摘要:5.B 解析:bringout使--出现.夏天穿着整洁的.束腰的棉布衣服.帽子低低地盖住太阳镜.其他三个选项中的动词都以人作主语.



One day a few years ago we had an uninvited guest—a sparrow.  36  the little bird had flown into our open garage. Then I  37  the bird before I saw it.

“What’s that?”I asked when I first heard the sound.

“It’s coming from the  38  .”my wife, Anita, said. “Maybe it’s one of the little  39  .”

I looked into the garage. No children at all. But there was that sound again, coming from right up there. And that’s  40   I saw the sparrow. It was flying  41  just inches below the ceiling. It was clearly  42  to get out, but couldn’t see the way out was not up, but  43  and and out through the garage door. So the bird continued flapping its wings and bumping its little head 44  the ceiling.

I tried to terrify it out, but only succeeded in driving it into the  45  open space between the door and the ceiling. Then I tried to show the bird how to fly down a few feet  46   it could get outside, but that only seemed to  47  it more.

“Why don’t we just leave for a few minutes,” Anita  48  .“I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually.”

We went back into the house, where we  49  to hear the ongoing struggle between the sparrow and the ceiling. Then suddenly, it was  50  and our uninvited guest was gone.

I’ve  51  that little sparrow through the years, and I’ve decided that birds are not different much from people. We think we were  52  to fly ever upward, and we don’t even consider the  53  that something good might happen if we just fly down a little bit. Once we figure out that we can make  54  without banging(碰)our heads against ceilings, we can usually save ourselves much  55  .

36.A. Still              B. Somehow          C. Instead              D. Perhaps



37.A. heard            B. caught               C. searched           D. observed


【解析】根据下文when I first heard the sound, 可知本句的意思是“未见其鸟,先闻其鸣”。

38.A. house           B. backyard           C. garage               D. basement


【解析】根据36题所在的句子可知, 小鸟进入了garage,所以声音应该从garage传来。

39.A. birds            B. guests               C. cats                  D. kids


【解析】根据下文no children at all.可知, 作者的妻子认为是期中一个孩子

40.A. when            B. how                  C. why                  D. whether



41.A. quickly         B. anxiously           C. cautiously          D. slowly



42. A. deciding       B. hesitating           C. trying                D. choosing


【解析】try to get out努力要出去。

43. A. up               B. backward          C. forward            D. down



44. A. against         B. off                    C. along                D. into


【解析】bump its little head against the ceiling 小脑袋撞击天花板

45. A. free             B. small                 C. wide                 D. dark



46. A. in case         B. even if               C. as though          D. so that


【解析】so that 引导目的状语从句。

47. A. puzzle          B. confuse             C. frighten             D. disturb


【解析】但是这样似乎使它更害怕。Frighten sb使某人害怕, 吓唬某人

48. A. suggested     B. explained           C. insisted             D. demanded


【解析】why don’t sb do 是表示建议的用语。 所以选择A。

49. A. attempted     B. continued          C. refused             D. failed


【解析】continue to do sth继续干某事

50. A. fierce           B. empty               C. safe                  D. silent


【解析】根据下文our uninvited guest was gone, 所以没有声音了,很安静

51.A. looked after   B. worried about    C. thought about    D. brought up


【解析】A.照看 B.担心 C.思考  D. 提出。下文题到“鸟和人没有什么不同”,所以作者是在思考。

52. A. forced         B. determined         C. born                 D. urged


【解析】be born to do 天生就是干某事的。 “我们认为我们天生就是往上飞的”

53. A. idea             B. possibility          C. challenge           D. problem



54. A. progress      B. peace                C. decisions           D. efforts


【解析】make progress取得进步

55. A. panic           B. pressure            C. loss                  D. trouble


【解析】save some trouble 省去很多麻烦。



June 5 is World Environment Day. This makes us pay more attention to our environment and the need to protect it.

   When Wang Boxuan, a Beijing high schoolboy, uses up his exercise books, he does not throw them away. Each one is stored at his school with hundreds of exercise books given by other students. Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.

The paper is recycled and used again by students and teachers in the school. At the same time, the money made from the sales goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia for planting trees and grass. This place is one of the sources of the sandstorms that often attack Beijing during springtime.

Wang’s school is one of the schools in the capital that take part in the “Green Promise” —environmental protection activity. So far, nearly 210,000 students have taken part in the activity, collecting more than 87 tons of waste paper.

Students are eager to help make the capital a more pleasant place.

1. What do Wang Boxuan and his schoolmates do with the waste exercise books?

A. Throw them away.                  B. Store and sell them.

C. Cut them into pieces.                   D. Give them to the students in Inner Mongolia.

2. What is the money used for?  

A. Buying new exercise books.       B. Helping poor students.

C. Planting trees and grass.         D. Being stored.

3.What can we infer from the third paragraph? 

A. Students will have no exercise books to use in many years.

B. There will be no waste paper in many years.

C. The sandstorms will be weaker in Beijing in many years.

D. Beijing will be much dirtier in many years.

4.Choose the right order according to this passage?

