摘要: The story most of the front page of the paper. A. took B. made C. used D. occupied


At 3:30 a.m. Pearl Carlson was shaken awake by a forceful pull. King, the family dog, was trying to pull her out of bed.Then she smelled smoke and heard the sound of fire from her parent's room. Pearl's screams awaked her mother, Fern and father, Howard, who had recently been in hospital for lung disease. Helping Howard to a first-floor window, Fern told him to climb out, then ran to her daughter.

Still inside, King appeared at Pearl's window, making squeaking (短促尖叫) sounds. When running toward Pearl's bedroom, Fern realized her husband hadn't yet escaped. She made her way back through the smoke and flames, following King's sound to where Howard lay semiconscious (半昏迷) on the floor. Fern helped him get outside. King came out only after both were safe.

As day dawned, the Carlsons saw that King's paws were badly burned, and his entire body was burned too. His chain collar had gotten so hot that it burned his throat, making it impossible for him to bark (叫) normally. Only after the seven-year-old dog refused food did they find pieces of wood in his mouth and realize that King, who slept outside, had bitten through a wood door to warn his family.

1. Who was King in this story?

A. The family sore                               B. The family daughter.

C. The family dog.                               D. The master.                              

2. According to the story, the first one who was completely out of danger could be          . 

A. Howard                   B. Fern                 C. Pearl and Fern                 D. Pearl

3. After reading this story, we've learnt that the following statements could be reasonable except               .

A. the dog made a big hole in the door

B. the dog awoke mother first

C. the dog was the last one to escape from the burning room

D. the dog was badly burned , hurt and not able to eat

4. From this story it can be inferred that              .

A. Pearl loves her parents very much

B. Howard is the best man of the family

C. the woman loves her children more deeply than her husband

D. the dog is man's best friend



The Worst Part

Mom is usually home on Sunday but this week she was going to a big golf game and I was all alone in the house. I was mad at Mom for divorcing Dad.

I kept looking at the telephone until I couldn’t stand it any longer. I picked up the receiver and dialed Dad’s number over in Bakersfield. I even remembered to dial I first because it was long distance. “You promised to phone me this week but you didn’t,” I said, feeling I had to talk to him.

“Take it easy, kid,” he said. “I just didn’t get around to it. I was going to call this evening. The week isn’t over yet.”

I thought about that.

“Something on your mind?” he asked.

“I hoped you would call, so I waited and waited.” Then I was sorry I said it.

“There was heavy snow in the morning,” he said, “I had to chain up on highway 80 and lost time.”

I know putting chains on eight big wheels in the snow is no fun. I felt a little better, as long as we were talking. “How is Bandit?” I asked.

There was a funny silence. For a minute I thought the line was dead. Then I knew something must have happened to my dog.

“Well, kid—”, he began. “My name is Leigh!” I almost yelled. “I’m not just some kid you met on the street!”

Keep your shirt on, Leigh,” he said. “When I had to stop along with some other truckers to put on chains, I left Bandit out of the cab, I thought he would get back … I have sent out a call to CB radio, but I didn’t get an answer yet.” I was about to say I understood when there came the bad part, the really bad part. I heard a boy’s voice say, “Hey, Bill, Mom wants to know when we’re going out to get the pizza?”

From the story we know that _______.

A. Leigh’s dad never had a rest on Sundays       B. Leigh was a deserted boy

C. Leigh’s dad lived in another city             D. Leigh’s mother often went to golf games

What happened to Bandit?

A. It was frozen to death.      B. It was let out of the cab and got lost

C. It was killed by a truck.    D. It ran off Highway 80 and into the mountain.

The underlined sentence “Keep your shirt on” probably means “_______”.

A. Listen to reason   B. Stop talking   C. Calm down         D. Keep warm

In Leigh’s eye, “the worst part” may be that ________.

A. his dad got remarried              B. his parents got divorced

C. his dad didn’t love him     D. his mom didn’t take him to pizza


 I’m sure you know the song “Happy Birthday”. But do you know who wrote the song and for whom it was written?

