摘要:59.A考查判断推理.那位盲人让我丢掉对弱势群体的偏见.继续坚持谦虚待人的人生信条.这是非常珍贵的教训. C [2010·海南五校联考] 词数:284 体裁:广告 难度:3 Is veg food healthier than non-veg food? I feel this is a very common topic that people speak on.Please give me your opinions on this topic. Rao 12-18-08 So far as veg food is concerned, it is also proved to be a healthy and nutritious diet, but has very few items which can provide us with proteins, but if you see non-veg food like eggs, chicken, and many more, such foods have a large content of proteins in them. Sai 12-19-08 Man basically is herbivorous. If we look at the animal kingdom We can see that all the herbivorous animals have the similar dental structure, which clearly shows that the human being also ought to be vegetarian by birth. It is only the living conditions that make man carnivorous. The vegetarian foods are easily digestible. Santos 12-20-08 Non-veg food items are better than veg items. A healthy person requires complete diet and veg+ meat makes the diet complete. The only caution that needs to be taken is not to have non-veg items on a daily basis. Once in a week or couple of weeks will be best. Krishna 01-03-09 When we eat non-veg, we are all veg by nature. The chicken that we eat feeds on grains, the mutton that we eat feeds on grass, and the fish that we eat feeds on simple plants. So non-veg food by logicis better and suited for hauman beings. Khan 01-05-09 Non-veg food is equally important in our diet as it helps in many ways, especially fish and other seafood as fish contains omega 3 which makes our immune systemstronger. Do you know that most of the veg food put together does not contain as much omega 3 as fish alone contains!


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