1     Trees and grass were planted.

2     Schools in Inner Mongolia received the money.

3     Students collected waste paper.

4     Students sold the paper to a paper making factory.

A.③②④①      B.②①④③      C. ③④②①     D.③②①④

5. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Planting Trees.             B. Green Promise.

C. Collecting Waste Paper.          D. Making Money.



The Mother Goose Stories, so well known to children all over the word, are commonly said to have been written by a little old woman for her grandchildren. According to some people, she lived in Boston, and her real name was Elizabeth Vergoose. Her son-in-law, a printer named Thomas Fleet, was supposed to have published the famous stories and poems for small children in 1719. However, no copy of this book has ever been found, and most scholars doubt the truth of this story—and doubt, moreover, that Mother Goose was ever a real person. They point out that the name is a direct translation of the French “Mere I’ Oye.” In 1697 the Frenchman Charles Perrault published the first book in which this name was used. The collection contains eight tales, including “Sleeping Beauty,” “Cinderella,” and “Puss in Boots.” But Perrault did not originate these stories; they were already quite popular in his day, and he only collected them.

In 1729 there appeared an English translation of Perrault’s collection,Robert Samber’s Histories or Tales of Past times, Told by MotherGoose(London,1729), which introduced “Sleeping Beauty”, “Little Red-hood”, “Puss in Boots”,”Cinderella” and other Perrault’s tales to English-speaking audiences. These were fairy tales(童话)。 John Newbery published a book of English rhymes,Mother Goose’s Melody, or Sonnets for the Cradle( London, undated,1765), which switched the focus from fairy tale to nursery  rhymes, and in English this was until recently the primary meaning for Mother Goose.A book of poems for children entitled Mother Goose’s Melody was published in England in1781, and the name “Mother Goose” has been associated with children’s poetry ever since.

1.What is supposed to have happened in 1719?

  A. Elizabeth Vergoose wrote the first Mother Goose Stories.

  B.  The Mother Goose Stories were translated into French.

  C.  Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose Stories.

  D. Charles Perrault published the first Mother Goose Stories.

2. Most scholars consider Mother Goose to be _________.

   A. a real person                                                 B. a translation from French

   C. a collection by Elizabeth Vergoose          D.  a book written by a little old woman

3.When Perrault published the first book in 1679, _______.

   A. no story of the book had been known to people

   B. some stories of the book were already well known

   C. few people were interested in the stories of the book

   D. stories like “Sleeping Beauty” and “Cinderella” became popular

4.The name used in the first book published in 1679 is supposed to have been _______.

 A. Mother Goose         B. Charles Perrault C. Elizabeth Vergoose  D. Mere I’ Oye 

5.When people talk about Mother Goose, they refer to,___________

     A.    a printer of Boston          B. a kind of animal

     C.    children’s  poetry            D. the  French “Mere L’oye



Remind children that bad things don’t last. It may sound simple, but the message is extremely important. “Children often don’t have the experience to know that when something bad happens—they lose an important game or their best friends lets them down—it’s not the end of the world,” explains Nancy Leffert, a senior research scientist with the Research Institute, an American adolescents’(青少年) and children’s research group. “They think their bad feelings will last for ever, or that one failure will ruin everything.”
Unfortunately, that kind of thinking discourages motivation(动机).“If a child believes that the cause of her upset is lasting, or that nothing she does will make a difference, it decreases her ability to keep on trying,” says Dorothy Rich, president of the Mega Skills Education Center of the Home and School Institute, based in Washington. Any time you can help your child see that a situation is not lasting, that a result can be changed, or that one opinion does not reflect reality, you give her reason to hope.
Case in point: “When my daughter Kathy was eight,art was one of her favorite subjects,”says Beth,a mother of two. “Then she got an art teacher who gave a great deal of praise to one student and barely noticed the rest.Kathy was ready to give up until I explained to her,‘Never stop doing your best just because one person doesn’t give you praise.’” Beth had to repeat the advice often,and finally her daughter got the message.“Kathy is twelve now, and art is still one of her strongest subjects.”
62. According to the passage we know many children_____.
A. know how to face a failure
B. try their best to avoid a situation of failure
C. don’t want to stay in bad feelings for ever
D. tend to take a failure as the end of the world
63. Which of the following can a parent say to his children to show that one’s opinion does not reflect reality?
A. “If you call your friend and apologize,he won’t stay mad at you.”
B. “That may be what your teacher thinks, but I see it differently.”
C. “You have lost today, but you can try again tomorrow.”
D. “Go ahead. Don’t care what other people think.”
64. It can be inferred from the passage that_____.
A. teachers’ praise is very important to students
B. good teachers can give students useful advice
C. teachers should not praise their students in class
D. good teachers can find each student’s favorite subject
65. The best title of the passage is_____.
A. Help Children Promote Problem Solving Ability
B. Tell Children Not to Let Failure Ruin Them
C. Set Reasonable Hopes for Your Children
D. Teach Your Children to Be Happy


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