摘要: Though he didn’t keep his promise last time, I still him.


I've cheated in school when I thought that I could get away with it. I'm not proud of it and I don't usually feel very good about myself afterward, but sometimes it's the only way possible to survive in a pressure cooker. My parents are really set on my getting good grades. They study my report card the same way they examine the newspaper's stock market page. And they make me feel that I've got to live up to their expectations.

But often it's like each teacher acts as if his is the only subject we have. They think nothing of piling on our homework or giving surprise quizzes. Sometimes we have to take two or three tests in different subjects on the same day. I'd like to see a lot of adults I know preparing for that.

When the pressure becomes too high, some kids may resort to(诉诸于) cheating. If you have three or four subjects to study for, you're not going to be able to devote enough time to each subject in order to be well prepared for each class. Besides, it may be the only way left to live up to your parents' expectations and compete with the top students in the class.

Everybody knows that if you cheat, it's important not to get caught. Few things can cause more of chaos. Once, my elder brother got caught cheating on a math final. My parents acted as though he'd committed a federal crime. The assistant principal called them to school, but although the incident caused several conferences, I don't think that anybody ever really understood what my brother was going through. We're just supposed to perform outstandingly as well as always act honestly, but how many adults can actually live up to the standards they set for us?

My father has gotten countless traffic tickets for parking in no parking zones or for not coming to a full stop at stop signs.And you're always hearing about people who don't file their income tax honestly.How about all the corruption in government?Successful adults often accept dishonesty in order to achieve their business goals.Are kids the only ones who are supposed to be perfect?

Most of my friends have cheated on tests in school at one time or another. The kids who never cheat are usually either afraid of getting caught or just don't know how to do it safely. Nobody wants to cheat. But if it's a choice of being honest or of getting a grade, most kids will try for the A. That may sound wrong, but we didn't make the rules, we're just trying to get by.

77. What is the best title of this passage?

      A. No one wants to cheat      B. Everyone likes to cheat                  

      C. No one can survive a cheat      D. Everyone can fight a cheat

78. The author owes children's cheat to the following EXCEPT________.

      A. parents   B. teachers          C. children          D. examinations

79. In the fifth paragraph, the author mainly wants to say________.

      A. his father always cheats in his life

      B. kids are always supposed to be perfect

      C. all the adults can not live up to the standards they set for children

      D. children shouldn't learn from successful adults

80. Which of the following is true according to this passage?

      A. The author thinks it is children's right to cheat in school.

      B. Most of the author's friends like cheating on tests in school.

      C. The author shows a positive attitude towards a surprise quiz in school.

      D. The author thinks it wrong to cheat in school.


I've cheated in school when I thought that I could get away with it. I'm not proud of it and I don't usually feel very good about myself afterward, but sometimes it's the only way possible to survive in a pressure cooker. My parents are really set on my getting good grades. They study my report card the same way they examine the newspaper's stock market page. And they make me feel that I've got to live up to their expectations.

But often each teacher acts as if his is the only subject we have. They think nothing of piling on our homework or giving surprise quizzes. Sometimes we have to take two or three tests in different subjects on the same day. I'd like to see a lot of adults I know preparing for that.

When the pressure becomes too high, some kids may resort to(诉诸于) cheating. If you have three or four subjects to study for, you're not going to be able to devote enough time to each subject in order to be well prepared for each class. Besides, it may be the only way left to live up to your parents' expectations and compete with the top students in the class.

Everybody knows that if you cheat, it's important not to get caught. Few things can cause more of chaos. Once, my elder brother got caught cheating on a math final. My parents acted as though he'd committed a federal crime. The assistant principal called them to school, but although the incident caused several conferences, I don't think that anybody ever really understood what my brother was going through. We're just supposed to perform outstandingly as well as always act honestly, but how many adults can actually live up to the standards they set for us?

My father has gotten countless traffic tickets for parking in no parking zones or for not coming to a full stop at stop signs. And you're always hearing about people who don't file their income tax honestly. How about all the corruption in government? Successful adults often accept dishonesty in order to achieve their business goals. Are kids the only ones who are supposed to be perfect?

Most of my friends have cheated on tests in school at one time or another. The kids who never cheat are usually either afraid of getting caught or just don't know how to do it safely. Nobody wants to cheat. But if it's a choice of being honest or of getting a grade, most kids will try for the A. That may sound wrong, but we didn't make the rules, we're just trying to get by.

1. What is the best title of this passage?

      A. No one wants to cheat!                               B. Everyone likes to cheat!

      C. No one can survive a cheat!                        D. Everyone can fight a cheat!

2. The author owes children’s cheat to the following EXCEPT ___________.

      A. parents                 B. teachers                C. children                D. examinations

3. In the fifth paragraph, the author mainly wants to say __________.

      A. his father always cheats in his life

      B. kids are always supposed to be perfect

      C. all the adults can not live up to the standards they set for children

      D. children shouldn’t learn from successful adults

4. Which of the following is true according to this passage?

      A. The author thinks it is children’s right to cheat in school.

      B. Most of the author’s friends like cheating on tests in school.

      C. The author shows a positive attitude towards a surprise quiz in school.

      D. The author thinks it wrong to cheat in school.


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



 “It’s my own fault.” Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the cold morning wind.“The rest of the family is home, where it’s warm.”

