



第一节(共5小题;每小题l. 5分,满分7. 5分)


例:How much is the shirt?

A. £l9. 15.    B. £9. 15.    C. £9. 18.


1.What do the speakers need to buy?

A. A fridge.           B. A dinner table.          C. A few chairs,

2.Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant.       B. In a hotel.              C. In a school.

3.What does the woman mean?

A. Cathy will be at the party.

B. Cathy is too busy to come.

C. Cathy is going to be invited.

4.Why does the woman plan to go to town?

A. To pay her bills in the bank.

B. To buy books in a bookstore.

C. To get some money from the bank,

5.What is the woman trying to do?

A. Finish some writing.

B. Print an article.

C. Find a newspaper,

第二节(共l5小题;每小题l. 5分,满分22. 5分)



6.What is the man doing?

A. Changing seats on the plane.   

B. Asking for a window seat.

C. Trying to find his seat.

7.What is the woman's seat number?

A. 6A.               B. 7A.               C. 8A.


8.Why doesn’t the woman take the green T-shirt?

A. It’s too small. B. It’s too dark. C. It’s too expensive.

9.What does the woman buy in the end?

A. A yellow T-shin.   B. A blue T-shirt.

C. A pink T-shirt.


10.How long has the man been in London?

A. One year.

B. A few years.

C. A couple of months,

11.Why did the woman leave her hometown?

A. To lead a city life.

B. To open a restaurant. C. To find a job.

12.Where did the woman come from?

A. London. B. Arnside. C Lancaster


13.What is a daypack?

A. A box. B. A bag. C. A lock.

14.What surprises the girl at school?

A. A lot of discussions in class.

B. Teachers giving little homework.

C. Few students asking questions in class.

15.At what time of the school term does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At the end of it.

B. In the middle of it.

C. At the beginning of it.

16.What do we know about the girl?

A. She is new to the school.

B. She writes for the school newspaper.  

C. She seldom asks questions in class.


17.What does Mr Henry Stone do?

A. A bank clerk.    

B. A teacher.

C. A writer.

18.What does Henry like doing at airports?

A. Watching people.  

B. Telling stories.

C. Reading magazines.

19.What did Henry learn from the newspaper that day?

A. A valuable suitcase was missing.    

B . A man stole money from a bank.    

C. A woman ran away from home.

20.Why was the woman at the airport?   

A. She was traveling on business.   

B. She was seeing the man off.

C. She was leaving for Greece.




    第一节  听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

    每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据    各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


1.What does the girl want her father to buy7

   A. A ruler.   B. High-tech things.   C. Pencils and erasers.

2.Which of the following does the father consider buying for his daughter?

   A. A calculator.    B. A computer.    C. An MP3.

3.Which of the following could be a reason for her father to buy what she wants7

    A. She volunteers to use some of her own money.

    B. She asks her father to buy a cheap one online.

C. She tells her father she is the best in school.


4.What do the speakers think of San Francisco?

   A. It is a big city.   B. They both love the city.   C. It isn't so expensive to live there.

5.What does the woman think of cell phone interruption?

   A. She likes it.   B. She doesn't mind it.   C. She considers it rude.

6.What reason does the man give to answer his cell phone?

    A. He feels like answering.

    B. He wants to know who's calling.

    C. He thinks that it could be something important.


7.What is the man complaining about?

   A. Not accepting any gift from his friend.

   B. Not receiving any answer from his friend.

   C. Not hearing any good news from his friend.

8.According to the woman, when should you write a thank-you card?

   A. You receive a gift from your friend.

   B. You are invited to a birthday party.

   C. You spend a holiday with your friend.

9.What's the speakers' attitude towards writing thank-you cards?

   A. They think it out-dated. B. They think it inconvenient.

   C. They think it good to keep the custom.


10.What does the speaker imply about traffic in big cities?

   A. Buses are slow, but comfortable.

   B. Parking in the rush hour is very difficult.

   C. All the people use private transport instead of public transport.

11.What does the speaker recommend to do to improve the situation?

