摘要: A. before B. ever C. just then D. right now


 A friend of mine was sitting in the living room one day when his cat dragged in a little “gift” in its mouth—a dead animal of some sort. Taking a closer look, he was surprised to  36 it as the bunny(小兔子) that  37 Mary, the young daughter of the family next door. My friend felt  38 , believing his cat had killed Mary’s bunny.
My quick-thinking friend came up with a plan.  39  from the cat’s mouth the dead animal, which by now was a     40 mess, he put it in the kitchen sink. With a little warm water and some shampoo, he tried to  41 the dead bunny as best he could. Then he took a hair dryer and blowdried the bunny  42 it looked pretty good.
Finally, under the cover of darkness, he crept into the next-door garden and placed it  43 in the cage. He managed to make the bunny look very  44 there in his little box.
The next morning, my friend looked out of the window and noticed a crowd of people  45 around the rabbit hutch(笼). Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing. My friend  46 to go over and act like any normal  47 neighbor and find out what was going on.
When he got there, Mary’s mother said to my friend, “You won’t believe this! It’s a(n)   48 thing! Mary’s bunny  49 a few days ago, and we buried that little bunny right over there…”
Have you ever tried to cover up one wrongdoing with another? Covering up only makes matters  50 .
When we get caught doing something  51 , for example, we may  52 to cover it up with a lie. But just like Mary’s bunny, the result is  53 what we expected. We  54 looking foolish. We would have been better off admitting we were wrong and accepting the  55 . What do you think of it?

A.looked forB.got alongC.belonged toD.resulted from
A.dress upB.bring upC.clean upD.make up
A.whenever B.thoughC.before D.until
A.carefullyB.strangelyC.espe ciallyD.wonderfully
A.passed awayB.ran awayC.set outD.went up
A.get down B.end upC.go throughD.set out
A.consequencesB.opportunities C.expectationsD.choices


A friend of mine was sitting in the living room one day when his cat dragged in a little “gift” in its mouth — a dead animal of some sort. Taking a closer look, he was surprised to  31 it as the bunny that  32 Mary, the young daughter of the family next door. My friend felt  33 , believing his cat had killed Mary’s bunny.

My quick-thinking friend came up with a plan.  34 from the cat’s mouth the dead animal, which by now was a  35 mess, he put it in the kitchen sink. With a little warm water and some shampoo, he tried to  36 the dead bunny as best he could. Then he took a hair dryer and blow-dried the bunny  37 it looked pretty good.

Finally, under the cover of darkness, he crept into the next-door garden and placed it 38 in the cage. He managed to make the bunny look very  39 there in his little box.

The next morning, my friend looked out of the window and noticed a crowd of people  40 around the rabbit hutch. Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing. My friend  41 to go over and act like any normal  42 neighbor and find out what was going on.

When he got there, Mary’s mother said to my friend, “You won’t believe this! It’s a(n) 43 thing! Mary’s bunny  44 a few days ago, and we buried that little bunny right over there...”

Have you ever tried to cover up one wrongdoing with another? Covering up only makes matters  45 .

When we get caught doing something  46 , for example, we may  47 to cover it up with a lie. But just like Mary’s bunny, the result is  48 what we expected. We  49 looking foolish. We would have been better off admitting we were wrong and accepting the  50 . What do you think of it?

