摘要:do with/hear from/in the center of/make a difference /the other day1. I haven’t you for a long time.


When I was 15, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my short-comings(缺点). Week by week her list grew. I was skinny(瘦的), I talked too loud, I was too proud, and so on. I put up with(忍受)her as long as I could. At last, I ran to my father in tears and anger. He listened to my outburst quietly. They he asked, “Are the things she says the true or not?”True? I wanted to know how to strike back. What did truth have to do with it?
“Mary, didn’t you ever wonder what you are really like? Well, you now have that girl’s opinion. ”Go and make a list of every thing she said and mark the points that are true. You needn’t pay attention to the other things she said.
I did as he told me and discovered to my surprise that about half the things are true. Some of them I couldn’t change(like being skinny), but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change. For the time in my life I began to get a quiet clear picture of myself.
I brought the list back to Daddy, but he wouldn’t take it.“That’s just for you,”he said.“You know better than any else the truth about yourself, once you hear it. But you’ve got to learn to listen, not close your ears in anger or hurt. When someone says something about you, you’ll know if it’s true or not. If it is ,you’ll find it will echo(共鸣)inside you.”
“I still don’t think it very nice of her to talk about me in front of everybody.”
“Mary, there is one way you could stop others talking about you ever again, and criticizing(批评) you—just say nothing and do nothing. But then, if you do that, you’d find you were nothing. You wouldn’t like that now, would you?”“No, I admitted(承认)”
【小题1】One day the writer ran to her father in tears and anger because__________.

A.she found she talked too much.B.she found she was too proud.
C.her classmates were not friendly to her. D.a girl pointed out many of her shortcomings.
【小题2】The writer’s father asked her ____________.
A.to pay attention to all that her“enemy”said about her.
B.not to pay attention to what her“enemy”said about her.
C.to pay attention only to the points that were true about her.
D.to pay attention only to the points that were not true about her.
【小题3】The writer found that___________.
A.about half the things her“enemy”said were true.
B.most of the things her“enemy”said were true.
C.few of the things her“enemy”said were true.
D.none of the things her“enemy”said were true.
【小题4】The writer’s father thinks__________.
A.if one says nothing and does nothing, people will praise him.
B.one should not do anything because others will talk about him.
C.it is not good to talk about others.
D.everyone is talked about by others.


Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will “obey” spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word “obey” is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the children. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.

Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these can’t be said to show the baby’s intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation(模仿) leads on to deliberate(有意的) imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.

It is a problem we need to get our teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation; and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world. Thus the use, at seven months, of “mama” as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaning-less sound simply because he also uses it at another time for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. I doubt, however, whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds.

1. Before children start speaking _______.

A. they need equal amount of listening

B. they need different amounts of listening

C. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obey spoken instructions

D. they can’t understand and obey the adult’s oral instructions

2. Children who start speaking late _______.

A. may have problems with their listening

B. probably do not hear enough language spoken around them

C. usually pay close attention to what they hear

D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly

3. A baby’s first noises are _______.

A. an expression of his moods and feelings

B. an early form of language

C. a sign that he means to tell you something

D. an imitation of the speech of adults

4. The problem of deciding at what point a baby’ imitations can be considered as speech _______.

A. is important because words have different meanings for different people

B. is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually

C. is one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age

D. is one that should be completely ignored(忽略) because children’s use of words is of-ten meaningless

5. The speaker implies _______.

A. parents can never hope to teach their children new sounds

B. children no longer imitate people after they begin to speak

C. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly


  What comes into your mind when you think about robots? Do you imagine armies of evil metal monsters planning to take over the world? Or, perhaps of mechanical men who have been created as guards or soldiers by a mad genius? Or maybe you think of man- like robots who act, think, and look like human beings. In fact robots like these have more to do with science fiction films than with real life. In the real world robots are machines that do jobs which otherwise have to be done by people. Robots either operate by themselves or under the control of a person.

  In a car factory, for example, robot machinery can put together and paint car bodies. On the sea bed remotecontrolled(遥控)underwater machines with mechanical arms can perform tasks too difficult for divers. Robot spacecraft can explore the solar system and send back information about planets and stars.

  Many robots have computer brains. Some robots are fitted with cameras , sensors, and microphones which enable them to see, to feel, and to hear. And some robots can even produce electronic speech.

  All this does not mean that a robot can think and behave like a human being. Present day robots have to be programmed with a good deal of information before they can carry out even simple tasks.

 44.Robots in real life________.

  A. can behave like human beings   B. have the ability to control the world

  C. can think by themselves        D. can help us with a lot of work

 45.According to this article, which of the following is not true about robots in the real world?