   A. To enlarge city centers.

   B. To move to the areas outside the city.

   C. To make good use of existing space.

12.How many aspects of our lives does the speaker mention as affected by overcrowding?

    A. Two.  B. Three. C. Four.


13.Why does the man like The Times?

     A. It has 20 pages every day.

     B. It carries a lot of sports news.

     C. It doesn't devote 5 pages every day to baseball results.

14.In what way is the jobs section on The Times useful to the local people?

     A. It carries job ads from the local businesses.

     B. It is the place where local businesses hire people.

     C. It provides much information about local economy.

15.What does the woman think will happen to job ads if The Times closes down?

     A. The other two newspapers will open a local jobs newspaper.

     B. The local economy will be much affected but not destroyed.

     C. The job ads will be carried in either of the other two newspapers.

第二节  听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡  标号为16.—20.的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。







December~early March

Drop (16.)     


skiing, snowshoeing



around 50 degrees during the day


going on a picnic, strolling through parks and playing (18.)     


from June

around 80 defrees

rry with (19.)  

hiking, fishing, etc.


from late September



rriving into the mountains, viewing the fall colors, cleaning up (20.)      







1.Why doesn't the man choose Japanese: food?

A. He doesn't like Japanese food.

B. He ate Japanese food last night.

C. He thinks Japanese food is expensive.

2.What does the man really want to eat?

A. Buffet.

B. Fast food.

C. Chinese food.

3.Where will the man probably eat?

A. In a steak house.

B. In the shopping center.

C. Outside the shopping center.


4.Why is the man proud of his daughter?

A. Because she's going to college.

B. Because she's going to leave home.

C. Because she'll save money on food.

5.What does the man remind his daughter to do?

A. Take some food.

B. Register for food.

C. Eat instant noodles.

6.What is the man surprised to hear?

A. His daughter decides to change her major.

B. His daughter has a discussion with her Mom.

C. Business administration is a great major.


7.Who is the speaker?

A. A college student in China.

B. A Chinese student in the US.

C. An American student in the US.

8.How do Chinese students learn in class?

A. They study textbooks.

B. They listen and take notes.

C. They review before exams.

9.What does the American professor want to know?

A. The class's opinion.

B. The student's research.

C. The student's opinion.


10.Where did the woman buy her new computer?

A. From a store.

B. From the Internet.

C. In a shopping center.

11.What makes it cheaper to buy online?

A. The seller has to rent a store.

B. The seller must pay its staff.

C. The seller can save money.

12.Why do many people still buy things in the store?

A. They think it's easy.

B. They think it's cheap.

C. They think it's safe.


13.How does the wide use of plastic help in daily life?

A. It makes life convenient.

B. It makes life wonderful.

C. It makes life enjoyable.

14.What does the speaker think of things made of plastic?

A. They are cheaper.

B. They don't last long.

C. They appear attractive.

15.How do stores promote using reusable bags?

A. By selling plastic bags.

B. By banning plastic bags.

C. By charging for plastic bags.

第二节  听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


The National Flower Festival










National Building Museum

Cultural events



April 4

10 a.m. –noon

Along the streets

Parading with a lot of balloons, 11 marching bands and many 17.

Admission to reviewing booths is 18.; standing is free.



11 a.m. -6 p.m.

Six blocks of streets

Singing and dancing performance, tasting different drinks and dishes



April 11


On the 20.

Walking past festival artwork, speetacular fireworks display






第一节  (共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 


例:What is the man going to read? 

A. A newspaper. 

B. A magazine. 

C. A book. 


1.How fast can the woman type? 

A. 15 words a minute. 

B. 45 words a minute. 

C. 80 words a minute. 

2.Which program does the man like most? 

A. Sports. 

B. History. 

C. News. 

3.Which language does Mr. White speak well? 

A. French. 

B. Spanish. 

C, Japanese. 

4.What was in the woman’s missing bag? 


5.Where does the conversation probably take place? 