31. A. treat      B. catch        C. appreciate     D. recognize

32 A. looked for    B. got along        C. belonged to    D. resulted from

33. A. pleased     B. terrible         C. confused     D. excited

34. A. Looking     B. Removing      C. Preventing     D. Hearing

35. A. dirty      B. lovely        C. gifted       D. strange

36. A. dress up     B. bring up       C. clean up      D. make up

37. A. whenever    B. though       C. before      D. until

38. A. carefully     B. strangely       C. especially      D. wonderfully

39. A. serious     B. accurate        C. balanced     D. natural

40. A. cheered     B. gathered       C. ran        D. looked

41. A. wished     B. decided       C. hesitated     D. meant

42. A. anxious     B. discouraged     C. wise        D. curious

43. A. strange     B. difficult        C. committed   D. annoying

44. A. passed away   B. ran away      C. set out      D. went up

45. A. more      B. worse        C. better       D. faster

46. A. exciting     B. perfect        C. strange      D. wrong

47. A. refuse      B. attempt        C. promise     D. pretend

48. A. often      B. just         C. always      D. never

49. A. get down     B. end up        C. go through     D. set out

50. A. consequences   B. opportunities   C. expectations    D. choices


  Then by chance, Darwin read a book by Malthus, an Englishman. The book was forty years old, and Malthus was already dead. But it suddenly pushed Darwin nearer to some answers. Malthus said,“The number of people in the world can grow very quickly. Just think, a man and his wife could have ten children. When these ten grow up, every one of them could have ten more children. So now we have a hundred children. Again, if every one of these has ten children, we will have a thousand children and this can continue. We will have more and more people.”

  All this could happen. But did it? Malthus said,“No. It doesn't happen in the real world. The number of people remains almost the same. Why? The reason is this. We just can't grow food quickly enough. Soon there's not enough food. So some people can't eat. They die before they bring any more children into the world.”

  These ideas came at just the right time for Darwin. He asked one more question: Which people will die before they have children? For Malthus, this was not an important question. But for Darwin, it was very important.

  He asked,“Which people will have children? Why does this man have children, and why does that man not have any?”And soon of course he was thinking of the Galapagos finches(鸣鸟)again.

  “The number of finches remains almost the same. So usually two birds must give us only two new birds. But a finch lays more than two eggs. Which two young birds will live, and give us more eggs? Which will not?”

  The answer is some birds can't get enough food--they will die. But why can't they get enough? Why are some birds better than them? The birds in one family are not quite the same. Some are stronger, some are quicker, some are bigger, some have longer beaks, some have lighter bodies. The best birds will live.

  And always an answer brought with a question: What is“best”? Darwin now, had his list of facts and questions, answers and ideas. Could he put them together and make a clear story? Could he explain the evolution(进化)of the finches?

  He could and he did.

(1) What are the general differences between Darwin and Malthus according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Darwin thought of the evolution while Malthus considered the starvation.

B.Malthus believed that more food was needed for more people while Darwin found the answer to the problem of how to keep the“best one”.

C.Darwin concluded“the survival of the fittest”,while Malthus made it clear that the lack of food might prevent the increase of population.

D.Malthus felt it important for people to live better while Darwin supposed it more important for birds to have more young ones.

(2) What is Malthus'point of view about the problem of population?

A.It is natural for the population to increase without any plan.

B.It is unnecessary to make people have fewer children.

C.Some people could not have fewer children because of the lack of food.

D.The number of people would remain almost the same if the food conditions would not change.

(3) What was the result of Darwin's research?

[  ]

A.He wanted to find out why some birds can live better while some others cannot.

B.He only made an answer to the question“What is the best?”

C.He explained the evolution of the finches through his observation(观察).

D.He discovered a lot more“Whys”than Malthus did.

(4) Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Darwin developed his theory with the help of Malthus'.

B.Darwin agreed completely with Malthus.

C.Darwin held the same opinion that lack of food made people have fewer children.

D.Darwin used finches to do experiments before using people.

(5) From the passage we can find out the author ________.

[  ]

A.preferred talking about Darwin to Malthus

B.just gave some facts of scientists'research work without any comments(评论)

C.thought Malthus'book led Darwin to the scientific research of the birds

D.believed Darwin had done much more research work than Malthus ever did


  Then by chance, Darwin read a book by Malthus, an Englishman. The book was forty years old, and Malthus was already dead. But it suddenly pushed Darwin nearer to some answers. Malthus said,“The number of people in the world can grow very quickly. Just think, a man and his wife could have ten children. When these ten grow up, every one of them could have ten more children. So now we have a hundred children. Again, if every one of these has ten children, we will have a thousand children and this can continue. We will have more and more people.”

  All this could happen. But did it? Malthus said,“No. It doesn't happen in the real world. The number of people remains almost the same. Why? The reason is this. We just can't grow food quickly enough. Soon there's not enough food. So some people can't eat. They die before they bring any more children into the world.”

  These ideas came at just the right time for Darwin. He asked one more question: Which people will die before they have children? For Malthus, this was not an important question. But for Darwin, it was very important.

  He asked,“Which people will have children? Why does this man have children, and why does that man not have any?”And soon of course he was thinking of the Galapagos finches(鸣鸟)again.

