the workforce, opportunities are out there for people who don’t have degrees. Some products-selling or service industry organizations offer training programs to high school graduates. Search the classified ads in the newspaper and do some Internet research.   74  

Taking Time Off

What if you intend to go to college but just don’t feel ready to start yet, for whatever reason? __75   This practice is common in some countries, like the United Kingdom, where it’s called a “gap year”. Even if you decide not to apply to college, it can be a great idea to take a year to do something you may not have an opportunity to do again. Lots of volunteer organizations would welcome your time and energy and would provide you with a wonderful learning experience.

A. You might want to get a high-paid job first.

B. You might want to take a year off to pause.

C. This is the fact that young people have to take into consideration.

D. Most large companies list their job openings on their websites.

E. Not all of us are so sure of our plans, though, and that’s OK too.

F. Many juniors and seniors get bored answering that question over and over.

G. Ask friends in college about their schools and other schools they’re familiar with.

     "So, what are you doing after graduation?"   1   However, you have to make up your mind as your last high school year begins. Whether your plans include college, heading straight for the workforce, or taking
a year off, here are some practical tips to prepare yourself for the journey.
     Going to College
     Some people know from an early age exactly what they want to be and how they plan to get there. 
  2   According to a recent survey, 75% of students change their majors after they enter college. After all,
school is also not just about careers and getting a high-paying job after graduation - it's a place for learning about yourself and the world.
      Selecting a School
    If college is in your future, you need to plan. Start by asking yourself questions about your preferences.   3   Once you've narrowed down your choices, ask the schools to send you literature or visit their
     Getting a Job
     Maybe you've decided that college isn't for you - right now, anyway. If you want to join the
workforce, opportunities are out there for people who don't have degrees. Some products-selling or
service industry organizations offer training programs to high school graduates. Search the classified ads
in the newspaper and do some Internet research.   4  
     Taking Time Off
     What if you intend to go to college but just don't feel ready to start yet, for whatever reason? _5  
This practice is common in some countries, like the United Kingdom, where it's called a "gap year". Even
if you decide not to apply to college, it can be a great idea to take a year to do something you may not
have an opportunity to do again. Lots of volunteer organizations would welcome your time and energy
and would provide you with a wonderful learning experience.

“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a typical _36__ of Chinglish.

Obviously it is a word-by-word literal(字面上的)translation of the Chinese greetings with a 37  English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American 38  .I was too delighted to believe her. Her words could not  39  me at all. So I did a  40 on Google. Com.. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages  41  “Long time no see”. This sentence has been 42 used in emails, letters, newspapers, moves, or any other possible place. Though it is 43   informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. 44  , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the 45  will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the  46  of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully 47 a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom 48 quoting (引用) Confucius. “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon “Long time on see” became a   49   phrase in America 50   the popularity of these movies.

    Some people 51  America to a huge melting pot (熔炉). All kinds of culture are 52 in the pot together, and they 53   the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic group in the United States, is also 54 some changes to be 55 in the mixed pot.

1.A.example        B. sign            C. word         D. change

2.A.damaged       B. perfected        C. learned      D. ruined

3.A.custom         B. greeting         C. habit       D. proverb

4.A.persuade        B. encourage       C. convince    D. believe

5.A.job              B. research        C. survey      D. search

6.A.containing        B. printing        C. publishing    D. expressing

7.A.widely            B. hardly         C. seldom       D. search

8.A.lots of             B. plenty of      C. lots of        D. sort of

9.A.Unfortunately     B. Luckily         C. However      D. Suddenly

10.A.hardware         B. software         C. operator     D. speaker

11.A.use              B. origin           C. expression     D. meaning

12.A.created          B. published        C. did          D. discovered

13.A.by                B. in              C. with         D. of

14.A.ordinary           B. rare           C. modern       D. popular

15.A.because           B. as to           C. thanks to     D. but for

16.A.compare          B. add             C. join          D. owe

17.A.joined            B. mixed            C. compiled     D. done

18.A.improve           B. change           C. lower       D. promote

19.A.owing             B. putting           C. taking      D. contributing

20.A.influenced         B. mentioned        C. used        D. considered



 “Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a typical  36  of Chinglish.

Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal(字面上的) translation of the Chinese greeting with a   37  English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American     38  . I was too delighted to believe her. Her words could not   39  me at all. So I did a   40  on Google.Com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages  41  “Long time no see”. This sentence has been   42  used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, or any other possible place. Though it is  43  informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily.   44  , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the   45   will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

Nobody knows the  46  of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully  47  a world wide famous Chinese detective named  “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom   48  quoting(引用) Confucius. “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon “Long time on see” became a   49   phrase in America  50  the popularity of these movies.

Some people  51  America to a huge pot (熔炉). All kinds of culture are   52  in the pot together, and they  53  the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic group in the United States, is also  54  some changes to be  55  in the mixed pot.

36.A.example              B.sign                    C.word                  D.change

37.A.damaged             B.perfected             C.learned                D.ruined

38.A.custom               B.greeting               C.habit                   D.proverb

39.A.persuade             B.encourage            C.convince             D.believe

40.A.job                      B.research              C.survey                D.search

41.A.containing           B.printing               C.publishing            D.expressing

42.A.widely                 B.hardly                 C.seldom                D.search

43.A.lots of                 B.plenty of              C.lots of                 D.sort of

44.A.Unfortunately       B.Luckily                C.However             D.Suddenly

45.A.hardware             B. software            C.operator              D.speaker

46.A.use                     B.origin                  C.expression           D.meaning

47.A.created                B.published             C.did                      D.discovered

48.A.by                      B.in                        C.with                    D.of

49.A.ordinary              B.rare                     C.modern               D.popular

50.A.because               B.as to                   C.thanks to             D.but for

51.A.compare             B.add                     C.join                     D.owe

52.A.joined                  B.mixed                  C.compiled             D.done

53.A.improve              B.change                C.lower                  D.promote

54.A.owing                 B.putting                C.taking                 D.contributing

55.A.influenced           B.mentioned            C.used                   D.considered