A. In a classroom.  

B. In a library. 

C. In a bookstore. 

第二节  (共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分) 




6.What’s wrong with the man? 

A. He has headaches. 

B. He has a runny nose. 

C. He has a temperature. 

7.When did the problem begin? 

A. Two weeks ago. 

B. Two months ago. 

C. Three months ago. 


8.Why did the woman make the phone call? 

A. To change her appointment. 

B. To discuss a business plan. 

C. To arrange an exhibition. 

9.When are they going to meet? 

A. Wednesday. 

B. Thursday. 

C. Friday. 


10.What event will you take part in if you love to dance? 

A. River Festival. 

B. Youth Celebrations. 

C. Songs of Summer. 

11.What is the purpose of the announcement? 

A. To introduce performers. 

B. To introduce a program. 

C. To introduce various countries. 


12.How much are the double rooms? 

A. From $180 to $ 240. 

B. From $ 180 to $270. 

C. From $270 to $330. 

13.What is included in the price? 

A. Service charge. 

B. Breakfast. 

C. Tax. 

14.Why did the man make the phone call? 

A. To ask for an extra bed. 

B. To check the room rates. 

C. To change his reservation. 


15.What are the speakers talking about? 

A. Picture books. 

B. Reference books. 

C. Cookbooks. 

16.How much is Worldwide Fish

A. £12. 

B. £15 

C. £17 

17.Which books does the woman decide to buy? 

A. Something Fishy. 

B. Worldwide Fish. 

C. Tasty Fish. 


18.What did Maria do right after graduation? 

A. She entered politics. 

B. She worked as a teacher. 

C. She worked for her father. 

19.Where did Maria set up her first coffee bar? 

A. London. 

B. Singapore. 

C. New York.  

20.How many coffee bars does she have now? 

A. 10. 

B. 80. 

C. 85. 





例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15   B.£9.15  C. £9.18


1.What do the speakers need to buy?

A. A fridge         B. A dinner table  C. A few chairs

2.Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel       C. In a school.

3.What does the woman mean?

A. Cathy will be at the party.          B. Cathy is too busy to come.

C. Cathy is going to be invited

4.Why does the woman plan to go to town?

A. To pay her bills in the bank.        B. To buy books in a bookstore.

C. To get some money from the bank

5.What is the woman trying to do?

A. Finish some writing.B. Print an article.                 C. Find a newspaper.




6.What is the man doing?

A. Changing seats on the plane          B. Asking for a window seat

C. Trying to find his seat

7.What is the woman’s seat number?

A. 6A               B. 7A               C. 8A


8.Why doesn’t the woman take the green T-shirt?

A. It’s too small  B. It’s too dark   C. It’s to expensive

9.What does the woman buy in the end?

A. A yellow T-shirt B. A blue T-shirt   C. A pink T-shirt


10.How long has the man been in London?

A. One year.        B. A few years      C. A couple of months

11.Why did the woman leave her hometown?

A. To lend a city life.                 B. To open a restaurant.    C. To find a job

12.Where did the woman come from?

A. London.          B. Arnside          C. Lancaster.


13.What is a daypack?

A. A box            B. A bag            C. A lock

14.What surprise the girl at school?

A. A lot of discussions in class        B. Teachers giving little homework

C. Few students asking questions in class.

15.At what time of the school term does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At the end of it.                    B. In the middle of it  C. At the beginning of it

16.What do we know about the girl?

A. She is new to the school             B. She writes for the school newspaper.

C. She seldom asks questions in class.


17.Where does Mr. Henry Stone do?

A. A bank clerk     B. A teacher        C. A writer

18.What does Henry like doing at airport?

A. Watching people  B. Telling stories  C. Reading magazines.

19.What did Henry learn from the newspaper the day?

A. A valuable suitcase was missing      B. A man stole money from a bank

C. A woman ran away from home

20.Why was the woman at the airport?

A. She was traveling on business        B. She was seeing the man off.

C. She was leaving for Greece



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