The retired professor, Archibald A. Hill in Lucasville, USA could tell us the story. Ninety-seven years ago, two of Mr. Archibald Hill’s aunts, Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were asked to write some songs for a book called “Song Storied for the Sunday Morning”. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were both kindergarten teachers then. They loved children very much and wrote many beautiful songs for the book. One of them was the famous “Good Morning to You.” The song said, “Good morning to you, good morning to you,  children, good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children. But not many grown-ups knew it. A few years later little Archibald was born. As his aunt, Miss Patty Hill sang the song “Happy Birthday” to the melody(曲调) of “Good Morning to you” to her little nephew(侄子). She sang the song like this: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, Archie! Happy birthday to you!

Miss Patty Hill and her sister had never expected that this song would become so popular, but it really did. People all over the world like the song because of its simplicity in tune(曲调简单) and friendliness in words.

1.Archibald A. Hill was _______.

A. English        B. American        C. Russian         D. Australian

2. Professor Archibald A. Hill was Miss Mildred Hill’s ______.

A. son        B. student       C. brother        D. nephew

3.The song “Happy Birthday” has a history of _______ years.


B.more than 90

C.less than 90

D.about 90

4. The sentence “it really did” means _______.

A.The song really became popular

B.Their wish would really come true

C.People all over the world like to listen to the song

D.Yes, but the song didn’t become popular





Once there was an old man in a town.He always forgot a lot of things.So his wife always had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!”

One day he went on a long trip alone.Before he left home,his wife said, “Now you have all these things.They are what you need for your trip.Take care of your things during the trip.”He went to the station,bought a ticket and got on the train with it.

About half an hour later,the conductor began to check the tickets.He came to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket?”The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets,but he could not find it.He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket.Ireally bought a ticket before I got on the train.”said the old man.

“I believe you bought a ticket.All right,you don’t have to buy another one.”said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going?----I can’t remember my station!”the old man said sadly.

51.The old man in the story was very__________.

A. kind          B.poor            C.forgetful           D.sad

52.Where is the ticket?           

A.The old man forgot to buy it.

B.The old man could not remember where it was.

C.The old man showed it to the conductor.

D.The old man’s wife took the ticket away.

53.The old man bought the ticke__________he got on the train.

A.before           B.after            C.as           D. when

54.The conductor__________the old man.

A.didn’t believe           B.laughed at            C.believed           D.felt soory for

55.The old man was sad because_____________.

A.he sad to buy another ticket            B.he lost all the things his wife gave him

C.he did not know where he was          D.he did not know where he should get off




第三部分  阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)  

 “You can have the same neighbors for years,” the old man said. “You love them or you think you love them. And you hope that they love you. But do you really understand them?”

“Charlie Kemp and his family lived next door to me for fifteen years. We were good friends for all that time. I enjoy friendship-I’m sure it’s the best thing in the world. And friendship with the Kemps was easy because they seemed to wele it.”

“They were interesting and intelligent people; their home caught fire twice, and twice the whole family slept in my home. They were always losing things…money, keys, or watches. Pictures fell off the walls; the children fell out of beds…”

“I was their neighbor and their friend. Life was always interesting, never dull. Best of all I liked the whole family.”

“One day, I lit a fire in the garden and was burning some rubbish. After a while Charlie Kemp came out of his house and walked up the road.”

“’Morning Charlie,’ I said’ Lovely day, isn’t it’? He smiled at me and nodded. I went on with my work.”

“Twenty minutes later a policeman arrived. He walked into my garden and said,’ You’ll have to put out the fire. Your neighbor has plained to us. He doesn’t like the smell.’”

“My neighbor…?” I said

“Yes,” the policeman said .He took out his notebook and read, “Charlie Kemp. He lives next door, doesn’t he?”

1.    ________were neighbors in this storey.                                         

A. The old man and his family                 B. Charlie Kemps and his family.

C. The old man and the Kemps       D. Both A and B

2.    The old man found that it was very strange that_________.

 A. Charlie told the police about the fire                        B they often lost the things

 C. the fire burst the whole of the Kemps’ house      D Kemp smiled to him

3. How did the old man help the kemps?

A. he found the things they lost      B. he thought they were interesting and intelligent

C. he lent them money             D. he let them sleep in his house after the fires

4. The story shows that__________.

 A. friendship is the best thing in the world       B. we never really understand our friends

 C. friendship with the Kemps was easy           D. friendship with the Kemps was not easy



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