摘要: B联系后文“so stop 53 school to end-我们可知.作者认为 时间不等人.


I used to be ashamed of my grandma. I know that's a  31  thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to  32  it.  
The  33  started when my friend Katy found Grandma's false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink. I was so used to seeing them that I  34  took notice of them. But Katy shouted, laughing and 35  to talk to them. I  had to get down on my knees and 36  her to shut up so my grandma wouldn't 37  and get hurt.  
After that happened, I 38  there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing(令人窘迫).  
Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King. 39  ordering our hamburgers well-done, she told the person behind the counter, "They'll have two Whoppers (巨无霸) well-to-do. " Jill burst out laughing, but I almost  40 .
After a while, I started wishing I could  41  Grandma in a closet. I even complained to my parents. Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma feel  42  in our home.
Then last Wednesday, something happened that 43  everything completely. My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and 44  them about their 45  for a big Oral History project. I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently.  
"Volunteer your grandmother," she whispered. "She's 46  and rich in experience."
That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma.
This is how I ended up on 47  today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly (集合). All my friends and teachers were listening to her 48  she was a great heroine. I was 49  of my grandma and hoped she would 50  know that I had been ashamed of her.
31. A. funny      B. common       C. terrible         D. clear
32. A. admit     B. receive         C. refuse  D. show
33. A. quarrel  B. accident       C. trouble         D. adventure
34. A. already  B. always C. simply  D. hardly
35. A. enjoying          B. pretending  C. imagining  D. continuing
36. A. warn      B. demand        C. advise  D. beg
37. A. mind       B. hear     C. see       D. fall
38. A. expected        B. declared       C. realized   D. doubted
39. A. Because of     B. Except for    C. Such as    D. Instead of
40. A. died        B. cheered        C. disappeared  D. suffered
41. A. meet      B. avoid    C. arrange    D. hide
42. A. independent  B. inconvenient        C. unwelcome D. unfamiliar
43. A. changed         B. finished        C. stopped   D. Prepared
44. A. interview        B. report  C. tell        D. write
45. A. news      B. lives     C. advantages  D. achievements
46. A. free        B. popular         C. interesting    D. embarrassing
47. A. show     B. stage   C. duty      D. time
48. A. and then         B. even if C. so that     D. as if
49. A. sure        B. proud   C. ashamed    D. afraid
50. A. never     B. even     C. still      D. once



My father enjoys bike riding. Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved going biking with my dad. 41 , as I became a teenager, other things began to draw my 42 . It became important to do things with friends  43 . I saw my dad every evening at home. Why did I have to  44  my Sundays to all-day bike trips with him , too? If my indifference(冷漠) hurt him, my father kept  45  , but he would always let me know when he was planning a bike trip  46  I wanted to come.

It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low  47 . Two of my friends had gone to the movies without inviting me. Just then my father  48  my room. “It’s a beautiful day. Want to go for a  49   today, Beck?”  “Leave me alone! ” I impatiently  50  . Those were the last words I said to him before he left the house that  51   .

Several hours later, the police called us,  52  us that Dad had a traffic accident. My father’s injuries were serious. It took several days before he could  53  speak. Beside his bed I held his hand gently, 54   of hurting him.

“Daddy … I’m sorry …”

“It’s OK, sweetheart. I’ll be OK.”

“No,” I said, “I  55  what I said to you that day. You know, that morning?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t  56  anything about that day, not before, during or after the accident. I remember kissing you goodnight the night before, though.” He 57  a weak smile.

I felt regretful for my thoughtless remark, for I 58  wanted him to leave me alone. My teacher once told me that 59  have immeasurable power. They can hurt or they can heal. And we all have the  60  to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.