Just another one of his brilliant ideas—a big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonight’s Christmas Eve service at church—and look where it landed him: waiting in a line of 50 people.

As Carl knew, every tamale shop in the city had sold out their tamales the day before Christmas, though he’d been driving all over El Paso that morning.Determined to bring home the tamales, Carl tried one last shop out in Canutillo.

When he arrived, a fresh batch (一批) would be ready off the steamer in 45 minutes.Taking his place at the end of the snaking line, he watched the woman in front of him remove her jacket to cover her shaking youngster.It wasn’t long before she, too, trembled in the chilly wind.Without hesitation, Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the grateful mother.

They cheered when the line crept forward at last.Finally, Carl got inside the door and inched his way closer to the counter, the woman now first in line.“Sorry folks,” the clerk announced, “that’s the last of the tamales.” “No way!” Carl cried out.“But,” stressed the man, “we’ll have a final batch ready in, oh, about two hours.”

Defeated, Carl backed away, but the young mother grabbed his arm.“You’re leaving?” “I have to,” Carl glanced at his watch.“I promised to put up decorations at my church.” “I’ll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house.” Carl frowned.“I couldn’t ask you to do that.” “But it’s the least I can do.You lent me your coat.Just give me your address.” She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.

And at exactly noon on Christmas Eve, they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales—along with Carl’s brown jacket—to his home.

56.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.When Carl arrived at the shop, no fresh tamale was for sale.

       B.Carl had to offer his jacket to the mother in front of him.

       C.Carl was unable to buy tamale by himself finally.

       D.Carl couldn’t wait because he had to go back to the church.

57.The mother offered to help Carl buy tamale mainly because ________.

       A.she felt sorry for her buying the last tamale

       B.she was very thankful to Carl for his kindness

       C.Carl asked her to buy tamale for him

       D.Carl promised his family to take tamale back home

58.Which is the correct order of the following events?

a.Carl went back to the church.

b.The mother delivered tamales to Carl’s home.

c.Carl waited in line for the tamales.

d.Carl offered his jacket to the mother.

e.The clerk told Carl there was no tamale left then.

       A.c, d, e, a, b         B.c, d, a, e, b      C.a, d, e, c, b      D.c, d, e, b, a

59.What is the best title for the passage?

       A.No Pains, No Gains         B.A Man of Good Will

       C.Virtue Is Its Own Reward         D.A Mother of Her Word

     To some people, happiness is something to do with simplicity, and it is the ability to extract pleasure
from the simplest things-such as a peach stone (桃核). It is obvious that it has nothing to do with success.
     For Sir Henry Stewart, it was certainly successful. I remember some ten years ago when he was made King's Counsel, Amos and I went to congratulate him. We smiled happily; he merely looked as miserable
as though he'd received a punishment. He took his success as a child does his medicine. And not one of
his achievements brought even a sign of a smile to his tired eyes.
     I asked him one day what it was like to achieve all one's ambitions. He looked down at his roses and
went on watering them. Then he said, "The only value in achieving one's ambitions is that you then realize
that they are not worth achieving."
     Yesterday, I was passing his house and he called me, "Come and see, Jan. Look! I have done it at last! "There he was, holding a small box of earth in his hand. I observed three tiny shoots out of it.
     "And there were only three!" he said, his eyes laughing to heaven.
     "Three what?" I asked.
     "Peach stones," he replied."I've always wanted to make peach stones grow, even since I was a child,
when I used to take them home after a party, or as a man after a banquet. And I used to plant them, and
then forgot where I planted them.But now at last I have done it. I had only three stones, and three shoots," he counted.
     Then Sir Henry ran off, calling for his wife to come and see his achievement-his achievement of
1. From what fact could we see Sir Henry was successful?
A. He felt happy from the simplest things.
B. He was made King's Counsel.
C. He was able to make the peach stones shoot.
D. He didn't take his success seriously.
2. The author compares Sir Henry's attitude towards his success to a child's taking medicine________.
A. to show that Sir Henry felt miserable when he was promoted
B. to prove that Sir Henry didn't want to be successful
C. to suggest that Sir Henry's future job would be hard to do
D. to tell us that Sir Henry took his success as a tiny thing in his life
3. According to Sir Henry Stewart, the value in achieving one's ambitions is________.
A. that he discovers it valueless
B. that he finds it worth his efforts
C. that he has achieved it
D. that he fails to realize it
4. The writer's opinion about Sir Henry's attitude towards success is________.
A. criticism  
B. disapproval  
C. admiration  
D. tease

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