  A. Some robots are as creative as artists.     B. Some robots can help manufacture cars.

  C. Some robots can see and hear.       D. Some robots can explore outer space.

 46.Robots can perform many tasks for man because________.

  A. they have intelligence    B. they are supplied with computer programs

  C. they can imitate human beings    D. they have the ability to learn new things

 47.The robots in science fiction films and those in real life differ mainly in________.

  A. mentality   B. appearance   C. material    D. size



When Pat Jones finished college,she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could  21  she was young.Pat wanted to visit Latin America  22 ,so she got a job  23  an English teacher in a school in Bolivia.Pat spoke a little Spanish  24  she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn't  25  much English.

    A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind:if you dream  26  a foreign language, you have really mastered(掌握)it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and  27 that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in  28

    One day,one of her  29  students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had  30  early, but had slept   31  .

    “What does this have to do with your  32   ?” Pat asked.

    “I dreamed all night,Miss Jones. and my dream was in English?”

    “In English?” Pat was very  33  ,since he was such a bad student.She was  34   secretly jealous(嫉妒的).Her  35   was still not in Spanish.But she encouraged(鼓励)her young student.“Well, 36  me about your dream.”

    “All the people in my dream  37  English.” the student said.“And all the signs were in English.All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”

    “Great. That's  38  ,”said Pat.“What did all the people say to you?”

“I'm sorry,Miss Jones.That's  39  I slept so badly.1 didn't  40  a word they said.It was a nightmare(噩梦)!”

1.A. although      B. while          C. if                  D. since

2.A.first        B.at first         C.1ast       D. at last

3. A.for         B.of           C.as             D.1ike

4. A. and         B. but              C. so                D. yet

5. A. say            B. know        C. read              D. write

6.A. in                 B. about                  C. of        D. for

7. A. thought       B. realized               C. hoped       D. wanted

8.A.English      B.Spanish      C.Russian          D.German

9.A. bright        B. excellent               C. best         D. worst

10.A. got up       B. gone to bed      C. in bed      D. woken up

11.A. well         B.soundly       C. badly        D.heavily

12.A.English     B.1anguage             C. dream      D. homework

13. A. surprised     B. worried       C. pleased       D. excited

14. A. yet          B. seldom         C. also         D. hardly

15. A. study               B. class                  C. work                D. dream

16.A. answer       B. write                 C. tell          D. ask

17.A. read       B. liked                 C. spoke        D. learned

18. A. wonderful     B. terrible           C. funny          D. strange

19.A. how          B. why        C. when        D. because

20.A. hear                 B. understand            C. like                 D. remember




Imagine that Mum and Dad have friends over, and you have to talk to adults all evening.Say the wrong thing and the parents might  36  .But say nothing, and they'll think you weren't   37  .So how can you  38  with adults?

It's easy.  39  ask them questions about  40  " Many of them like to talk about what they do for a  41  ," suggests psychologist.

Kids can also talk to grown-ups about  42  .Ask what the last good movie they saw was, because people at dinner parties "light up" when the conversation  43  movies.If a grown-up is   44  Harry Potter, it's OK to talk about your  45  for Harry.It's a safe ,  46  , one that both grown-ups and kids can enjoy.So go  47  and talk about whether Dumbledore is really dead.

But  48  from topic of video games."Adults don't want to hear about your  49  ,

  50  they play it," Ursiny explains.

Adults also don't want to hear slang (俚语).Don't use   51   they don't understand.Ursiny says kids should learn to speak to other people in  52  own language.

While most adults aren't into slang, they do remember what it was like to be a kid.Ursiny recommends asking adults what 53 was like when they were your age."It might be a fun  54  , if you compare your l0th-grade experience with theirs."

Make sure you chat with your parents 55 to find out which topics are off-limits.

36.A.be satisfied     B.get mad  C.disagree     D.agree

37.A.friendly B.right    C.good boys    D.helpful

38.A.deal with    B.do with C.talk     D.go on

39.A.So   B.Only C.Just D.But

40.A.you  B.yourselves   C.life     D.themselves

41.A.talk B.job C.fun  D.living

42.A.books    B.movies   C.TV plays D.sports

43.A.turns to B.goes on  C.moves on     D.keeps to

44.A.into B.like C.for  D.against

45.A.idea B.love C.suggestion   D.hate

46.A.topic    B.dinner   C.love     D.talk

47.A.back B.here     C.there    D.ahead[来源:48.A.stay away    B.go ahead     C.change    D.turn

49.A.video    B.video game   C.play D.talk

50.A.if   B.when C.though   D.unless

51.A.video    B.game C.language D.movie

52.A.his B.their    C.your D.our

53.A.school   B.family   C.discussion   D.children

54.A.story    B.experience   C.discussion   D.grown-up


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