1.A. Therefore          B. Instead        C. Besides          D. However

2.A. attention           B. sight          C. effort            D. energy

3.A. once again          B. all of a sudden   C. in time          D. in place

4.A. start               B. save           C. devote          D. waste

5.A. silent              B. busy           C. asleep          D. awake

6.A. unless             B. in case          C. so that          D. even if

7.A. spirits             B. conditions       C. emotions         D. hopes

8.A. left                B. checked        C. entered          D. knocked

9.A. ride               B. walk            C. picnic           D. game

10.A. whispered          B. warned         C. announced        D. shouted

11.A. moment            B. morning        C. afternoon         D. evening

12.A. convincing         B. reminding       C. informing         D. phoning

13.A. eventually          B. generally        C. strictly           D. broadly

14.A. tired               B. afraid          C. aware            D. sorry

15.A. discuss            B. think            C. care             D. mean

16.A. hate               B. forget           C. remember        D. like

17.A. got                B. expressed       C. exchanged        D. managed

18.A. often              B. never           C. even             D. always

19.A. apologies          B. promises         C. smiles           D. words

20.A. experience         B. honor           C. power            D. desire



  I am a man who has been egoistic(以自我为中心的) and I have had a lack of respect for myself and others around me.I participated in various transformation workshops, 36 ,it made no differece.I remained 37 in my life.As a result,I became 38 from my family and reached rock 39 in my life.Having reached there,I resisted transforming myself.
  After some time,I thought to myself: start believing in yourself and it will make a 40 in your life.I first started loing 41 and then all those around me.I started respecting myself and then others around me.My 42 increased.
  Sangeeta is my workmate.She's transparent, 43 and respectful.She's very 44 and has a large family to support.In addition,her husband doesn't hold a regular job.In short,she's struggling in life.
  On a cold winter morning,when she came to work,I found her 45 .I asked whether she had a pullover(毛线套衫). She didn't reply.I had my 46 .The next day when she came to work again,I gave her the money to buy a 47 for herself.The expression of 48 in her eyes was something that would remain with me for a long time.
  A few weeks ago,she was 49 and didn't come to work.Instead,she sent her friend to do her work.The moment I 50 Sangeeta was sick,I gave 51 the money to buy medicines for her treatment. I took Sangeeta some time to recover 52 her illness.The first thing I 53 was whether she needed any more help of any kind. And she said,"Sir, you've done enough for me.I'm grateful to you."
  That was the moment 54 I realized that I'm walking my path.Sometimes,I still fall down,but I get up and start walking again 55 I may have hurt myself in the process.
  36.A.fortunately     B.however        C.gradually       D.obviously
  37.A.stuck          B.engaged        C.caught         D.made
  38.A.independent     B.separated       C.prevented      D.locked
  39.A.top            B.turning         C.bottom        D.exit
  40.A.progress        B.deal           C.decision        D.difference
  41.A.others          B.life            C.myself         D.friends
  42.A.self - worth      B.self - control    C.self - service     D.self - defense
  43.A.imaginative      B.fascinating     C.honest          D.good - looking
  44.A.poor            B.healthy        C.patient          D.disappointed
  45.A.exciting         B.singing        C.confusing        D.shaking
  46.A.idea            B.promise        C.performance     D.answer
  47.A.bike            B.pullover        C.ticket          D.drink
  48.A.thankfulness    B.guilty          C.pity            D.shock
  49.A.away           B.ill             C.late            D.missing
  50.A.puzzled         B.considered      C.realized        D.admitted
  51.A.her husband     B.her family       C.Sangeeta       D.her friend
  52.A.from           B.of              C.off           D.for
  53.A.looked into      B.took down       C.cared about    D.called on
  54.A.that            B.which           C.how          D.when
  55.A.as if           B.even though      C.so that        D.if only


I love spending weekends with my grandparents. I felt especially welcome and    36    in Grany’s small kitchen. It was there that we had conversations and Grany always seemed to include a bit of    37    with every recipe she prepared.
I remember one Saturday morning    38   . After breakfast I asked Grany, “What kind of soup are you making today?” “Vegetable beef,” she answered, “And you can help by chopping some carrots and celery.” As I slowly peeled carrots, I    39   , “I’ve got to give an oral work report next week and I’m    40   .”
Grany looked at me and said, “Most people are afraid of    41    speaking. But remember, the only thing you have to fear is fear    42   .”
“But I don’t like standing up in front of everybody.    43    I forget what I’m going to say?”
“Have you prepared    44   ?” asked Grany.
“Well, no. That would be a lot of    45    work.”
“But do you like my soup?” she asked. Soup? I wondered. I thought we were talking about my life.
“I love your soup, Grany.” I said.
“Well, you know, a lot of people don’t    46    homemade soup these days. They say it’s too much trouble. First you have to cook a nice broth(肉汤)and then chop all the vegetables into bite-size pieces.”
“But I don’t    47    a little trouble,” she said. “It adds variety and flavor to my soup and to my life. My soup would be    48    bland(淡而无味的)without the vegetables, and so would my life if it didn’t have the little    49   .”
After pausing she added, “Besides, you have to remember God knows exactly    50    he’s cooking up in your life. You’ve got to trust him with the recipe.” She smiled and then walked to the sink to start washing the dishes.
While I help Grany  51  , I thought as well what she had said. I still had a few days to  52    my oral report.
That Saturday, Grany gave me food for thought as well as a bowl of her homemade soup. Every spoonful of Grany’s masterpiece was    53    with delicious bits of meat and vegetables. As I enjoyed the meal with my grandparents,    54    my problems didn’t seem quite so big any more. I was determined to work on them. Grany had said hard work    55   . Maybe I too could turn a little trouble into something as special as Grany’s homemade soup.tesoon
36. A. experienced                B. relaxed                     C. withdrawn                D. tortured
37. A. wisdom                            B. affection                  C. anecdote                   D. fantasy
38. A. as usual                            B. above all                  C. in general                 D. in particular
39. A. wept                          B. suspected                  C. complained               D. mourned
40. A. scared                        B. received                   C. conservative             D. deliberate
41. A. public                        B. private                            C. personal                   D. authentic
42. A. others                        B. itself                        C. audience                   D. judges
43. A. Only if                      B. How come                C. So what                   D. What if
44. A. assessment                 B. regulation                 C. deadline                   D. notes
45. A. absolute                            B. subjective                 C. extra                        D. flexible
46. A. decorate                     B. inspect                            C. make                       D. foresee
47. A. add                           B. mind                        C. expose                     D. appoint
48. A. even                          B. pretty                       C. much                       D. far
49. A. ups and downs            B. part and parcel          C. cats and dogs            D. pros and cons
50. A. how                          B. when                       C. what                        D. where
51. A. eat up                        B. do up                       C. pick up                    D. clean up
52. A. distribute                   B. practice                    C. boycott                    D. decline
53. A. loaded                       B. equipped                  C. reformed                      D. resisted
54. A. therefore                    B. however                   C. somehow                  D. moreover
55. A. left off                      B. kept off                    C. took off                   D. paid off


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