  “The number of finches remains almost the same. So usually two birds must give us only two new birds. But a finch lays more than two eggs. Which two young birds will live, and give us more eggs? Which will not?”

  The answer is some birds can't get enough food--they will die. But why can't they get enough? Why are some birds better than them? The birds in one family are not quite the same. Some are stronger, some are quicker, some are bigger, some have longer beaks, some have lighter bodies. The best birds will live.

  And always an answer brought with a question: What is“best”? Darwin now, had his list of facts and questions, answers and ideas. Could he put them together and make a clear story? Could he explain the evolution(进化)of the finches?

  He could and he did.

(1) What are the general differences between Darwin and Malthus according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Darwin thought of the evolution while Malthus considered the starvation.

B.Malthus believed that more food was needed for more people while Darwin found the answer to the problem of how to keep the“best one”.

C.Darwin concluded“the survival of the fittest”,while Malthus made it clear that the lack of food might prevent the increase of population.

D.Malthus felt it important for people to live better while Darwin supposed it more important for birds to have more young ones.

(2) What is Malthus'point of view about the problem of population?

A.It is natural for the population to increase without any plan.

B.It is unnecessary to make people have fewer children.

C.Some people could not have fewer children because of the lack of food.

D.The number of people would remain almost the same if the food conditions would not change.

(3) What was the result of Darwin's research?

[  ]

A.He wanted to find out why some birds can live better while some others cannot.

B.He only made an answer to the question“What is the best?”

C.He explained the evolution of the finches through his observation(观察).

D.He discovered a lot more“Whys”than Malthus did.

(4) Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Darwin developed his theory with the help of Malthus'.

B.Darwin agreed completely with Malthus.

C.Darwin held the same opinion that lack of food made people have fewer children.

D.Darwin used finches to do experiments before using people.

(5) From the passage we can find out the author ________.

[  ]

A.preferred talking about Darwin to Malthus

B.just gave some facts of scientists'research work without any comments(评论)

C.thought Malthus'book led Darwin to the scientific research of the birds

D.believed Darwin had done much more research work than Malthus ever did


    A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. “Your  21 is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the  22 several times before the patient’s eyes opened.

    Heavily sedated (服镇定剂) because of the pain of his heart attack, he  23 saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He  24 out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s weak ones, conveying a message of love and 25 .

    The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the  26  the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward (病房), 27 the old man’s hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse  28 that the Marine move away and rest a while.

    He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious (不注意) of her and  29 the night noises of the hospital----the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other  30 .

    31 she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held  32 to his son the whole night.

    Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now  33 hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited. Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of  34 , but the Marine  35 her.

    “Who was that man?” he asked.

    The nurse was  36 , “He was your father,” she answered.

    “No, he wasn’t,” the Marine replied, “I  37 saw him before in my life.”

    “Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”

“I knew right away there had been a  38 , but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn’t here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell  39 I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I  40 .”

21.  A. son          B. brother           C. cousin           D. friend

22.  A. phrase        B. sentences         C. passages         D. words

23.  A. unwillingly     B. unclearly         C. unhappily         D. unusually

24.  A. reached       B. left              C. carried              D. picked

25.  A. excitement   B. happiness     C.encouragement    D. disappointment

26.  A. morning      B. noon            C. afternoon         D. night

27.  A. catching      B. taking            C. holding           D. shaking

28.  A. ordered       B. suggested         C. demanded         D. insisted

29.  A. of           B. with             C. about            D. at

30.  A. doctors       B. nurses           C. relatives          D. patients

31.  A. In the end    B. More or less     C. Now and then    D. Time and again

32.  A. tightly        B. loosely           C. roughly          D. wildly

33.  A. abnormal      B. helpless          C. steady           D. lifeless

34.  A. anger        B. sympathy         C. love             D. disfavor

35.  A. rejected       B. thanked          C. interrupted        D. presented

36.  A. astonished     B. pleased           C. grateful          D. considerate

37.  A. ever         B. never            C. seldom           D. once

38.  A. fault     B. mistake         C. disadvantage       D. disagreement

39.  A. that          B. why             C. whether          D. what

40.  A. waited        B. left              C. lived            D. stayed


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